Guidance on the Use of Social Networking Sites
Carmarthenshire County Council is aware that employees will use the internet
to access social networking sites and other such facilities for personal
purposes. Many of employees are likely to participate in social networking on
websites such as Facebook, My Space and Twitter as well as use Blogs to share
views and opinions.
It is acknowledged that such sites are increasingly useful communication tools
and are a part of modern life. However it is acknowledged that, following a
number of recent incidences publicised within the media, there is the potential
for such sites to blur the boundaries between personal and employment lives.
Therefore, it is important that all employees are mindful that, when using such
sites, they must consider the potential impact of their actions on their contract
of employment with the Council.
Employees must remember that anything posted on a social networking site is
in the public domain and reflects on the individual as an employee of the
Authority. Consequently it is considered necessary to issue the following
guidance to staff:
To breach confidentiality
To criticise or abuse users of the Authority’s services, any other Council
employee or elected members
To bring the Authority or any of its employees and/or its elected
members into disrepute
During working hours
Council Policies and Procedure (e.g. Internet Usage and Monitoring
Policy, Flexitime Scheme)
Codes of Practice (e.g. Data Protection Act 1998)
Contract of Employment – Confidentiality clause
Code of Conduct for Council Employees
Employees are advised that the publishing of any inappropriate, inaccurate or
defamatory information/ material in the public domain may result in
Use of Social Media
People Management
& Performance
August 2011
disciplinary action being taken by the Council in accordance with its
Disciplinary Policy & Procedure. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, civil
court proceedings could ensue.
Staff are reminded that the Council has a number of policies and procedures to
enable staff to pursue personal concerns or grievances.
These include:-
Grievance Policy & Procedure
Dignity at Work Policy & Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure
Further information in respect of these Policies is available via the documents
library on BRIAN or from your supervisor/line manager.
Should you need any support or guidance in respect to these sites please
contact your supervisor/line manager or contact the Human Resources Team.
Use of Social Media
People Management
& Performance
August 2011