Case Ref: 20220780
Your request for information regarding ".Legal Costs Spent by the NDA on Alison McDermott's Whistleblowing Claim..." was...
Case Ref: 20220785
Your request for information regarding ".current Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contract..." was...
Case Ref: 20220786
Your request for information regarding ".Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity..." was received on 12 September and i...
Case Ref: 20230798
Your request for information regarding ".Temporary and Permanent Recruitment..." was received on 17 January and is being...
Dear Mr Meads
We have identified some former UKAEA records re. this matter, but they are now held by The National Archives see their website...
Dear Elizabeth
We requested a search of Nucleus archive on your behalf and they have provided an index of items captured. I don't immediatel...
Dear Ms Clarke
This is a matter for Sellafield Ltd. You can contact them via - [email address]
Judith Griffin
Information Access M...
Dear Philip
See answers to your questions set out below.
Judith Griffin
Information Access Manager
Nuclear Decommissioning Author...
See answers to queries below -
Judith Griffin
Information Access Manager
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
We work flexibly - so whilst i...
Dear Ms Moody
I did see that we had partially answered your previous request, in 2021 but when I consulted colleagues in our Cyber team our...
Case Ref: 20230797
Your request for information regarding ".Energy/Carbon saving projects..." was received on 17 January and is being dealt...
Dear Mr Alebshehy
We have searched our systems and not found any relevant information relating to your enquiry.
Judith Griffin
Dear Darren
1. How many SARs (not other types of data protection requests) have been made to the authority in the last 12 months? = 5
2. How...
Dear Gloria
We are withholding the information requested, as we believe s.24 Security exemption of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is applicable....
Case Ref: 20220777
Your request for information regarding ".funding to this Council before April 2015..." was received on 1 st August and is...
Case Ref: 20220772
Your request for information regarding ".How much have you paid Copeland Borough Council each year over the last 10 years...
Dear J Harvey
2022 recruitment fees = £738,709.70. See spend data for firms engaged and breakdown of spend etc. -
Dear Sadie
NDA owned land that is a current nuclear licensed site or adjacent / surrounding the current nuclear licensed sites is included i...
Dear Ms Clarke
I'd advise that this is a matter for NWS Ltd not NDA, as they are the appropriate Public authority in relation to LLWR ltd an...
Case Ref: 20230809
Your request for information regarding "...funding the NDA has provided to the Sutherland Space Hub..." was received on 17...
Case Ref: 20230810
Your request for information regarding "...Total Expenditure Incurred in Litigation in McDermott vs NDA ..." was received...
Dear Ms Marshall
We have now checked our records and can confirm that NDA has not provided funding to either of the developments listed in y...
Case Ref: 20230811
Your request for information regarding "...employee satisfaction surveys..." was received on 30 May and is being dealt wit...
Dear Mr Burns
We have searched our records and cannot find any Planning Performance Agreements between NDA and local authorities.
If you are unhappy...
This email is protectively marked OFFICIAL
This email is protectively marked OFFICIAL
Dear Beverley
This is an RWM Ltd contract, they are an NDA sub...