Software systems

The request was successful.

Dear National Citizens Service Trust,

Please may you provide the information for the following systems?
Finance system:
• Who is your current provider?
• When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?
• What is the value of the contract?
• What modules do you use e.g. general ledger?
• What is your budget?
• When did the contract start?
Procurement system:
• Who is your current provider?
• When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?
• What is the value of the contract?
• What is your budget?
• When did the contract start?
• Do you have an electronic invoicing system in place?
• If so, who is the current service provider of this system?
• when does this contract expire and is there extension options?
• What is the value of the contract?
• How many invoices are processed annually?

Yours faithfully,

Conor McClean

NCS FoI, National Citizen Service Trust

This is a notification to confirm that we have received your email and are
looking into your query. We will respond to you further in due course and
in line with any legislative deadlines. 
The Freedom Of Information (FOI) team

National Citizen Service Trust is a not-for-profit organisation
incorporated by Royal Charter and established to shape, support, champion
and lead a thriving National Citizen Service.

National Citizen Service Trust is registered in England and Wales with
Royal Charter Body number RC000894. Our registered office is at The
Pembroke Building, Kensington Village, Avonmore Road, London, W14 8DG.


This message is private and confidential. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system.

NCS FoI, National Citizen Service Trust


Dear Conor McClean,

Information Requested FOI - Ref No: 00214329  

On 9th September 2019 the following email (in italics) was forwarded to
the freedom of information inbox at the National Citizen Service Trust
(‘NCS Trust’):


Dear National Citizens Service Trust,

Please may you provide the information for the following systems?

Finance system:

•       Who is your current provider?

•       When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?

•       What is the value of the contract?

•       What modules do you use e.g. general ledger?

•       What is your budget?

•       When did the contract start?

Procurement system:

•       Who is your current provider?

•       When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?

•       What is the value of the contract?

•       What is your budget?

•       When did the contract start?


•       Do you have an electronic invoicing system in place?

•       If so, who is the current service provider of this system?

•       when does this contract expire and is there extension options?

•       What is the value of the contract?

•       How many invoices are processed annually?

Yours faithfully,

Conor McClean

Responding to your FOI Request


From a Freedom of Information request (“FOI Request”) perspective we are
[partially] able to answer your questions. We have set out our responses
in italics next to the relevant questions below. Please note that NCS
Trust do not have a contract with a provider of invoicing services so we
do not hold this information and we have written “N/A” where appropriate


Finance system:

• Who is your current provider? Microsoft Navision (“NAV”)

• When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options? 16/10/20. It is a rolling contract 

• What is the value of the contract? c£20k pa

• What modules do you use e.g. general ledger? NCS Trust uses the following: General Ledger, Zetadocs, Bank account security module, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Enhancement,  

• What is your budget? £20k

• When did the contract start? 01/01/17

Procurement system:

• Who is your current provider? BravoSolution UK Limited

• When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options? 30/05/21. It can be extended twice for two periods of up to 12 months each time

• What is the value of the contract? c£68k pa

• What is your budget? £52k for FY1920. Note that the number of licences was increased in the year to reflect the change in our operating model which meant we had to buy additional licences. The variance vs budget has been met from other budget lines. 

• When did the contract start? 01/06/19


• Do you have an electronic invoicing system in place? No – NCS Trust do not have one

• If so, who is the current service provider of this system? N/A

• When does this contract expire and is there extension options? N/A

• What is the value of the contract? N/A

• How many invoices are processed annually? N/A



Next Steps


We hope that the above response is clear. The deadline to respond to a FOI
Request is usually 20 working days following the date that the request is
received unless an extension is used in line with the Freedom Of
Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”). We have responded to your query within this
20 working day period. 

NCS Trust is committed to making information available under FOIA and to
ensuring that the service it provides for those wishing to gain access to
information is simple, efficient and effective. If you feel the service
you have received does not meet the legislative requirements please write,
giving details of your complaint, by email to "[1][National Citizen Service Trust request email]" or,
if you are contacting us by post, by writing to the following address:
National Citizen Service Trust, the Pembroke Building, Avonmore Road,
Kensington, London W14 8DG. 


Your complaint will be fully investigated and treated confidentially by
NCS Trust. If your complaint is about a response to a request for
information, it will be dealt with by a member of staff at NCS Trust who
was not involved in the original decision. An initial response will be
made within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint. A full
investigation and any decision will be made and conveyed to you within 20
working days. If we are unable to deal with your complaint within this
timeframe we will inform you and let you know the reason for the delay. 


If your complaint is upheld you will be notified of what action will be
taken. If the complaint is not upheld you will be given a reason for the
decision. If NCS Trust does not deal with your complaint to your
satisfaction, you are entitled to refer your complaint to:

The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely,

The NCS Trust FOI Team
[3][National Citizen Service Trust request email]

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