Social Media Cyber Security, #QAnon
Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
Please treat these questions as Freedom of Information requests under UK FOI Acts, where appropriate using Section 16 – Duty to give advice and assistance.
Background information is provided for assistance if required.
Background Information on Cyber Security Social Media - Facebook, Google, Twitter
The publication of the National Audit Office Cyber Security Report and Progress on 15 March 2019 is noted. The question asked for the report was “Is the Cabinet Office effectively coordinating the 2016–2021 National Cyber Security Programme?” The audit gives quite a few failures / areas for improvement.
More information is available here but a summary is available here - NAO Mar 15 2019
Progress of the 2016–2021 National Cyber Security Programme, Summary
However there is very little information on Cyber Security protection for UK Government Departments, and in particular the cyber threat from social media corporations including those operated by US Corporations and the CIA – notably Facebook, Google and Twitter.
The audit states;
Departments and public bodies are responsible for safeguarding their own information
The Department (Cabinet Office) should continue to consult with other government departments to understand their cyber security priorities. This would allow them to contribute to any future strategy and programme and enable the Department to aggregate cyber opportunities and risks to better prioritise overall government activity in this area.
A 2018 Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy report found that the NCSC (National Cyber Security Strategy) has had an impressive impact since it was established and met its aim of rationalising areas of government involved in cyber security.
However, they also found inherent tensions between NCSC’s role as an open body providing advice and guidance and its parent body, the Government Communications Headquarters’ (GCHQ) role as a secret intelligence organisation.
More than 600 GCHQ staff transferred to NCSC when it opened and the NCSC has used existing GCHQ facilities and commercial frameworks to help set up Programme-funded projects within its first year. However, the NCSC must operate differently to the more classified activities of GCHQ to engage with the public and businesses on cyber security issues effectively
The threat from hostile countries, criminal gangs and individuals continues to increase and evolve, particularly as it becomes easier and cheaper to launch attacks.
Department (Cabinet Office) has not published updates for the first two years of the Programme and has been reluctant to publish a detailed breakdown of spending in this area. The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy recommended that government resumes its published reports to improve transparency and aid external scrutiny.
More information is available here .
Requesters summary / interpretation of posts from “QAnon” and social media cyber security
Facebook is owned and operated by the CIA. Facebook allows them access to cameras, sound and location data via the application. The spying cannot be stopped by deleting the application once on a phone or computer. There is no privacy.
The CIA is only meant to target foreign entities, but in fact is illegally targetting US citizens via Facebook and other social media. They focus though on elected officials in key committees. This is for blackmail purposes so that the CIA can control and manipulate who they wish.
The CIA do similar things with Google and Twitter, though with Twitter it is only able to read geolocation.
For the purposes of this FOI request, the Q post numbering system on shall be used, but other sites are available, which may or may not use the same numbering system.
Q Quotes (which can be checked independently via sources outlined later) Q posts [2988- 2991]
Q also asks [2990]
Why won't CHINA allow FB?
Situational awareness?
Do they know it's an individual collection asset program being covertly operated by the C_A?
Do they know it's been expanded to tap into the microphone of any device for listening and bulk data collection?
Do they know it's been expanded to tap into the GPS router of the device for RT tracking?
Do they know it's been expanded to tap into the camera function of the device in order to view/record all target designators?
The DARPA origins of Facebook are in post [2988] and others.
[2992] Google came from DARPA (US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency)
There is no privacy.
There is no way to turn off (even through app deletion) their ability to extract info.
How is that possible for a 'supposed' non_gov entity?
Phone co's involved?
Phone_wipe resolve?
Why is the C_A conducting an active umbrella collection campaign [stringer tangents to 9] against all US citizens through LifeLog [FB] absorb/tan targeting?
Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?
Primary focus on elected officials?
Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?
This is also an informative thread on Q and Facebook
Please treat these questions as Freedom of Information requests under UK FOI Acts, where appropriate using Section 16 – Duty to give advice and assistance.
