We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are S Carr please sign in and let everyone know.

Southwark Council Leisure Centres

We're waiting for S Carr to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Southwark Borough Council,

Please can you provide:

- Details of the agreements and contracts for the leisure centres in Southwark borough for both the current provider Everyone Active and the previous provider Fusion
- The selection process and criteria for choosing Everyone Active
- The reasons for terminating the Fusion contract
- The provisions that were made for users of the leisure centres, leisure centre staff, personal trainers etc impacted by the change from Fusion to Everyone Active and what obligations if any Everyone Active have to these groups
- Whether none, all or only specific elements of the leisure centre services, contracts etc are provided by Everyone Active's profit making companies or their charitable trust, along with details of which company or charitable trust provides what
- The KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that Everyone Active will be monitored against

Yours faithfully,

S Carr

accessinfo, Southwark Borough Council

Thank you for contacting the Information Governance Team at Southwark
Council. We confirm that we have received your correspondence.


If you have made a Freedom of Information (FOI), Subject Access (SAR) or
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If you have requested advice - we aim to respond within 10 working days.


Copied correspondence - we do not respond to correspondence that has been
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Yours sincerely


Information Governance Team

Southwark Council



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Visible links
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Paula Powell, Southwark Borough Council

Southwark Council - Information request

Our reference: 671428

Subject: Southwark Council Leisure Centres

Dear S Carr

Re: Your request for information: 671428

Thank you for your request for information that was received on 4 July
2016in which you requested:
Please can you provide:

- Details of the agreements and contracts for the leisure centres in
Southwark borough for both the current provider Everyone Active and the
previous provider Fusion
- The selection process and criteria for choosing Everyone Active
- The reasons for terminating the Fusion contract
- The provisions that were made for users of the leisure centres, leisure
centre staff, personal trainers etc impacted by the change from Fusion to
Everyone Active and what obligations if any Everyone Active have to these
- Whether none, all or only specific elements of the leisure centre
services, contracts etc are provided by Everyone Active's profit making
companies or their charitable trust, along with details of which company
or charitable trust provides what
- The KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that Everyone Active will be
monitored against

Your request is being dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and you will receive a response within 20 working days of the date that we
received your request.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 defines a number of exemptions that
may restrict the release of the requested information. There will be an
assessment and if any of the exemptions categories apply then the
information may not be released. You will be informed if this is the case,
including your rights of appeal.

The information provided will be in English, normal font size. If you
require alternative formats, e.g. other language, audio, large print, etc.
please notify us.

If we are unable to provide you with the information requested we will
notify you of this together with the reason(s) why and details of how you
may appeal (if appropriate).

Further information is available through the Information Commissioner at

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire. SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Internet: [1]www.ico.org.uk

Yours faithfully


Paula Powell
Business Services Coordinator

[2][email address]

The email you received and any files transmitted with it are confidential,
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If you have received this in error please notify us immediately. If you
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Visible links
1. http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk/
2. mailto:[email address]

Paula Powell, Southwark Borough Council

Southwark Council - Information request

Our reference: 671428

Subject: Southwark Council Leisure Centres

Dear S Carr

Re: Your request for information: 671428

Thank you for your request for information that was received on 4 July
2016 in which you requested:
Please can you provide:

Q1. Details of the agreements and contracts for the leisure centres in
Southwark borough for both the current provider Everyone Active and the
previous provider Fusion
Q2. The selection process and criteria for choosing Everyone Active
Q3. The reasons for terminating the Fusion contract
Q4. The provisions that were made for users of the leisure centres,
leisure centre staff, personal trainers etc impacted by the change from
Fusion to Everyone Active and what obligations if any Everyone Active have
to these groups
Q5. Whether none, all or only specific elements of the leisure centre
services, contracts etc are provided by Everyone Active's profit making
companies or their charitable trust, along with details of which company
or charitable trust provides what
Q6. The KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that Everyone Active will be
monitored against

Unfortunately, we cannot identify the information you have requested from
the details you have provided.

Please can you clarify the following:
For question 1 you state that you require the ‘details’of the agreements
and contracts for the leisure centres in Southwark borough for both the
current provider Everyone Active and the previous provider Fusion.

What do you mean by ‘details’? Please specify.

Upon clarification, we will process your request and send a response
within 20 working days.

Please note we will close the request if we do not receive the information
within 60 days of this letter.

If the information you requested contains a reference to a third party
then they may be consulted before a decision is taken on whether or not to
release the information to you. You will be informed if this is the case.

The Act defines a number of exemptions that may restrict the release of
the requested information. The information will be assessed and if any of
the exemption categories apply then the information will not be released.
You will be informed if this is the case, including your rights of appeal.

The information will be provided in English, normal font size. If you
require alternative formats, e.g. other language, audio, large print, etc.
please let us know.

