South London healthcare NHS trust V Mr R Niekrash human rights breached
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
Under The freedom of information act. Myself and the hundreds of supporters of Mr Ramon Niekrash would like to know exactly what punishment and level of accountability if any the people named below have received since he won his case.
Most were involved in bullying, intimidation, harassment , deformation of character, victimisation, labelling him a trouble maker as well as all the defamatory remarks made about him. He should have been protected by his employers South London healthcare trust, but his human rights were breached, over and over again by the very people that were supposed to be there to protect him and are supposed to protect all health workers.
6C Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Employers have a duty of care, so far as is reasonably practical,to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees.
Harassment and bullying are recognised as serious health hazards because of the stress they can cause.
If the employer fails to carry out these duties then they may be found to be negligent and therefore liable to prosecution.
(1) WHEN are those named below going to be held accountable for their actions. So far nobody has that should have been, for breaching Mr Niekrash's human rights.
(2) Why have they not been suspended because of their actions, like Mr Niekrash was suspended for 10 weeks when they had no proof because he had done nothing wrong. But there is proof that nearly all of those named have breached his human rights. A consultant with an unblemished record nearly had his whole life ruined because of those named below.
(3) Most were moved to positions within the NHS (see Below where they work now) Were their new employers informed of those named involvement in the case of Niekrash v South London healthcare trust, if not why not.
(4) Did the trust I.E Mr Chris Streather or any other member of management, give ANY person named below a reference, even though they were involved in this case. This question applies to each person named below that moved to different positions within the NHS.
(5) Who's decision from the trust was the amount of days needed in court.
(6) Who's decision was it to have Mr Niekrash moved to PRUH hospital, when no other consultant or department has been moved. This has only happened since Mr Niekrash's case went to court, even though the hospital has been without a urology ward for years as it was closed to save £1million.
The names of those involved in the case of Niekrash V South London healthcare trust
(1) Mr Chris Streather Chief executive. Was he responsible for allowing the case to go to court using trusts money.
(2) Mr John Pelly is now at moorfields Hospital
(3) Ruth Russell also at Moorfields hospital and Greenwich & Bexley hospice.
(4) David Robson now on the board of trustees Greenwich and Bexley hospice.
(5) Anneliese Weichart tower Hamlets NHS
(6) Sally Storey. St Georges hospital tooting.
(7) Dr David Sulch
(8) Sharon Power
The questions above are not only from myself but the vast amount of supporters who agree, those involved in breaching Mr Ramon Niekrash's human rights, must be made accountable. Before approaching the Strasbourg court of human rights.
Yours faithfully,
Helen Ellis
E. mail [email address]
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
What was missing from my request, was the following information.
David Sulch was the former medical director of Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich at the time Mr Ramon Niekrash's human rights were breached, he is now Director of stroke services at Princess Royal university hospital, Orpington. B6 8ND
Sharon Power was the former Clinical director for surgery, Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich SE18 at the time Mr Niekrash's human rights were breached. She is now Consultant anaesthetist Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich SE18.
Yours faithfully,
Helen Ellis
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,1.
Mrs Ruth Russell left to move to the Moorfield's Hospital at short notice. Did she leave the QEH over the issues with Mr Niekrash or the investigation into over 400 patients missing from the waiting list? concerns that were addressed during the period of Mr Niekrash's concerns.
2. If not who has been held responsible for the patient's being hidden from the waiting list, and what disciplinary action has followed? All were concerns that Mr Niekrash raised in what were called by those that had abused his human rights (vexatious letter writing) patients were missing much needed appointments, the reason being their appointments were being cancelled was so the hospital could be seen to be performing well and reaching targets, Is this correct? In which case people will have died as some of the patients would have been cancer patients, and as we all know quick diagnosis and subsequent treatment is so important, is this correct.
3. Therefore I would like a copy of the Independent Support Team's report into the failings in the 18 week target please. This is a document that will prove Mr Niekrash and other staff were truthful, that figures were being falsified to reach targets, although those named in his case have said otherwise.
Yours faithfully,
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
This still has not been acknowledged
Yours faithfully,
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. We apologise for the delay in acknowledging this request.
We are dealing with your request and will contact you in due course.
