Socioeconomic backgrounds of consultants and encouragement for disadvantaged people from poor/disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds to become consultants and or enter medicine?

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Miss Vivienne Taylor

Dear Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,

What are the average socioeconomic backgrounds for consultant surgeons and consultant medical doctors at Imperial?

What is being done to tackle socioeconomic inequalities and socioeconomic inaccessibilities for any consultant medical doctor or consultant surgeon or anyone at Imperial?

What is being done to raise awareness of socioeconomic topics, issues and privilege at Imperial?

If a consultant surgeon or consultant doctor is privileged, from a strong or very strong socioeconomic background, what are they doing to help and support the disadvantaged people, particularly with young people from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, and to help and support, any member of staff from a poor or disadvantaged socioeconomic background?

Where is their leadership and motivational support for others who need lots of support, who perhaps would love to be in a career like them, but the medical establishment keep it inaccessible and unaffordable?

Where are the programs and motivational speaking sessions for disadvantaged people who would love a career in medicine and surgery?

Yours faithfully,

Miss Vivienne Taylor