Yours sincerely


Paula Powell
Business Services Coordinator

[1][email address]

The email you received and any files transmitted with it are confidential,
may be covered by legal and/or professional privilege and are intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this in error please notify us immediately. If you
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for any purpose or disclose its contents to any other person. To do so may
be unlawful. Where opinions are expressed in the email they are not
necessarily those of Southwark Council and Southwark Council is not
responsible for any changes made to the message after it has been sent.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Paula Powell,

Thank you for your response. I have responded below to your clarification query.

By "details" I mean copies of the agreements and contracts for the leisure centres in Southwark borough for both the current provider Everyone Active that took over in June 2016 and the previous provider Fusion.

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

S Carr

Dear Paula Powell,

I thought I'd already replied to this request for further information. Apologies, that you don't seem to have received my original response.

By "details" I mean copies of the agreements and contracts for the leisure centres in Southwark borough for both the current provider Everyone Active that took over in June 2016 and the previous provider Fusion.

Please let me know if you require any further information. I would also be grateful if you could let me have all queries at once so that I can respond to all queries together and not delay the response to my request.

Yours sincerely,

S Carr

James Hatts left an annotation ()

You may find that this report to the council's cabinet answers some of your questions:


Paula Powell, Southwark Borough Council

Southwark Council - Information request

Our reference: 671428

Subject: Southwark Council Leisure Centres

show quoted sections

Powell, Paula, Southwark Borough Council

Dear S Carr


We anticipate that the answers to the remaining questions may include a
large volume of information which will be difficult to send via email. 
Therefore we are requesting your postal address to fulfil your request.

Best wishes


Paula Powell


Paula Powell | Business Services Coordinator

Southwark Council | Environment and Leisure | Service Development

Third Floor, Hub 2 | 160 Tooley Street | SE1 2QH

Tel: 020 7525 0880




From: Powell, Paula
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 5:26 PM
To: [FOI #343220 email]
Subject: Information request - Southwark Council Leisure Centres (ref:


Southwark Council - Information request

Our reference: 671428

Subject: Southwark Council Leisure Centres

show quoted sections

Dear Powell, Paula,

Thank you very much for your response. In the interests of being environmentally friendly and in line with Southwark's policy to be "greener" I would prefer to receive the documents in an electronic format and would be very grateful if you could arrange to have them made available to me electronically, presumably via something like an ftp site where I can download the documents directly. Please could you arrange to provide the documents electronically, rather than in paper format. As you say, there's a large volume of documentation and it would be environmentally unfriendly to provide it in paper format.

Yours sincerely,

S Carr

Powell, Paula, Southwark Borough Council

Dear S Carr

Thank you for your reply.

Whilst we appreciate your interest and indeed our own of being environmentally friendly, unfortunately we are unable to provide the requested information electronically as it is of a significantly large volume (over 100MB).Therefore we still require your postal address.

Alternatively, you are welcome to collect the information from our offices at 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QH.

We await your response.

Best wishes

Paula Powell

Paula Powell | Business Services Coordinator
Southwark Council | Environment and Leisure | Service Development
Third Floor, Hub 2 | 160 Tooley Street | SE1 2QH
Tel: 020 7525 0880

show quoted sections

Dear Powell, Paula,

Many thanks. Please can you confirm the size of the documentation. Presumably if I provide you with a storage device with enough capacity you will be able to transfer the documentation to it for me. As previously stated in the interests of being environmentally friendly I'd like to look at solutions which don't involve unnecessarily providing paper copies.

I trust the above is a suitable compromise. If not, please explain your reasoning.

Yours sincerely,

S Carr

Powell, Paula, Southwark Borough Council

Dear S Carr

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately council policy along with our operating systems does not allow us to utilise storage devices.

The size of the documentation is approximately 280MB. As this is not currently in an electronic format, the earliest this information can be provided to you is week ending 7 October 2016.

As stated previously, we are happy to post the requested information out to you or alternatively hard copies can be collected from our offices at 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH and are available immediately.

Please advise how you wish to proceed with your request.

Best wishes

Paula Powell

Paula Powell | Business Services Coordinator
Southwark Council | Environment and Leisure | Service Development
Third Floor, Hub 2 | 160 Tooley Street | SE1 2QH
Tel: 020 7525 0880

show quoted sections

Powell, Paula, Southwark Borough Council

Dear S Carr

Please be advised that we have today sent you a reply to your FOI request.

Best wishes

Paula Powell

Paula Powell | Business Services Coordinator
Southwark Council | Environment and Leisure | Service Development
Third Floor, Hub 2 | 160 Tooley Street | SE1 2QH
Tel: 020 7525 0880

show quoted sections

Powell, Paula, Southwark Borough Council

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are S Carr please sign in and let everyone know.