Southfield Court Care Home off Southfield Road, Almondbury, Huddersfield HD5 8RZ
Dear Kirklees Borough Council,
Would you please provide:
1) Number of Safeguarding alerts/concerns received from or in connection with the above named home from all sources (the home itself, family, hospital, etc)
2) Number of Investigations conducted in response to safeguarding alerts, complaints, allegations of abuse, etc.
3) Outcome of the investigations conducted. (e.g. substantiated, not substantiated, partially substantiated, etc.)
4) Number of Deaths (for any reason, expected or otherwise) of any person who used the care service
5) Number of Incidents reported to or investigated by the police, again not necessarily related to safeguarding concerns.
6) Number of Pressure Ulcers of any grade reported by the provider or external medical staff or family, etc.
7) Number of complaints received by anyone and by any route (phone, email, in person, letter, etc) in connection with this home.
Please provide these figures in the following way:
Breakdown of the above for years 2014, 2015 for full year; and for 2016 between January and June. If any of the numbers are fewer than 5 for certain years, and you would therefore be unable to disclose them, please feel free to add the numbers for different years together and provide the total number.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
M Ghadimabadian
Dear Mr/s Ghadimabadian
I confirm receipt of your information request and that I am looking into this.
I will respond to you in due course.
Information Access Team
Legal, Governance & Monitoring
Telephone: 01484 221000 (voice activated switchboard – please ask for Freedom of Information)
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Dear Mr Ghadimabadian
I refer to your recent enquiry relating to the above which has been dealt
with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find below the Council’s response:
1) Number of Safeguarding alerts/concerns received from or in
connection with the above named home from all sources (the home itself,
family, hospital, etc)
2) Number of Investigations conducted in response to safeguarding
alerts, complaints, allegations of abuse, etc.
3) Outcome of the investigations conducted. (e.g. substantiated, not
substantiated, partially substantiated, etc.)
4) Number of Deaths (for any reason, expected or otherwise) of any
person who used the care service
5) Number of Incidents reported to or investigated by the police,
again not necessarily related to safeguarding concerns.
6) Number of Pressure Ulcers of any grade reported by the provider or
external medical staff or family, etc.
7) Number of complaints received by anyone and by any route (phone,
email, in person, letter, etc) in connection with this home.
Questions 1 -3 and 7 - Please see attached refusal notice
Question 4 - The information that we hold does not refer to deaths of all
people who used the care service as it would only be people who are funded
by Kirklees.
Question 5-6 - We don’t hold this information.
Please provide these figures in the following way: Breakdown of the above
for years 2014, 2015 for full year; and for 2016 between January and June.
If any of the numbers are fewer than 5 for certain years, and you would
therefore be unable to disclose them, please feel free to add the numbers
for different years together and provide the total number.
If you are not content with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Requests for internal reviews should
be submitted within 2 months of the date of receipt of the response to
your original request and should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer,
Civic Centre I, PO Box 1274, Huddersfield HD1 2WZ. Alternatively, you can
send an email to: [1][email address].
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you are not content with the outcome of any review you have the right
under section 50 of the 2000 Act to apply to the Information Commissioner
for a decision as to whether your request for information has been dealt
with in accordance with the requirements of the Act. The Information
Commissioner’s website is at [2] and gives more information
about the role and duties of the Commissioner. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
Legal, Governance & Monitoring
Telephone: 01484 221000 (voice activated switchboard – please ask for
Freedom of Information)
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in error - notify the sender immediately, delete it from your system, and
do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way. Kirklees Council
monitors all emails sent or received.
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