From: Helen [[FOI #55359 email]]
Sent: 05 January 2011 08:49
To: Slh Boardsecretary (South London Healthcare NHS Trust)
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - South London healthcare NHS trust V Mr R Niekrash human rights breached
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
This still has not been acknowledged
Yours faithfully,
Many thanks but I should not have had to email to get a response. This is the copy of the email sent TO slh Board secretary via email. YESTERDAY
Dear Sir
I have been advised to write to you regarding the FOI requests below.
By law the FOI request sent on 29th November, acknowledged on 1st December 2010 should have been answered. The due date was 30th December some 12 days ago.
Also FOI request number 2, was sent on 20th December and we are still awaiting your acknowledgement, that we know you received it and it is being dealt with..please update the site on both requests
(1) Sent to you via what do they know. 29th November.
(2) Sent 20th December 2010
Please advise as soon as possible.
Helen Ellis
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
I would like to know the name of the person or persons dealing with this request. I have the right to know, the same as when you asked for my surname on my first request.
Please may I have the name ASAP
Yours faithfully,
Dear Slh Boardsecretary (South London Healthcare NHS Trust),
Have just been reminded by The FOI site that my reply is due today, Iam still awaiting replies from 29th November FOI requst too.
Does not look very good on the Trust, as so many people are awaiting the truthful replies regarding.
Ramon Niekrash
Yours sincerely,
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of South London Healthcare NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'South London healthcare NHS trust V Mr R Niekrash human rights breached
It is now 4th February and none of the 3 FOI have been answered. The public are waiting to see the TRUTH.
It does not make the trust look very professional in my opinion, quite the opposite ! I am disgusted with the lack of response.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dear South London Healthcare NHS Trust,
We are still awaiting a response on this site
Yours faithfully,
Thank you for your email dated 7th November.
Please be advised that I have enclosed a copy of the Trust responses that was issued on 28th February 2011.
May I ask you to clarify if there are any other outstanding items in relation to this request.
Yours Sincerely
Michael Weaver
Trust Board Secretary
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
[email address]
+ 44 788 772 4765
Extension at Queen Marys Hospital 4619
name removed 23 Oct 2012 (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Dear Helen, you may be interested in the FOI Request I recently made:
best wishes
name removed 23 Oct 2012 (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Dear Helen
Is Mr Ramon Niekrash in charge of Urology at Princess Royal University Hospital?
If so, the people in Orpington and Farnborough must surely count themselves very fortunate to have such a champion.
Best wishes
Very few questions are ever answered clearly or correctly.
We the public are entitle to know what has happened to those people responsible for harassing, bullying Mr Niekrash and ending with his suspension. We are entititle to know what has happened to them as the trust I.E chief executive Dr Chris Streather is continuing to spend money that should be used on patients instead is being used in court to try to further ruin Mr Niekrash, even though they maintain they released a statement to BBC only AFTER I arranged a demonstration that "Mr Niekrash was WRONGLY suspended by the legacy trust and they publicly apologise"
(1) Why have those responsible not been made accountable.
(2) Where was this apology publicly made, can we see a copy on here.
I write to confirm receipt of your Freedom of Information request received on 19th February 2012.
The Trust will consider your request and respond in due course.
Michael Weaver
Trust Board Secretary
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
[email address]
+ 44 788 772 4765
Extension at Queen Marys Hospital 4619
Please supply the information requested. This information is being awaited by myself, Patientactiongroup and the media.
name removed 23 Oct 2012 (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
name removed 23 Oct 2012 (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Dr Niekrash - Google search
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News Shopper article:
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Whistleblowers url -
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Whistleblowers url -
And what has happened to this response. Any one that includes Mr Niekrash always seem to take so long
Yours sincerely,
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name removed 23 Oct 2012 (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Dear Helen
Have you any update on this FOI Request?
Is there now a Urology Department?
Is the Specialist Mr R Niekrash on the GMC Register of Specialists at the current time?
What are the details of the Tribunal to which you make mention in your most recent posting?
Is there an internet link to it or a Tribunal Number?
Can the public buy a copy of the Tribunal Decision?
And has there been an Appeal Tribunal?
Best wishes