Social Work - Coached Children

Samantha Kerr made this Freedom of Information request to West Lothian Council This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

West Lothian Council did not have the information requested.

Dear West Lothian Council,

Per the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, please supply me with all information contained in your records:

Please advise your policy, procedures and training programme for staff concerning
‘Coached children’ which explains types and examples of coaching, signs of a child being coached and consideration to be given when working with coached children"

Please acknowledge receipt and I shall look forward to your full and frank disclosure within 20 working days

Yours faithfully,

Samantha Kerr

Customer Service, West Lothian Council

Thank you for emailing the Customer Service Centre.  Due to the high
volume of email traffic recently we may take longer than our 24 hour
response. Should you require a quicker response please call us on 01506
280000 or use our on-line form facility at



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West Lothian Council

Data Label: OFFICIAL

Dear What Do They Know

Information Request
Your Reference: Re: Freedom of Information request - Social Work - Coached
Our Reference: 101006179560

Thank you for your recent request for information which has been logged
and transferred to the appropriate Service Information Liaison Officer
(ILO) who will provide a response within the appropriate timeline shown

Freedom of Information - 20 working days
Environmental Information Requests - 20 working days
Subject Access Requests (Data Protection Act) - 28 calendar days

Should the ILO require further information to process your request then
they will contact you directly. If you require any further assistance then
please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards


Customer Service

Tel: 01506 280000
Email: [email address]

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The council will not share your information with any third party unless
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How long do we keep your records?

We will keep personal information relating to your request for a maximum
of six years after your request and any appeal associated with your
request has been answered.

Your rights

If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is used,
please contact the Data Protection Officer. More information about data
protection and how it applies to you, including how to make a complaint,
is available from the [3]Information Commissioner's Office

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right
to request your information and to request that the information be amended
if incorrect or, in some circumstances, erased.

To make a request for information, amendment or erasure, you will need to
put your request in writing and provide proof of identification to the
Data Protection Officer, West Lothian Council, West Lothian Civic Centre,
Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF Email:
[4][email address]

show quoted sections

SocialPolicyIR, West Lothian Council


Dear Enquirer


Thank you for your enquiry as below. Can you please clarify what is meant
by “coached children”. I have suspended your enquiry till this information
is clarified.


“ Please advise your policy, procedures and training programme for staff
concerning  `Coached children which explains types and examples of
coaching, signs of a child being coached and consideration to be given
when working with coached children"


Thank you

Systems Implementation Officer


Civic Centre

Howden South Road


West Lothian EH54 6FF


West Lothian Council - Data Labels:


OFFICIAL - Sensitive: Contains Personal or Business Sensitive Information
for authorised personnel only

OFFICIAL: Contains information for council staff only

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following hereon unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Dear SocialPolicyIR,

Children that have been groomed, manipulated or coerced into saying or believing a falsehood implanted by an adult .

Yours sincerely,

Samantha Kerr

SocialPolicyIR, West Lothian Council

1 Attachment


Dear Enquirer


Please see attached response to your enquiry received on 26^th November


Systems Implementation Officer


Civic Centre

Howden South Road


West Lothian EH54 6FF



West Lothian Council - Data Labels:


OFFICIAL - Sensitive: Contains Personal or Business Sensitive Information
for authorised personnel only

OFFICIAL: Contains information for council staff only

PUBLIC: All information has been approved for public disclosure

NON-COUNCIL BUSINESS: Contains no business related or sensitive


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2. It does not constitute a representation which is legally
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a contract and may not be founded upon in any proceedings
following hereon unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Dear West Lothian Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of West Lothian Council's handling of my FOI request 'Social Work - Coached Children'.

I am disatisfied with your response, to say that you have no training for your staff to identify coached children particulary when the new Domestic Abuse Act 2018 has highlighted that coersion and coersion of children is a criminal offence under the act, how can you fail the children and families you proport to 'child protect' or safeguard (if you want to use English terminology).

