Special guardianship financial support and assessment.

North East Combined Authority did not have the information requested.

Dear North East Combined Authority,

Can you please provide me with the following information regarding
Special guardianship financial support.

1) Does the council follow the DfE method
of assessing Special guardianship allowance. If not please provide
infomation as to the method used.

2) What is the maximum payment for a child.

a) Pre school age
b) Primary school age
c) Secondary school age
d) Over 16

3) Is the maximum payment based on recommended core foster care
rates. If not what is the maximum payment based on.

4) Does special guardianship rise each year in line with the
increase in core fostering rates.

5) Is the financial assessment where children were previously LAC
different to the financial assessment for children who were not

6) What deducations, if any, are made from Special guardianship
allowance, ie, Child benefit, Child tax credit.

7) If a carer is in receipt of Income support are any deductions
made from Special Guardianship allowance, ie, Child Benefit, Child
tax credit

8) Are Special guardianship allowances time limited. If so how long for.

Yours faithfully,

Cassie Felton

NECA FOI, North East Combined Authority

Thank you for your request.

We are dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act

We have passed your request to relevant colleagues. 

We will respond to your request within 20 working days starting the
working day after receipt of your request.




Freedom of Information Team


Dear North East Combined Authority,
My request for information is delayed. Please provide an explanation and advise when a response can be expected

Yours faithfully,

Cassie Felton

Dear North East Combined Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of North East Combined Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Special guardianship financial support and assessment.'.

My request for information is now seriously delayed and North East Combined Authority has failed to acknowledge my email sent on 3rd of August asking for an update.

Please conduct an internal review of the way my Freedom Of information request has been handled.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/s...

Yours faithfully,

Cassie Felton

NECA FOI, North East Combined Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Felton,


Thank you for your request received 14 June 2018. Please accept our
apologies for the delayed response and for any inconvenience caused.


The North East Combined Authority does not hold the information about
special guardianship financial support and assessment.


May we suggest that you contact the relevant Local Authorities to obtain
this information.



If you are unhappy with our response to your request you can ask for an
internal review of our decision. Please send details of your request for
review to the following address:

c/o The Monitoring Officer
The Quadrant
Silverlink North
Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside
NE27 0BY

If you are still unhappy with how we have handled your request following
our internal review you can complain to the Information Commissioner.
Contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Phone: 0303 123 1113
Email: [1][email address]


Kind regards,

NECA Freedom of Information


[2]NECA Logo-email


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