South London healthcare trust Chief executive salaries, wage increases and bonus's

The request was partially successful.

Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,

I would like to know how much is/was the salary, yearly salary increase and all bonus's of The Chief executive of The Queen Elizabeth hospital, Woolwich London SE18

This applies to the current and previous chief executives named below and for each year they were at Queen Elizabeth hospital.

The years I might add, were when the hospital was in serious financial trouble, as quoted by John Pelly in The Guardian and a urology ward closed to save 1 million

on 16th December 2005.

John Pelly 2004 - 2008

David Robson 2008 - 2009

Chris Streather 2009- date

What other management were there during 2005 and to date. What was their salary, yearly increase and bonus's. What are their names.

I would like to know the information for each person individually and for each year they were there to date.

I would also like to know why, when the hospital was in such deficit and failing, was anyone at all given a bonus.

I would also like to know the name of the person dealing with this request.

Yours faithfully,

Helen Ellis

Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,

I am still awaiting an acknowledgement for this request.

Yours faithfully,


Slh Boardsecretary (SOUTH LONDON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST), South London Healthcare NHS Trust

We acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. We apologise for the delay in acknolwedging your request.

We are dealing with your request and will contact you in due course.

On behalf of
Trust Broard Secretary

From: Helen [[FOI #58101 email]]
Sent: 17 January 2011 03:13
Subject: Freedom of Information request - South London healthcare trust Chief executive salaries, wage increases and bonus's

Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,

I would like to know how much is/was the salary, yearly salary
increase and all bonus's of The Chief executive of The Queen
Elizabeth hospital, Woolwich London SE18

This applies to the current and previous chief executives named
below and for each year they were at Queen Elizabeth hospital.

The years I might add, were when the hospital was in serious
financial trouble, as quoted by John Pelly in The Guardian and a
urology ward closed to save 1 million

on 16th December 2005.

John Pelly 2004 - 2008

David Robson 2008 - 2009

Chris Streather 2009- date

What other management were there during 2005 and to date. What was
their salary, yearly increase and bonus's. What are their names.

I would like to know the information for each person individually
and for each year they were there to date.

I would also like to know why, when the hospital was in such
deficit and failing, was anyone at all given a bonus.

I would also like to know the name of the person dealing with this

Yours faithfully,

Helen Ellis

show quoted sections

Slh Boardsecretary (SOUTH LONDON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST), South London Healthcare NHS Trust

We acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act relating to Chief Executive salaries etc. We apologise for the delay in acknowledging your request.

We are dealing with your request and will contact you in due course.

On behalf of
Trust Board Secretary

From: Helen [[FOI #58101 email]]
Sent: 26 January 2011 00:19
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - South London healthcare trust Chief executive salaries, wage increases and bonus's

Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,

I am still awaiting an acknowledgement for this request.

Yours faithfully,


show quoted sections

Helen left an annotation ()

It is not surprising that the trust is in trouble when a simple request made, still remains unanswered.


What a surprise, have had to send another reminder that by law this should have been replied to BY 14TH February. Every other trust seems to manage the deadlines.

Yours sincerely,


Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,

This is a disgrace, none of the FOI requests have been answered by this trust. It is now 16th March

Yours faithfully,


Weaver Michael (SOUTH LONDON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST), South London Healthcare NHS Trust

Thank you for your recent e-mail requesting information. Please accept my
apologies for the delay in responding to your request.
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act please find enclosed
the Trust response.

Michael Weaver

Trust Board Secretary
South London Healthcare NHS Trust

[email address]
+ 44 788 772 4765
Extension at Queen Marys Hospital 4619

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Visible links

Weaver Michael (SOUTH LONDON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST), South London Healthcare NHS Trust

7 Attachments

Thank you for your recent e-mail requesting information. Please accept my
apologies for the delay in responding to your request.
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act please find enclosed
the Trust response.

Michael Weaver

Trust Board Secretary
South London Healthcare NHS Trust

[email address]
+ 44 788 772 4765
Extension at Queen Marys Hospital 4619

show quoted sections


Visible links

D. Speers left an annotation ()

I note: "In dealing with both formal and informal complaints the Trust takes into account the six Principles form Remedy as defined by the *Parliamentary* and *Health* *Service**Ombudsman*. It appears most public services endorse the PHSO Priciples , which she rarely uses. The Trust plans to update the Complaints Policy in 2008/2009 specifically to include the Principles for Remedy.
Have plans to update been carried out?

Some reality surfacing at last! An article from this morning’s Telegraph.

Could be worth keeping an eye on Lansleys performance today. General concenus: “Why should Lansley speak with the Nurses? Because that's his JOB. That's partly why we pay him over £100 Grand a year and if HE can't explain in words that nurses can take on board and understand why so many of them need to loose their jobs whilst their non-clinical Managers sit it out, then he shouldn't be in the job. If Dave and George are really committed to cutting waste from the Public Budget, I think we've found our first candidate.”

A little light at the end of a very long tunnel….or maybe just another mirror! But “The structures are there - unfortunately too many managers are appointed from clinical specialities with little or no training in management and those that have some ability get constantly denigrated by the media as a drain on resources compared to the "wonderful nurses & doctors" on the "frontline” But some with no ability employ the wonderful doctors and nurses…..and also are responsible for assessing competency!

“And it isn't all the managements fault - how many times have professional bodies like the GMC, (PHSO!)and the like turned a blind eye and hushed things up to avoid rocking the boat. If the management don't even know what their own policies are and can't apply the ones they do have fairly it's hardly surprising no-one ever gets blamed.

Then of course sometimes the blame properly belongs higher up - impossible targets, chief executives and ministers desperate to "tick a box" for the next press release, staff encouraged to "bend the rules" to make sure it looks good for the media even if it isn't.

It's not the money we spend on managers that's the problem - it's the managers we spend the money on.”

How true!!

Helen left an annotation ()

The replies are pathetic after waiting all this time, important information they do not have to hand the same with the other FOI requests. in my opinion a lot is being covered up.

The management need to be dispersed and new educated ones brought in.Until bullying and harassment is stopped in the SLHT nothing will change and most management have no management skills. The chief executive is not supporting the workforce.

You have to have a good leader to have good followers, Chris Streather thus far is not a good leader.