It is highly likely that the CIA is therefore targetting UK officials social media on phones and computers in key departments and committees, for control, manipulation and blackmail purposes.
The actual or even potential threat of being spied upon and eavesdropped upon via social media represents an intolerable level of intrusion into peoples work lives.
The cyber threat from social media corporations including those operated by US Corporations and the CIA – notably Facebook, Google and Twitter is omnipresent and intimidating and can have severe consequences on staffs mental and physical health and morale.
Department Cyber Security Social Media FOI Requests
Qu 1 What security rules, codes, protocols, procedures and precautions are taken to ensure that the CIA, GCHQ /Cabinet office are not eavesdropping / spying on staff, officials and ministers in your Department with social media media eg Google, Facebook as a conduit?
Qu 2 What summaries / reports does the department have about its cyber security? Please indicate the public facing reports.
Qu 3 Has the Department risk assessed the threat posed by social media, especially that owned by foreign corporations and countries and especially US and CIA? What summaries does the department have of this information, including any public facing ones?
Qu 4 What social media apps are allowed on the Departments phones and computers?
Which are installed?
Qu 5 Are Facebook, Google and Twitter apps allowed to be installed and or used on Department computers and mobile phones?
Qu 6 Are private, ie individually owned, mobile phones and computers with social media apps installed such as Facebook, Google and Twitter allowed in Department meetings, committees, and in the office environment?
Qu 7 If the answer to Qu 5 and Qu 6 are yes, how does the Department stop companies / CIA spying utilising microphones, cameras, and GPS data on those devices?
Qu 8 Has the department informed staff of the risk of spying and eavesdropping via social media apps? If so please send a copy of the memo / paper.
Qu 9 Has the Department contributed material to the Cabinet Office as part of the cyber security strategy? If so what?
Questions on Q sometimes written as QAnon, #Q #QAnon
(Background information on Q follows the questions)
Qu 10 Has the Secretary, Ministers or the top 3 civil servants in the Foreign Office been briefed about QAnon?
Qu 11 If so please indicate the date and the type of recorded information that has been briefed so that any future request may be narrowed down, as per Section 16 of the UK freedom of Information Act and Information Commissioner Guidance.
Qu 12 Has the Department any other recorded information on Q / QAnon ? If so please indicate the date and the type of recorded information that has been briefed so that any future request may be narrowed down, as per Section 16 of the UK freedom of Information Act and Information Commissioner Guidance. (If there is a mass of information that will take the request over the time limit, please disregard this question)
Background Information for Questions on Q sometimes written as QAnon, #Q #QAnon
Q is believed to be a group of people very close to the President, comprising individuals from National Security Agency (NSA) and military intelligence (MI). They are running a psychological operation, a “psyop”, in order to bypass the mainstream is widely seen to deliver a biased offering. This direct line is essential to ensure the truth gets out.
Q tackles subjects that are deliberately not being covered by the “mainstream” as those subjects may implicate them.
For the sake of legality, Q's style is to mainly ask questions which points people in the right direction about what subjects to research.
These summaries may be useful:
What if Q and QAnon and the Great Awakening are real?
Articles from professional writers who have investigated #Qanon
What is QAnon? Archived
Making Sense of Qanon and the Storm
This thread explains the deep state battle, CIA v NSA and Snowden Archive
Some Q proofs are on the following links. Whilst there may be better Q proofs elsewhere these will give some idea as to the “proofs” for Q. “At what point does it become mathematically impossible to be a coincidence?” asks Q.
Q uses 8chan, which is difficult for many to follow. Links such as these are easier to read.
For the purposes of this FOI request, the numbering system on shall be used, but other sites are available, which may or may not use the same numbering system. has a searchable database and other helpful features.
There are also discussion groups on VOAT if you wish to check posts with decoding /explanations.
Q Analysts on Twitter
Security services GCHQ / MI6 should / will undoubtedly know that Q's information is a bona fide intelligence operation close to the current democratically elected US President, and the UK 's intelligence agencies should be able to confirm this for the Department.
