Software Licenses

The request was successful.

Dear Criminal Procedure Rule Committee,

I would like to ask

Q1. Do you look after your own IT or is it outsourced?
Q2. How much did you pay in last financial year for software licenses?
Q3. How many computers users do you have?
Q4. When do you need to renew the contract with Microsoft for software licenses? What was the value of your last contract?
Q5. Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of licenses purchased? If so what is used for software usage metering?
Q6. Do you use a software asset management tool?
Q7. Please also provide details of IT Contracts Managers and any person(s) involved in IT Software procurement.

Yours faithfully,

Leo Wu

Criminal Procedure Rule Enquiries, Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

Dear Mr Wu,


Thank you for your message. The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee is a
statutory body appointed under section 70 of the Courts Act 2003 to make
Criminal Procedure Rules. It has no staff, or other contracts (or, indeed,
any capacity to contract). It is assisted by an employee of the Ministry
of Justice (me). I regret that I have no information about the Ministry of
Justice’s IT arrangements, but I assume that you have addressed your
questions also to the Ministry itself.


Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Solly


Jonathan Solly | Criminal Procedure Rule Committee secretariat | Ministry
of Justice | 102 Petty France | London | SW1H 9AJ | Tel: 020 3334 4031


From: Leo Wu [mailto:[FOI #261218 email]]
Sent: 31 March 2015 09:19
To: Criminal Procedure Rule Enquiries
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Software Licenses

Dear Criminal Procedure Rule Committee,

I would like to ask

Q1. Do you look after your own IT or is it outsourced?
Q2. How much did you pay in last financial year for software licenses?
Q3. How many computers users do you have?
Q4. When do you need to renew the contract with Microsoft for software
licenses? What was the value of your last contract?
Q5. Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of licenses
purchased? If so what is used for software usage metering?
Q6. Do you use a software asset management tool?
Q7. Please also provide details of IT Contracts Managers and any person(s)
involved in IT Software procurement.

Yours faithfully,

Leo Wu

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