SoNA 2014 - ToR and study set up

The request was partially successful.

Dear Civil Aviation Authority,

The CAA/ERCD have issued report CAP 1506 ‘Survey of noise attitudes 2014’ otherwise referred to as SoNA in Feb 2017. This work is complete. Our FoI request relates to the terms of reference (ToR) given to the CAA by the DfT and communications around that ToR and work.

FoI Requests;
1. Please provide the ToR or equivalent document instructing the CAA to undertake the ‘SoNA 2014 study’.
2. We request all email communications, notes and meeting minutes between the CAA and the DfT relating to the study set up.

Yours faithfully,
Dave Gilbert

Civil Aviation Authority

Thank you for your enquiry to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

We aim to respond as soon as possible. In some cases, we will need to seek specialist advice or forward your enquiry onto the most relevant area of the CAA to respond to you directly. This can sometimes take up to 20 working days.

Privacy Notice:

You have consented to the use of your personal information to enable us to consider, investigate where necessary, and respond to your enquiry. We are committed to doing that in the most safe, efficient and proper way. You may withdraw consent at any time by emailing us at [CAA request email] . Depending on the nature of your enquiry, if you withdraw your consent we may still use your personal information to comply with our public function or our legal duty. A more comprehensive General Privacy Notice can be accessed further below.
Sometimes we may need to share your personal information with other organisations, such as when we need to investigate incidents with airlines or airports. In most cases we will be able to do this by removing your personal information. If the nature of the investigation means that we need to share your personal information we will obtain your consent beforehand. If you would prefer to make it known that you do not wish us to share your personal information, you can let us know straight away by emailing us at [CAA request email] .
Records of enquiries made to the CAA are retained for five years following a response or closure of a case or investigation, unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a legal or regulatory basis. We sometimes retain information for research or statistical purposes. If we do, we will make sure that your privacy is protected and only use it for those purposes.

Enquiries or complaints:

You can submit an information enquiry or make a complaint about how we have processed your personal information by emailing [CAA request email] . Please be aware that the CAA is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, which means we may need to release information you have supplied to us. However, we would never disclose your personal information without first obtaining your consent.

You have further rights as a data subject, which can be found here

Contact details of the CAA’s Data Protection Officer can be found here

You have a right to complain to the ICO here about the CAA’s processing of personal data.

Our General Privacy Notice can be viewed at

FOI Requests, Civil Aviation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gilbert


Thank you for your request for information.


If your requirements are unclear, or the information is held by another
public authority, we will contact you in the next five working days. 
Otherwise the information we are able to disclose will be assembled and
made available to you within 20 working days from receipt of your
request.  If we are unable to provide any of the information requested an
explanation will be provided.


The reference number for this request is F0004281.


Kind regards,







show quoted sections

FOI Requests, Civil Aviation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gilbert


I further acknowledge receipt of your second request for information.


If your requirements are unclear, or the information is held by another
public authority, we will contact you in the next five working days. 
Otherwise the information we are able to disclose will be assembled and
made available to you within 20 working days from receipt of your
request.  If we are unable to provide any of the information requested an
explanation will be provided.


The reference number for this request is F0004283.


Kind regards,


show quoted sections

Dear FOI Requests,

Re SoNA 2014 -ToR and study set up F0004238

Please could you provide the information requested.

I understand by law you should reply promptly and within 20 days,

Yours sincerely,

David Gilbert

Civil Aviation Authority

Thank you for your enquiry to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

We aim to respond as soon as possible. In some cases, we will need to seek specialist advice or forward your enquiry onto the most relevant area of the CAA to respond to you directly. This can sometimes take up to 20 working days.

Privacy Notice:

You have consented to the use of your personal information to enable us to consider, investigate where necessary, and respond to your enquiry. We are committed to doing that in the most safe, efficient and proper way. You may withdraw consent at any time by emailing us at [CAA request email] . Depending on the nature of your enquiry, if you withdraw your consent we may still use your personal information to comply with our public function or our legal duty. A more comprehensive General Privacy Notice can be accessed further below.
Sometimes we may need to share your personal information with other organisations, such as when we need to investigate incidents with airlines or airports. In most cases we will be able to do this by removing your personal information. If the nature of the investigation means that we need to share your personal information we will obtain your consent beforehand. If you would prefer to make it known that you do not wish us to share your personal information, you can let us know straight away by emailing us at [CAA request email] .
Records of enquiries made to the CAA are retained for five years following a response or closure of a case or investigation, unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a legal or regulatory basis. We sometimes retain information for research or statistical purposes. If we do, we will make sure that your privacy is protected and only use it for those purposes.

Enquiries or complaints:

You can submit an information enquiry or make a complaint about how we have processed your personal information by emailing [CAA request email] . Please be aware that the CAA is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, which means we may need to release information you have supplied to us. However, we would never disclose your personal information without first obtaining your consent.

You have further rights as a data subject, which can be found here

Contact details of the CAA’s Data Protection Officer can be found here

You have a right to complain to the ICO here about the CAA’s processing of personal data.

Our General Privacy Notice can be viewed at

FOI Requests, Civil Aviation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gilbert


Further to my colleague’s email below, while I appreciate that we were due
to provide a response yesterday, unfortunately we are not yet in a
position to respond to your request. I apologise for the delay and we will
provide a full response as soon as possible.


Kind regards



Mark Stevens [2]

Civil Aviation

Tel: 01293 57

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From: FOI Requests
Sent: 05 June 2019 13:35
To: David Gilbert <[FOI #580553 email]>
Cc: FOI Requests <[email address]>
Subject: RE: CAA Information Request


Dear Mr Gilbert


I further acknowledge receipt of your second request for information.


If your requirements are unclear, or the information is held by another
public authority, we will contact you in the next five working days. 
Otherwise the information we are able to disclose will be assembled and
made available to you within 20 working days from receipt of your
request.  If we are unable to provide any of the information requested an
explanation will be provided.


The reference number for this request is F0004283.


Kind regards,


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FOI Requests, Civil Aviation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gilbert


Further to my colleague’s email below, while I appreciate that we were due
to provide a response yesterday, unfortunately we are not yet in a
position to respond to your request. I apologise for the delay and we will
provide a full response as soon as possible.


Kind regards



Mark Stevens [2]

Civil Aviation

Tel: 01293 57

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From: FOI Requests
Sent: 05 June 2019 11:13
To: 'David Gilbert' <[FOI #580553 email]>
Cc: FOI Requests <[email address]>
Subject: CAA Information Request


Dear Mr Gilbert


Thank you for your request for information.


If your requirements are unclear, or the information is held by another
public authority, we will contact you in the next five working days. 
Otherwise the information we are able to disclose will be assembled and
made available to you within 20 working days from receipt of your
request.  If we are unable to provide any of the information requested an
explanation will be provided.


The reference number for this request is F0004281.


Kind regards,







show quoted sections

FOI Requests, Civil Aviation Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Gilbert


With apologies for the delay, please find attached the CAA’s response to
your request for information.


Yours sincerely



Mark Stevens [2]

Civil Aviation

Tel: 01293 57

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Think before
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Stevens Mark, Civil Aviation Authority

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