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Samantha Kerr

Customer Service, West Lothian Council

Thank you for emailing the Customer Service Centre.  Due to the high
volume of email traffic recently we may take longer than our 24 hour
response. Should you require a quicker response please call us on 01506
280000 or use our on-line form facility at



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West Lothian Council

Data Label: OFFICIAL

Dear Samantha

Information Request

Our Reference: 101006207583

Thank you for your recent request for information which has been logged
and transferred to the appropriate Service Information Liaison Officer
(ILO) who will provide a response within the appropriate timeline shown

Freedom of Information - 20 working days
Environmental Information Requests - 20 working days
Subject Access Requests (Data Protection Act) - 28 calendar days

Should the ILO require further information to process your request then
they will contact you directly. If you require any further assistance then
please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards


Customer Service

Tel: 01506 280000
Email: [email address]

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Information held about you

West Lothian Council will hold all personal information contained in your
request and all personal information needed to answer your request in
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and up to date information about you in order to respond to your request.
If any of your details have changed, or change in the future, please
ensure that you tell us as soon as possible so that we can update your

How will we use information we hold about you?

We will use your personal information to respond to your request and to
any appeal submitted in relation to your request.

Who we will share your information with?

The council will not share your information with any third party unless
you ask us to do so or we are required to do so by law.

How long do we keep your records?

We will keep personal information relating to your request for a maximum
of six years after your request and any appeal associated with your
request has been answered.

Your rights

If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is used,
please contact the Data Protection Officer. More information about data
protection and how it applies to you, including how to make a complaint,
is available from the [3]Information Commissioner's Office

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right
to request your information and to request that the information be amended
if incorrect or, in some circumstances, erased.

To make a request for information, amendment or erasure, you will need to
put your request in writing and provide proof of identification to the
Data Protection Officer, West Lothian Council, West Lothian Civic Centre,
Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF Email:
[4][email address]

show quoted sections

Dear West Lothian Council,

Coached Children are coerced, coercive behaviour using a child and using Gillik Competence as as shield is child abuse, and when applied from partner A to partner B to cause psychological and emotional abuse is domestic abuse, as it using third parties including all inter agency’s involved in perpetuating a psychological violence against Parent B. Not only that, but by ignoring in the least the safeguarding or child protection concern from parent b whilst upholding the concern from parent a, is not fulfulling your statutory duty in regards to safeguarding and child protection legislation.

Children who are in an alienated position or who are at risk of this are very likely to want someone to intervene on their behalf (Baker 2012). By the time professionals reach these children, they are already placed at the top of the family hierarchy and have been given the power by the aligned parent, to make decisions which are not rightfully theirs. In this sense, children in this position are are in serious danger of being further abused by those who are trying to help, especially if those people are unable to break the bind that the child is facing (Gottleib 2012). The nature of the bind being that the child has moved to a place of upholding the parent's implacable hostility by rejecting the other parent but is upholding this as being of their own choosing. In reality, children in this position have not chosen to act but are being forced to do so through the emotional and psychological pressure being applied by the parent in whose care they spend most of the time. Intervening in such family systems therefore becomes a matter of ensuring that the work that is done with the family as a whole, alleviates rather entrenches the problem and matches it with a treatment route which has the best chances of success. Differentiation of the dynamics in a family system is the biggest step to achieving this.

Yours faithfully,

Samantha Kerr

Customer Service, West Lothian Council

Thank you for emailing the Customer Service Centre.  Due to the high
volume of email traffic recently we may take longer than our 24 hour
response. Should you require a quicker response please call us on 01506
280000 or use our on-line form facility at



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2. It does not constitute a representation which is legally
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a contract and may not be founded upon in any proceedings
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West Lothian Council

Data Label: OFFICIAL - Sensitive

Dear Ms Kerr

Customer Service Ref: 101006207583

Thank you for your enquiry regarding your Freedom of Information Review.
This has been logged and passed to the relevant department for their
attention and you will receive a response in due course.

Should you require further assistance then please do not hesitate to
contact us.

