Software license
Dear Humber NHS Foundation Trust,
I would like to ask
Q1. Do you look after your own IT or is it outsourced?
Q2. How much did you pay in last financial year for software licenses?
Q3. How many computers users do you have?
Q4. When do you need to renew the contract with Microsoft for software licenses? What was the value of your last contract per year?
Q5. Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of licenses purchased? If so what is used for software usage metering?
Q6. Do you use a software asset management tool?
Q7. Please also provide details of IT Contracts Managers and any person(s) involved in IT Software procurement.
Yours faithfully,
Qui Mai
Dear Qui Mai
Thank you for your request for information. It will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. A fees notice will be issued, which you will be required to pay before we proceed with your request.
We will respond to your request within 20 working days of it being received.
All information provided under Freedom of Information is deemed to be in the public domain. The Information Commissioner requires as good practice that organisations make public, information provided from Freedom of Information requests.
Any information we provide following your request under the Freedom of Information Act will not confer an automatic right for you to re-use that information, for example to publish it. If you wish to re-use the information we provide and you do not specify this in your initial application for information then you must make a further request for its re-use as per the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 . This will not affect your initial information request.
Yours sincerely
Kind Regards
Freedom Of Information Team
Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Mary Seacole Building, Willerby Hill,Willerby, HU10 6ED
Fax: 01482 477857
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of the information is prohibited. In such cases you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail. All e-mails will be scanned by the Trust for viruses, spam and malicious content. However, Humber NHS Foundation Trust will not be liable for any losses as a result of any virus contained within this email or attachment(s). We are not liable for any opinions expressed by the sender where this is a non-business e-mail. If you do not receive the entire message, or if you have difficulty with the transmission, please telephone us immediately.
Dear Qui Mai
I am writing to confirm that the Humber NHS Foundation Trust has now
completed its search for the information which you requested on the 10^th
April 2015.
You asked for
|Q1. Do you look after your own IT or is it outsourced? We look after |
|our own IT |
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|Q2. How much did you pay in last financial year for software licenses? |
|The amount paid for software licences in the last financial year is |
|£7311. This is not necessarily the total of what has been ordered but it|
|is what we have actually paid for. |
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|Q3. How many computers users do you have? Approximately 3500 |
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|Q4. When do you need to renew the contract with Microsoft for software |
|licenses? What was the value of your last contract per year? Not |
|applicable |
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|Q5. Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of |
|licenses purchased? If so what is used for software usage metering? |
|Yes, SNOW SAM does this |
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|Q6. Do you use a software asset management tool? Yes, SNOW SAM |
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|Q7. Please also provide details of IT Contracts Managers and any |
|person(s) involved in IT Software procurement. |
| |
| Richard Brumpton, IT Services Manager, |
|[1][email address] |
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I hope my response has covered all the information which you requested.
To help us measure our performance in responding to Freedom of Information
requests I wonder if you will take a little time to complete the attached
form and return it to me.
The information we have provided to you is copyrighted to the Humber NHS
Foundation Trust and provided to you free of charge for your personal use
or for other specific uses permitted in the Copyright Act. If however you
wish to use the information we have provided for any commercial purposes
including the sale of the information to a third party then, under the
Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005,
you must ask us for permission to do so in respect of each specific piece
of such information. If we do grant such permission this may involve a
licensing arrangement which may attract a fee.
All information provided under Freedom of Information is deemed to be in
the public domain. The Information Commissioner requires as good practice
that organisations make public, information provided from Freedom of
Information requests. The Trust will therefore place a copy of this
response on its website, [2] This is to help anyone who
may have a similar enquiry. No personal information about you, such as
your name or email address will be shown on this posting.
If you have any other queries about this letter, please also contact me.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision
you should write to:
PALS and Complaints Manager
Trust Headquarters
Willerby Hill
Beverley Road
HU10 6ED
[3][email address]
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the
ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints
procedure provided by the Humber NHS Foundation Trust. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
Graham Harmer
Information Governance and Legal Services Manager
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
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