Special guardianship financial support and assessment.

The request was successful.

Dear Stockton on Tees Council,

Can you please provide me with the following information regarding
Special guardianship financial support and assessment.

1) Does the council follow the DfE method
of assessing Special guardianship allowance. If not please provide
infomation as to the method used.

2) If the council do follow the DfE method are financial assessments passed directly to Finance department straighaway or do they have to be approved by a social worker first.

3) What is the maximum payment for a child.

a) Pre school age
b) Primary school age
c) Secondary school age
d) Over 16

4) Is the maximum payment based on recommended core foster care
rates. If not what is the maximum payment based on.

5) Does special guardianship rise each year in line with the
increase in core fostering rates.

6) Is the financial assessment where children were previously LAC
different to the financial assessment for children who were not

7) What deducations, if any, are made from Special guardianship
allowance, ie, Child benefit, Child tax credit.

8) If a carer is in receipt of Income support are any deductions
made from Special Guardianship allowance, ie, Child Benefit, Child
tax credit

9) Are Special guardianship allowances time limited. If so how long for.

Yours faithfully,

Cassie Felton

Stockton on Tees Council

1 Attachment


Dear Cassie Felton


Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations
2004 – Ref: 2873/1819


Thank you for your correspondence received on 18 June 2018


Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (whichever is most
appropriate). You will receive the information requested within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days.


However, please note the Acts define a number of exemptions that may
prevent release of the requested information. There will therefore be an
assessment of your request to determine if any exemptions apply to the
information requested. If the information cannot be released, or only
released in part you will be informed of the reasons why, together with
any rights of appeal.


If the information requested refers to a third party, they may be
consulted before deciding whether it can be released.


Yours sincerely,


Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1LD

(01642) 527455

[1][email address]



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Stockton on Tees Council

1 Attachment

Dear Cassie Felton


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 2873/1819


Thank you for your correspondence received on 18 June 2018.  In response
to your request I can now provide the following information. 

Q1) Does the council follow the DfE method of assessing Special
guardianship allowance. If not please provide information as to the method

A1) We follow the 2005 DfE recommended model in assessing whether a
Special Guardian or proposed Special Guardian should receive financial
support. This is incorporated into a wider assessment of need. Following
the means test and assessment, those who come out with a negative
disposable income are likely to receive an allowance, however if they come
out with a disposable income, then the wider assessment will highlight any
extenuating circumstances that require financial support.

Q2) If the council do follow the DfE method are financial assessments
passed directly to Finance department straightaway or do they have to be
approved by a social worker first.

A2) The social worker would complete the assessment and would either
themselves, or with support from a finance officer, complete the means
test. Either way, the finance officer would always be involved at some

Q3) What is the maximum payment for a child.

a) Pre school age

b) Primary school age

c) Secondary school age

d) Over 16

A3) Payments are in line with the age-related fostering rates.

a) £140.33 (age 0-4)

b) £159.85 (age 5-10)

c) £199.00 (age 11-15)

d) £242.08 (age 16+)

Q4) Is the maximum payment based on recommended core foster care rates. If
not what is the maximum payment based on.

A4) Yes, as stated in A3.

Q5) Does special guardianship rise each year in line with the increase in
core fostering rates.

A5) There would only be a rise if there was a rise in the fostering rates.

Q6) Is the financial assessment where children were previously LAC
different to the financial assessment for children who were not LAC.

A6) No

Q7) What deducations, if any, are made from Special guardianship
allowance, ie, Child benefit, Child tax credit.

A7) Child benefit and child tax credit

Q8) If a carer is in receipt of Income support are any deductions made
from Special Guardianship allowance, ie, Child Benefit, Child tax credit

A8) Yes, as stated in A7.

Q9) Are Special guardianship allowances time limited. If so how long for.

A9) They can be time-limited, but this would be determined by individual
cases and circumstances.


If you have any queries or concerns please contact me in the first


However, if you are unhappy with the way your request for information has
been handled, you can submit a complaint to
[1][email address]


If, after your complaint has been determined, you remain dissatisfied with
the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to
the Information Commissioner at:


The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  Telephone: 0303 123 1113  Website:

The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Rebecca Horsman

Information Governance Team

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1LD

(01642) 527455

[2][email address]





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