Software Developement and Testing
Dear Isle of Anglesey Council,
I would like to make a request for the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act (2000).
1. Who is part of your software developement and testing framework?
2. What is your spend anually for developement and testing of software?
3. Can you confirm if any further regional frameworks exist for such services in addition to the framework reffered to in question 1?
4. When are the framework(s) referred to in question 1 and/or question 3 subject to re-procurement?
5. Who is your point of contact for IT procurement?
Yours faithfully,
Tyrone Biggum
I write to acknowledge receipt of your request, made under access to information legislation, for information held by the Council.
Please be advised that, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, we aim to respond to your request within 20 working days.
Yours sincerely
Beryl Jones
Information Compliance Officer
Dear Isle of Anglesey Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Isle of Anglesey Council's handling of my FOI request 'Software Developement and Testing'.
This request is overdue.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Tyrone Biggum
Please see attached response and I would be grateful if you could let me know if you still require an Internal Review.
Thank you.
Beryl Jones
Information Compliance Officer
From: Lee Evans
Sent: 18 January 2016 12:12
To: '[FOI #295253 email]'; Desg Gymorth TGCh / ICT
Service Desk
Subject: Freedom of Information Request [[WO#5883]]
Dear Tyrone Biggum,
I refer to your email dated the 5th October 2015 for which I must
apologies for the delay in responding. In your email you asked several
questions under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FoIA).
Please find below the Council's response.
1. Who is part of your software developement and testing framework?
The Council does not have a software developement and testing framework.
2. What is your spend anually for developement and testing of software?
The Council does not test and develop software.
3. Can you confirm if any further regional frameworks exist for such
services in addition to the framework reffered to in question 1?
I have not been able to identify any information held in relation to this
aspect of your request,
4. When are the framework(s) referred to in question 1 and/or question 3
subject to re-procurement?
Please see response to Q1 and Q3
5. Who is your point of contact for IT procurement?
Section 40 (2) of FoIA states that information is exempt from disclosure
where it constitutes personal data which do not fall within subsection (1)
[data concerning the person making the request]. The Council takes its
responsibility under the FoIA seriously but also recognises that the
individuals whose details you have requested have rights under the Data
Protection Act 1988 (DPA). Significantly, the individuals have rights to
object to direct marketing under Section 10 of DPA. In this regard, could
you please advise us on how the individuals could exercise their statutory
rights to object to direct marketing should their details be disclosed?
Yours sincerely,
Lee Evans
Rheolwr Cymorth a Pharhad Busnes TGCh / ICT Business Continuity & Support
Gwasanaeth TGCh / ICT Service
Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn / Isle of Anglesey County Council
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Mae'r neges e-bost hon a'r ffeiliau a drosglwyddyd ynghlwm gyda hi yn
gyfrinachol ac efallai bod breintiau cyfreithiol ynghlwm wrthynt. Yr unig
berson sydd 'r hawl i'w darllen, eu copio a'u defnyddio yw'r person y
bwriadwyd eu gyrru nhw ato. Petaech wedi derbyn y neges e-bost hon mewn
camgymeriad yna, os gwelwch yn dda, rhowch wybod i'r Rheolwr Systemau yn
syth gan ddefnyddio'r manylion isod, a pheidiwch datgelu na chopio'r
cynnwys i neb arall.
Mae cynnwys y neges e-bost hon yn cynrychioli sylwadau'r gyrrwr yn unig ac
nid o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli sylwadau Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon. Mae
Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon yn cadw a diogelu ei hawliau i fonitro yr holl
negeseuon e-bost trwy ei rwydweithiau mewnol ac allanol.
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