Social Work Careers and Pay

The request was partially successful.

Dear Southend on Sea Borough Council,

Please specify the career structure and respective pay bands
(including individual pay in pounds Stirling per increment) for
social workers.

If known please specify what criteria must be met to progress
through the increments and pay banding e.g. completion of a
specific post qualifying award. Please do not provide just a pay
scale - this will not meet the terms of the request if the question
of progression requirements is not addressed.

An expected structure, subject to local differences, would be:
(-) Assistant Social Worker or Community Care Officer
(a) Newly qualified social worker
(b) Entry level social worker
(c) Advanced social worker
(d) Specialist or senior social worker
(e) Lead practitioner or practice manager
(f) Area, cluster or operations manager
(g) Intermediary manager in adult social care
(h) Assistant Director in adult social care
(i) Deputy Director in adult social care
(j) Director of adult social care (most senior
permanent/non-political member of staff)

What is the pay uplift for a worker holding Approved Mental Health
Professional status?

What is the monthly and annual value of the essential car user
allowance? What is the criteria for a worker to receive this?

How may hours, on average, does a social worker receive in paid
training each year?

What training is mandatory for social work staff (social workers
and assistant level staff e.g. community care officers) to
participate in and complete?

Do all members of staff, including assistant social workers, have
recent (in the past 3 years) training in the Mental Capacity Act

Are assistant social workers permitted to carry out mental capacity
assessments according to the process set out in the MCA 2005? If
yes what safeguards are in place to ensure the process was carried
out correctly and the outcome is in the client's best interests?

What electronic social care records system and version is currently
used in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? (e.g.
Framework-i, Liquid Logic, SWIFT, AIS, CareFirst v6). Are any
changes to the system planned in the next 2 years?

How many social work assistants are currently employed (i.e. not
including locum staff) in (a) children's services and (b) adult
social care?

How many newly qualified social workers are currently employed (a)
children's services and (b) adult social care?

How many non-newly qualified social workers are currently employed
in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?

How many locum social workers (i.e. agency staff) are currently
employed in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?

What is the current standard pay rate pro rota for locum social
workers in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? If no
standard rate then please specify the range in pounds Stirling per

Yours faithfully,

Mark Jones

FOI requests at Southend on Sea Borough Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council

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Please do not respond to this e-mail as it has been produced automatically.

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• Advise you that a service request has been made on your behalf
• Let you know that your enquiry has been referred for specialist reply

Where appropriate we will also let you know:

• What will happen next
• Any timescales that apply
• A reference number to identify your request

We may take a few days to send you this information as each enquiry is looked at individually.

We aim to send you a full reply within a maximum of 5 working days. If there are reasons why your particular enquiry will take longer to answer, we will let you know.

Due to the high numbers of e-mails we receive we regret we are unable to respond to those which contain unsolicited advertising (‘junk’ mail).

On our website you will find a growing range of web-based services and as well as lots of other useful information.

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As part of the Council's drive towards delivering excellence you may be contacted to take part in a Customer Satisfaction survey.

FOI requests at Southend on Sea Borough Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council

Dear Mr Jones

Thank you for your e-mail received on 26/09/12 concerning a Freedom of Information request.

Your enquiry has been passed to the Freedom of Information department. Your reference number for this matter is 360676.

They will aim to send you a full reply within a maximum of 20 working days.

If in the meantime you have any further enquiries, please get in touch using the contact details below.

You might also like to take a look at our website where you will find a growing range of web based services as well as lots of other useful information.

Yours sincerely

Customer Service Centre

Customer Service Centre
Southend on Sea Borough Council
Civic Centre
Victoria Avenue
Essex SS2 6EP

Email: [Southend-on-Sea City Council request email]
Telephone: 01702 215000

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As part of the Council's drive towards delivering excellence you may be contacted to take part in a Customer Satisfaction survey.

From: M Jones <[FOI #130856 email]>
Sent: 2012/09/23 11:46:34
To: FOI requests at Southend on Sea Borough Council <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Social Work Careers and Pay

Dear Southend on Sea Borough Council,

Please specify the career structure and respective pay bands
(including individual pay in pounds Stirling per increment) for
social workers.

If known please specify what criteria must be met to progress
through the increments and pay banding e.g. completion of a
specific post qualifying award. Please do not provide just a pay
scale - this will not meet the terms of the request if the question
of progression requirements is not addressed.