To allow the Customer Service Centre to continually improve our service we
rely on feedback from our customers and we would be grateful if you could
take a few minutes to complete our Customer survey by clicking on the
following link:

[1]CSC Customer Survey

Kind Regards


Customer Service

Tel: 01506 280000
Email: [email address]

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Privacy information

Information held about you

West Lothian Council will hold all personal information contained in your
request and all personal information needed to answer your request in
accordance with data protection law. It is important that we hold accurate
and up to date information about you in order to respond to your request.
If any of your details have changed, or change in the future, please
ensure that you tell us as soon as possible so that we can update your

How will we use information we hold about you?

We will use your personal information to respond to your request and to
any appeal submitted in relation to your request.

Who we will share your information with?

The council will not share your information with any third party unless
you ask us to do so or we are required to do so by law.

How long do we keep your records?

We will keep personal information relating to your request for a maximum
of six years after your request and any appeal associated with your
request has been answered.

Your rights

If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is used,
please contact the Data Protection Officer. More information about data
protection and how it applies to you, including how to make a complaint,
is available from the [4]Information Commissioner's Office

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right
to request your information and to request that the information be amended
if incorrect or, in some circumstances, erased.

To make a request for information, amendment or erasure, you will need to
put your request in writing and provide proof of identification to the
Data Protection Officer, West Lothian Council, West Lothian Civic Centre,
Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF Email:
[5][email address]

show quoted sections

Samantha Kerr (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Response indicates that there is no specific training and and all staff development has no external scutiny. This is rather alarming.


“Please advise your policy, procedures and training programme for staff concerning
`Coached children, which explains types and examples of coaching, signs of a child being coached
and consideration to be given when working with coached children"

There is no formal procedure or training covering this specific area. All social work qualified
staff have undertaken a professional qualification and access training on a range of topics
throughout their career. Social work staff reflect on their practice and professional
development within regular supervision with their line manager.

West Lothian Council

1 Attachment

What Do They Know


What Do They Know

Freedom Of Information

Our Reference: 101006196984

I refer to your request for information dated 11/12/18.

Please see attached response document related to your Freedom of Information Request.

You are free to use the information supplied in this response for your own non-commercial research or private study purposes. The information may also be used for any other purpose allowed by a limitation or exception in copyright law, such as news reporting. Any such use must be in context and must not be misleading. Any other type of re-use, for example by publishing the information in analogue or digital form, including on the internet or commercial use, will require the permission of the intellectual property owner and copyright owner.

Further details as to how to apply to re-use information supplied by us can be found on our website at

If you have any complaint about the Council's handling of your request for information, you may require the Council to review its actions and decisions in relation to this response. Please write, within 40 working days from the receipt of this information, to Carol Johnston, Chief Solicitor, West Lothian Council, West Lothian Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston EH54 6FF (Telephone: 01506 281605, email: [email address]). The request should be in writing, email or other permanent format and should state your name, address and specify the original request for information and the reason for your dissatisfaction.

In the event that you have not received a response to your request within 20 working days (allowing time for postage), or if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, a further right of review exists to the Scottish Information Commissioner. You can apply online: or in writing to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS (01334 464610; email [email address]).

You can apply to the Commissioner for a decision on the manner in which the Council has dealt with your request. The application must be submitted within six months after the date of receipt by you of the outcome of the Internal Review or in the event of the Council failing to comply with the Internal Review within six months of the expiry of the time period for compliance. The application should be in writing, email or other permanent format, state your name, address and the reason for your dissatisfaction with the original response and internal review. Should you then wish to appeal against the Commissioner's decision, there is a right of appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law only. Any such appeal must be made within 42 days after the date of intimation of the Commissioner's decision.

Yours Sincerely

West Lothian Council


In accordance with our Corporate Policy you may be contacted shortly to obtain your views on how we handled your request.


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a contract and may not be founded upon in any proceedings
following hereon unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Richardson, Wendy, West Lothian Council

1 Attachment

Internal review response attached.


Wendy Richardson

Managing Solicitor



West Lothian Council - Data Labels:


OFFICIAL - Sensitive: - Contains Personal or Business Sensitive
Information for authorised personnel

OFFICIAL: Contains information for council staff only

PUBLIC: All information has been approved for public disclosure

NON-COUNCIL BUSINESS: Contains no business related or sensitive


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Our Ref: FOI-021417 / 01111121


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2. It does not constitute a representation which is legally
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