Even if GCHQ and /or MI6 fail to confirm the authenticity of Q for whatever reason, the beauty of the Q operation is that the information can be read and researched and checked by people themselves to check its authenticity. It may take a while to get accustomed to the style of the information and to research but it can be rewarding to learn the truth.
Q is revealing the extent to which social media such as Facebook, Google and Twitter can spy on users.
Q is also revealing the assistance by UK intelligence and politicians of Project Fulsome, the spying on President Elect Trump astoundingly revealed to be at the request of President Barrack Obama and Susan Rice, helped by the UK
Whilst this exposing of the Uk's role is ongoing, this leaked correspondence from Richard Hannigan ex Head of GCHQ to Boris Johnson, ex Foreign Secretary appears to verify the spying on Trump, despite previous denials from GCHQ. .
Yours faithfully,
Don Priest
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Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
Apologies Qu 10 has the wrong wording, it should read
Qu 10 Has the Secretary, Ministers or the top 3 civil servants in the Department been briefed about QAnon?
"Department" throughout means the Department I am writing to, unless otherwise stated
Yours faithfully,
Don Priest
Dear Mr Priest
I can confirm that your clarification below will be made to the request we have already received from you (our reference FOI-1170888).
Yours sincerely
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information team
Dear Mr Priest
Thank you for your request dated 19 March 2019 under the Freedom of
Information Act (our ref: FOI 1170888). I can confirm that the Department
holds information relevant to your request.
I am writing to inform you that the Department's consideration of the
balance of the public interest with regards to your request is not yet
complete, and requires further time to complete in line with Section 10(3)
of the FOI Act.
The Department is currently assessing the public interest in release under
Section 24 (national security).
We anticipate this process will take no longer than a further 20 working
days to complete. We therefore aim to respond fully to your request by 17
Please accept my apologies for this delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
Department of Health and Social Care
Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored
for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications.
This email was scanned by the Sophos anti-virus service.
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Dear Mr Priest
Thank you for your request dated 19 March 2019 under the Freedom of
Information Act (our ref: FOI 1170888). I can confirm that the Department
holds information relevant to your request.
I am writing to inform you that the Department's consideration of the
balance of the public interest with regards to your request is still not
yet complete, and requires further time to complete in line with Section
10(3) of the FOI Act.
The Department is currently assessing the public interest in release under
Section 24 (national security).
We anticipate this process will take no longer than a further 20 working
days to complete. We therefore aim to respond fully to your request by 17
Please accept my apologies for this further delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
Department of Health and Social Care
Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored
for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications.
This email was scanned by the Sophos anti-virus service.
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Dear Mr Priest
Thank you for your request dated 19 March 2019 under the Freedom of
Information Act (our ref: FOI 1170888). I can confirm that the Department
holds information relevant to your request.
I am writing to inform you that the Department's consideration of the
balance of the public interest with regards to your request is still not
yet complete, and requires further time to complete in line with Section
10(3) of the FOI Act.
The Department is currently assessing the public interest in release under
Section 24 (national security).
We anticipate this process will take no longer than a further 20 working
days to complete. We therefore aim to respond fully to your request by 15
Please accept my apologies for this further delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
Department of Health and Social Care
Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored
for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications.
This email was scanned by the Sophos anti-virus service.
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Dear Mr Priest
Thank you for your request dated 19 March 2019 under the Freedom of
Information Act (our ref: FOI 1170888). I can confirm that the Department
holds information relevant to your request.
I am writing to inform you that the Department's consideration of the
balance of the public interest with regards to your request is still not
yet complete, and requires further time to complete in line with Section
10(3) of the FOI Act.
The Department is currently assessing the public interest in release under
Section 24 (national security).
We anticipate this process will take no longer than a further 20 working
days to complete. We therefore aim to respond fully to your request by 12
Please accept my apologies for this further delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
Department of Health and Social Care
This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
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message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic
Dear Mr Priest
With apologies for the delay, please find attached the Department of
Health and Social Care's response to your FOI request (our
ref: FOI-1170888 )
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information team
Department of Health and Social Care
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