An expected structure, subject to local differences, would be:
(-) Assistant Social Worker or Community Care Officer
(a) Newly qualified social worker
(b) Entry level social worker
(c) Advanced social worker
(d) Specialist or senior social worker
(e) Lead practitioner or practice manager
(f) Area, cluster or operations manager
(g) Intermediary manager in adult social care
(h) Assistant Director in adult social care
(i) Deputy Director in adult social care
(j) Director of adult social care (most senior
permanent/non-political member of staff)

What is the pay uplift for a worker holding Approved Mental Health
Professional status?

What is the monthly and annual value of the essential car user
allowance? What is the criteria for a worker to receive this?

How may hours, on average, does a social worker receive in paid
training each year?

What training is mandatory for social work staff (social workers
and assistant level staff e.g. community care officers) to
participate in and complete?

Do all members of staff, including assistant social workers, have
recent (in the past 3 years) training in the Mental Capacity Act

Are assistant social workers permitted to carry out mental capacity
assessments according to the process set out in the MCA 2005? If
yes what safeguards are in place to ensure the process was carried
out correctly and the outcome is in the client's best interests?

What electronic social care records system and version is currently
used in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? (e.g.
Framework-i, Liquid Logic, SWIFT, AIS, CareFirst v6). Are any
changes to the system planned in the next 2 years?

How many social work assistants are currently employed (i.e. not
including locum staff) in (a) children's services and (b) adult
social care?

How many newly qualified social workers are currently employed (a)
children's services and (b) adult social care?

How many non-newly qualified social workers are currently employed
in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?

How many locum social workers (i.e. agency staff) are currently
employed in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?

What is the current standard pay rate pro rota for locum social
workers in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? If no
standard rate then please specify the range in pounds Stirling per

Yours faithfully,

Mark Jones


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #130856 email]

Is [Southend-on-Sea City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Southend on Sea Borough Council? If so,
please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


Southend FOI requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Jones,


Thank you for your request received on 26^th September 2012 for
information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Your request
should receive a reply by 24^th October 2012.


If you have any queries please get in touch quoting the FOI reference
number FOI 00950


Kind regards,



Sarah L Mitchell – Corporate Freedom of Information Team – Southend-on-Sea
Borough Council

Creating a Better Southend

( 01702 212922 (Direct) | * [1][email address]
|8 [2]

Support Services l Southend-on-Sea Borough Council | Floor 10, Civic
Centre, Victoria Avenue, SS2 6ER



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Southend FOI requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Jones,


I had hoped to be able to respond to your Freedom of Information request
made on 26.9.12 by today’s deadline but I am still in the process of
collating some of the information for you.


I hope to be able to send you a full reply by close on Friday, I hope this
is acceptable to you.


If however in the meantime you would like a partial response, please let
me know.


Kind regards,



Val Smith


Mrs Val Smith – Corporate Freedom of Information Team – Southend-on-Sea
Borough Council

Creating a Better Southend

( 01702 212572 (Direct) | * [email address] |8 [1]

Support Services l Southend-on-Sea Borough Council | Floor 10 Civic
Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on Sea, SS2 6ER





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Southend FOI requests, Southend-on-Sea City Council

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Jones,


Re: Freedom of Information Request


I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on


In that request you asked us for information about Social Work services.


I can confirm that the search for the information you requested has been
completed. Your questions are shown in blue below, followed by our


Please specify the career structure and respective pay bands

     (including individual pay in pounds Stirling per increment) for

     social workers.


     If known please specify what criteria must be met to progress

     through the increments and pay banding e.g. completion of a

     specific post qualifying award. Please do not provide just a pay

     scale - this will not meet the terms of the request if the question

     of progression requirements is not addressed.


     An expected structure, subject to local differences, would be:

     (-) Assistant Social Worker or Community Care Officer

     (a) Newly qualified social worker

     (b) Entry level social worker

     (c) Advanced social worker

     (d) Specialist or senior social worker

     (e) Lead practitioner or practice manager

     (f) Area, cluster or operations manager

     (g) Intermediary manager in adult social care

     (h) Assistant Director in adult social care

     (i) Deputy Director in adult social care

     (j) Director of adult social care (most senior

     permanent/non-political member of staff)


The information which follows regarding staffing is based on the
identification of job roles, using job titles:


Our career structure and respective pay bands is;


Level 5/6        -           Social Care Assistant

Level 6/7        -           Social Care Worker

Level 7/8        -           Senior Social Care Worker

Level 8           -           Qualified Social Worker

Level 9           -           Senior Practioner

Level 10         -           Team Manager

Level 11/12   -           Group Manager

Head of Service       £67,074 to £87,000

Director                      £100,911 to £116,493


A copy of our pay scales is attached which shows the salary and
incremental progression applicable to each level up to level 12.

