SOP for Hate crime
Dear Devon and Cornwall Constabulary,
Please could you provide me with the Standard Operational Procedure for Hate Crime for Devon and Cornwal. Please also provide any other hate crime policies which exist for Devon and Cornwall.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Emily Apple
Dear Ms Apple,
FOI Request 1612/13
I write in connection with your correspondence dated 20/03/2013 which was
received by this office on 20/03/2013. I note you seek the following
Please could you provide me with the Standard Operational Procedure for
Hate Crime for Devon and Cornwal. Please also provide any other hate crime
policies which exist for Devon and Cornwall.
Your request will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. You should expect to be sent a response within the
statutory limit of 20 working days, subject to the provisions of the Act.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me quoting my reference number as above.
Yours sincerely,
Georgina Kemp
Assistant Freedom of Information Officer
Telephone: 01392 452839
Freedom of Information Unit,
Information Management Department,
Devon and Cornwall Police
[1][email address]
Our Unit publish the disclosures we make on our website. Why not have a
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101 - The new non emergency number for Devon and Cornwall Police
Textphone 18001 101 for the deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired
Always call 999 in an emergency
Devon and Cornwall Police aims to serve the communities of Devon and
Cornwall and help inspire greater confidence in the Police. For more
information please visit our website at [3]
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Dear Ms Apple,
1612/13 Freedom of Information Request – Response
Please find attached the response to your above numbered Freedom of
Information Request.
Yours sincerely,
Georgina Kemp
Assistant Freedom of Information Officer
Telephone: 01392 452839
Freedom of Information Unit,
Information Management Department,
Devon and Cornwall Police
[1][email address]
Our Unit publish the disclosures we make on our website. Why not have a
look and see if you are inspired to make a new request?
101 - The new non emergency number for Devon and Cornwall Police
Textphone 18001 101 for the deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired
Always call 999 in an emergency
Devon and Cornwall Police aims to serve the communities of Devon and
Cornwall and help inspire greater confidence in the Police. For more
information please visit our website at [3]
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/[email address]%20
Dear Devon and Cornwall Constabulary,
Thank you for your response.
I was aware the hate crime policy was already published online. Many thanks for the Dealing with hate crime incidents document which is very useful.
However, I was specifically requesting a copy of the Standard Operational Procedure for hate crime which should be a separate document.
For example, Bedfordshire police have a policy - and their SOP available -
I look forward to receiving the Standard Operating Procedures document from you if you have one.
Yours faithfully,
Emily Apple
Dear Ms Apple,
Devon & Cornwall Constabulary do not have 'Standard Operating Procedures'. This Force works with 'Working Practices'. Although entitled guidance the document you were provided is effectively this Force's working practice in relation to Hate Crime and Officers and staff are expecting to follow the instructions within that document.
I hope this clarifies the response. Should you wish an internal review to be conducted please confirm this by way of response.
Yours sincerely,
Georgina Kemp
Assistant Freedom of Information Officer
Telephone: 01392 452839
Freedom of Information Unit,
Information Management Department,
Devon and Cornwall Police
[email address]
Our Unit publish the disclosures we make on our website. Why not have a look and see if you are inspired to make a new request?
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