Social Work Structure

The request was successful.

Dear City of Edinburgh Council,

Please can I request the up to date information on the following:

1. Please can you provide the name, contact and address details for each social work service team and department in City of Edinburgh Council broken down by:
- Adult Services
- Children and Families Services
- Criminal Justice

2. Please can you provide the social work managers names, phone numbers and email addresses for the individual teams from question 1 at City of Edinburgh Council.

Yours faithfully,

Leah Rowley

City of Edinburgh Council

Ms Leah Rowley

Our ref: 23721

Dear Ms Rowley

Acknowledgement of Request

Subject: Social work service team

Thank you for your request for information received on 29/05/2019. I can confirm that your request will be processed under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, Environmental Information Regulations (Scotland) 2004, or the INSPIRE (Scotland) Regulations 2009.

You will receive the information requested within 20 working days unless the Council does not hold the information, or there is a reason for it to be withheld. We will write to you in any event. This means we have until 26/06/2019 to respond to your request.

In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case we will let you know.

If you have any requirements regarding the format any information should be supplied in, e.g. the language to be used, audio, large print and so on, then please let me know.

If you have any queries or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch. Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.

To promote transparency and accountability, please note it is the Council’s policy to publish all request details and responses made under the freedom of information legislation. This information will be made available through the Council’s website and will not include your personal details. The disclosure log is available at the following link:

Further information about your rights and accessing information is available on our website at:

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Unit
Level 2:1, Waverley Court, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 200 2340
[Edinburgh City Council request email]

Information Rights Officer 4, City of Edinburgh Council

3 Attachments

Ms Leah Rowley


[1][FOI #579506 email]


Our ref: 23721



Dear Ms Rowley


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Release of Information


Subject: Social Work Service Teams


Thank you for your request for information of 29/05/2019 where you asked
the following:


Please can I request the up-to-date information on the following:


Q1. Please can you provide the name, contact and address details for each
social work service team and department in City of Edinburgh Council
broken down by:


- Adult Services


- Children and Families Services


- Criminal Justice


Q2. Please can you provide the social work managers names, phone numbers
and email addresses for the individual teams from question 1 at City of
Edinburgh Council.


Your request has been processed and considered under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the information is provided below.


A1 and A2. Please refer to the following attached documents:


23721 Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership


23721 Communities and Families


23721 Criminal Justice


To promote transparency and accountability, please note it is the
Council’s policy to publish all request details and responses made under
the freedom of information legislation. This information will be made
available through the Council’s website and will not include your personal
details. The disclosure log is available at the following link:


Your right to seek a review


If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your request, you can
ask us to review our actions and decisions by writing to the:


Head of Strategy & Communications

The City of Edinburgh Council

Waverley Court Business Centre 2:1

4, East Market Street


EH8 8BG or,

Email: [email address]


Please note that your request must be in a recordable format (email,
letter, audio tape etc.), and that you have 40 working days upon receipt
of this letter to ask for a review. You will receive a full response to
your review request within 20 working days of its receipt. Please quote
the reference number above in any future communications.


If you are not content with the outcome of the review, you can ask the
Scottish Information Commissioner to review our decision. You must submit
your complaint to the Commissioner within 6 months of receiving our review
response. The Commissioner can be contacted at:


The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner

Kinburn Castle

Doubledykes Road

St Andrews


KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610

Fax: 01334 464611


Email: [email address]


Yours sincerely,



Iain Burden

Information Rights Officer



Information Governance Unit

Level 2:1, Waverley Court, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 200 2340

[Edinburgh City Council request email]



show quoted sections


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