When a job becomes available it is advertised. The advert includes which
Level applies, a Job Description and Person Specification including the
attributes and qualifications considered essential and/or desirable. Staff
are at liberty to apply for any job for which they consider themselves
suitable. It is for applicants to demonstrate how their qualifications and
experience fit them for the post. There is no automatic progression from
one Level to another.


Within a Level, incremental progression is usually on an annual basis
until the top of the pay scale is reached. Exceptionally, increments may
be accelerated within an officer’s scale at the discretion of the
authority on the grounds of special merit or ability, subject to the
maximum of the level not being exceeded. New members of staff will start
at a salary point within the job evaluated range for the post having
regard to the knowledge, skills and competencies of the individual as well
as their current and previous salary levels. Consideration must also be
given to the salary levels of any existing members of staff in the same
job group and the impact this may have on them. Our full reward policy can
be viewed on our website at
[1] .



     What is the pay uplift for a worker holding Approved Mental Health

     Professional status?


The current arrangement allows staff to choose between 2 extra increments

1 increment and 5 Days Leave or 10 days leave. This is being replaced for
new approved mental health professionals with a standard payment of


     What is the monthly and annual value of the essential car user

     allowance? What is the criteria for a worker to receive this?


The Council does not operate an essential car user allowance scheme (it
was discontinued some years ago). Instead, staff are able to re-claim the
cost of mileage incurred whilst on official business. The amount which can
be claimed is shown in the table below.


The claiming and payment of travelling expenses is based on the following


Official journeys are:


·           necessary to enable the employee to perform his/her duties
properly, and

·           undertaken with the approval of the appropriate line manager,
and duly authorised when claims are submitted.


The general principle of reasonableness underlies the claiming and payment
of all expenses.  Employees have a responsibility to ensure that the cost
to the Authority is kept to a minimum without unduly reducing the
efficiency with which they carry out their duties. The purpose of paying
travelling and subsistence allowance is that employees do not suffer
financially for going about the Authority’s business.


Travelling, subsistence and other expenses will from time-to-time be
subject to inspection by the Council’s Auditors.  Paid claims may also be
subject to scrutiny by Inland Revenue Auditors.

│ Car Allowances │40p per mile (up to 10,000 miles per annum) 25p │
│ │thereafter. │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│  │ │
│ │For long journeys over 100 miles, 101^st mile │
│  │onwards @ 12p per mile. │
│ │ │
│  │  │
│ │ │
│  │e.g.  for a journey of £300 (£150 miles each │
│ │way): │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│  │ │
│ │                       For the Outward │
│  │journey First 100 miles @ £0.40p and remaining │
│ │ │
│  │                       50 miles @ 12p per mile =│
│ │£46.00 PLUS │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│  │ │
│ │For the Inward Journey First 100 miles @ £0.40p │
│  │and remaining                    50 miles @ 12p │
│ │per mile) = £46.00 │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│  │ │
│ │ Therefore a total of £92.00 is payable │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│  │ │
│ │There is no allowance payable for additional │
│  │passengers travelling with the driver. │
│ │ │
│  │  │
│ │ │
│  │Engine size                       │
│ │Petrol               Diesel │
│  │ │
│ │  │
│Lease car mileage rates│ │
│ │1400cc or less                   │
│  │13p                    12p │
│ │ │
│ │1401cc to 2000cc              │
│ │15p                    12p │
│ │ │
│ │Over 2000cc                      │
│ │21p                    15p │
│ │ │
│ │Petrol hybrid cars are treated as petrol cars │
│ │for this purpose. │
│ │ │
│ │     │



     How many hours, on average, does a social worker receive in paid

     training each year?


Paid training is available to all staff. Each individual’s training need
is assessed as part of their appraisal process. The training received will
therefore vary from person to person.


We do not record information based on the number of hours training
provided to each social worker so we are unable to provide an average
number of hours figure.


     What training is mandatory for social work staff (social workers

     and assistant level staff e.g. community care officers) to

     participate in and complete?


