We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Dixon please sign in and let everyone know.

Solar energy produced and used by council properties

Jamie Dixon made this Freedom of Information request to Greenwich Borough Council as part of a batch sent to 81 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Jamie Dixon to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information.

- All expenditure on the construction or maintenance of any new or existing solar energy projects on council-owned properties for the 2023 calendar year.
- The total number of council-owned properties currently fitted with solar panels as of March 2024.
- The total solar energy produced for council use on council-owned properties for the 2023 calendar year, either in MWh or kWh.
- The amount of solar energy used by council-owned properties during the 2023 calendar year, either in MWh or kWh.

If possible, please could responses be sent over in Excel format. Please let me know if you require further clarification or have any questions.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Dixon

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Dixon,


EIR request: EIR-1609


Thank you for your request dated 26/03/2024


Your request will be answered by 23/04/2024


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [1]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Dixon,


EIR request: EIR-1609


Thank you for your request dated 26/03/2024


Our response is as follows:



Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the
following information.


• All expenditure on the construction or maintenance of any new or
existing solar energy projects on council-owned properties for the
2023 calendar year.


Housing Response: The Repairs and Investment Service does not hold this
information.  There is no maintenance programme in place at the current


DRES (in terms of Commercial buildings only): Nil



• The total number of council-owned residential properties currently
fitted with solar panels as of March 2024.


Housing Response: 889.


DRES (in terms of Commercial buildings only): 16



• The total solar energy produced for council use on council-owned
properties for the 2023 calendar year, either in MWh or kWh.


Housing Response: Estimated solar energy produced on residential Council
blocks that does not go directly to the tenant – 750 MWh/year.  Output is
not monitored.  This is an annual estimate based on installed capacity.


DRES (in terms of Commercial buildings only): We don’t hold this detail
but can confirm that the 16 PV systems have a total capacity of 514kWp.




• The amount of solar energy used by council-owned properties during the
2023 calendar year, either in MWh or kWh.


Housing Response: This is not known as this is not monitored.


DRES (in terms of Commercial buildings only): We don’t hold this




If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [1][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [2]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:42 AM
To: 'Jamie Dixon' <[FOI #1107376 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: EIR-1609: Freedom of Information request - Solar energy produced
and used by council properties


Dear Mr Dixon,


EIR request: EIR-1609


Thank you for your request dated 26/03/2024


Your request will be answered by 23/04/2024


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [3]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


ü Please consider the environment before printing this email





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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Dixon please sign in and let everyone know.