Social Media Management Tool

Office of the National Data Guardian did not have the information requested.

Dear Office of the National Data Guardian,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, the information requested below.

The details we require are:

1. Who is your social media management and monitoring tool supplier?

2. Start date & duration of framework/contract with the supplier

3. Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date

4. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,

Ellie Jones

OFFICE, Ndg (OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL DATA GUARDIAN), Office of the National Data Guardian

1 Attachment

Dear Ellie,


Request Reference: 1700


Thank you for your email of in which you asked for information regarding
social media management tools. Your request has been handled as a request
for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  


The Office of the National Data Guardian does not utilise any social media
management tools. As such, we do not hold the requested information.


We hope you find this information useful, and you are satisfied with our
response to your request for information. However, should you be
dissatisfied with our response you can request a review of our response by
responding to this email explaining what your concerns are.  


Following an internal review by the Office, you also have recourse to the
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a review of our response. You
can contact the ICO as below:


Information Commissioner's Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 
Fax: 01625 524510 

Internet: [1]  


Many thanks,


Office of the National Data Guardian

| [2][Office of the National Data Guardian request email]


[3]A picture containing graphical user interface Description
automatically generated



Read the [6]NDG’s latest blog.






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