Children’s Social Workers:


I have attached a copy of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
programme for Social Workers in the Children and Learning Directorate.
Also, in Southend we provide the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment
(ASYE) which attracts 23 hours in training and development time across the
year, and 88% of our workforce have a post qualifying award. When a social
worker employed by Southend Borough Council studies for a PQ award
(Masters Level award) they are provided with study days and flexi leave.
The exact amount of leave is dependant upon the demands of the course. The
ASYE and Masters study is over and above the standard training available
to our social workers.


Adult Services Social Workers:


There is no standard mandatory training as the need will vary depending on
the need and responsibilities of the individual but below is an overall
list of recommended training:


Social Service Worker Assistants, Access Officers, Social Service Workers,
Social Workers, Access Managers, and Senior Practitioners:

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

An Introduction to MCA/DOLS

Once every 2 years- MCA DOLS refresher

Domestic Abuse DASH

Domestic Abuse Advanced training

Safeguarding Investigating Skills

Safeguarding and the Law

LSCB Safeguarding Children

Data Protection

Carefirst training

NHS Continuing Health Care


Lone Worker

Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE)

Supervision awareness


Also any changes in legislation e.g.

Mental Health Law Update

Health and Social Care Act

Welfare Reform Bill

Ordinary Residence


Plus for Social Workers and senior practitioners & managers:

BIA Assessor Training

DOLS specialist training to maintain accreditation as BIA

AMHP training

Safeguarding and the Law

Supervisory Skills


We also offer training on topical items- in 2011/12 we also offered
sessions on:

· Preventable Fire Deaths

· Independent Safeguarding Authority

· Equality & Human Rights Commission training

· CHC and Sct 117 Law

· How to obtain an injunction- National Centre for Domestic Abuse


     Do all members of staff, including assistant social workers, have

     recent (in the past 3 years) training in the Mental Capacity Act



Yes. MCA/DOLS training is on the recommended training. We have also
introduced a refresher to assessor social work staff (including social
service workers) that workers must undertake every 2 years if they are not
qualified and recertified Best Interest Assessors.


     Are assistant social workers permitted to carry out mental capacity

     assessments according to the process set out in the MCA 2005? If

     yes what safeguards are in place to ensure the process was carried

     out correctly and the outcome is in the client's best interests?


Yes- assessments are discussed in day to day supervision and in formal
supervision. For complex cases, social workers are available to support
social service workers in carrying out assessments during joint visits.


     What electronic social care records system and version is currently

     used in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? (e.g.

     Framework-i, Liquid Logic, SWIFT, AIS, CareFirst v6). Are any

     changes to the system planned in the next 2 years?


We currently use CareFirst v6.9 which is supplied and supported by OLM.
This is used by both Children and Adult Services. There are no plans to
change the system currently however we are continually reviewing and
developing the system to meet business requirements.


     How many social work assistants are currently employed (i.e. not

     including locum staff) in (a) children's services and (b) adult

     social care?


Children’s Services:                        7


Adult Social Care:                            18


     How many newly qualified social workers are currently employed (a)

     children's services and (b) adult social care?


     How many non-newly qualified social workers are currently employed

     in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?


Our personnel records management system does not differentiate between
newly qualified and non-newly qualified social workers so we are unable to
provide a response to this part of your enquiry.


I can however advise that the number of qualified social workers currently
employed is:


Children’s Services:                        32


Adult Social Care:                            48



     How many locum social workers (i.e. agency staff) are currently

     employed in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care?


Agency staff currently employed in:


Children’s Services:                        9

Adult Social Care:                            6


     What is the current standard pay rate pro rota for locum social

     workers in (a) children's services and (b) adult social care? If no

     standard rate then please specify the range in pounds Stirling per



Agency staff pay range per hour:


Children’s Services:                        £24.50 - £38.02

Adult Social Care:                            £20.08 - £33.20


If you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to request a review of our response, you should write to
the Group Manager – Information and Governance, Support Services
Department, PO Box 6, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea,
Essex, SS2 6ER.


If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you can make a
complaint under the Council’s complaints process by writing to Corporate
Complaints Officer, Support Services Department, PO Box 6, Civic Centre,
Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.


You can also apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a
decision although generally the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner
can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,



Val Smith


Mrs Val Smith – Corporate Freedom of Information Team – Southend-on-Sea
Borough Council

Creating a Better Southend

( 01702 212572 (Direct) | * [email address] |8 [2]

Support Services l Southend-on-Sea Borough Council | Floor 10 Civic
Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on Sea, SS2 6ER





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