Looking for a home
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Looking for a home
For most people, looking for a new home can be a daunting
task. That’s why we’ve put together this booklet.
It’s for anyone who is looking for a home to rent or buy.
It tells you about all of the housing options available, and
how you can get the help and advice you need to find and
keep a home that’s right for you.
Introduction and advice
Renting from a private landlord
Southwark’s housing list
Home ownership
Other ideas
Moving away from Southwark
Equality and diversity
Useful addresses
Let’s work together to help you find a home
If finding a home is your priority, Southwark’s
Our HomeSearch team can
HomeSearch centre is the place to go to help you
find a home that’s right for you and your family.
Offer help and advice so you can stay where
Our specially trained HomeSearch team will work
you are (if, for instance, a private landlord is I
closely with you to help you explore all of your
I trying to evict you)
options and will support you in finding and
keeping a safe, suitable, stable home.
Advise you on mortgage arrears and
mortgage repossession
For anyone who believes they may be in danger of
losing their home or if you want to find out about
Advise you about being rehoused
the council’s housing list, our HomeSearch team
can also help.
Give you advice on tenancy deposit schemes
There are many more options than you think. At
Offer advice if you have repair problems
HomeSearch, we work side by side with you to help
in your home (Southwark council tenants should
find the best solution for you and your circumstances.
I contact their area office)
So if you’re looking for a home, for whatever reason,
let us help. You will be surprised by what we can
Work side by side with you to help you find
achieve together.
and keep a safe and suitable home
Take the first step today, by arranging to meet with
Our team are keen to help prevent homelessness
our HomeSearch team. Just call 020 7525 5950 to
amongst private tenants who are threatened with
make an appointment and get started on finding
illegal eviction by their landlords.
a better home for you and your family.
We can offer you free, expert advice if
Your landlord is harassing you to leave your home
Your landlord has locked you out of your home
Your rent is going up
We can advise tenants and landlords to ensure that both
parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
This booklet will also offer you some ideas and
advice about finding a home and the wide range of
housing options available in Southwark and across
London and the rest of the country.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Renting privately – easier than you think
There are important advantages to renting a home
You could also try using a search engine like
in the private sector. Renting privately means you
www.google.co.uk by typing “Properties for rent in
can choose where you live in the borough and the
London” into the search box. Lots of sites will come
type of property you want to live in. You may be
up for you to look at. Some allow you to register
able to find a house or ground floor property
your details and will email you as suitable properties
with a garden or you can choose to rent furnished
are added to the site.
accommodation. And renting privately means it’s
much easier to move to another part of London.
I don’t have any furniture
Over the last few years a lot of new homes for rent
and sale have been built in the private sector, so you
When you are renting privately you can often find
have a better chance of moving into a newly built
furnished accommodation, while council and
property now. You will also have more choice over
housing association property is not furnished.
whom you live with, so it will be easier to share a
house with friends, for example.
Look out for adverts for furnished accommodation.
Some say part-furnished, or p/f. This generally means
that they include things like a cooker and a fridge,
How do I find somewhere to live?
and even beds. Partly furnished accommodation
should be carpeted, but as it is not fully furnished,
There are many private lettings agents in Southwark
it may not have wardrobes or a table and chairs,
and other areas that will be able to help you with
for example.
finding a place to live. You can also look at
advertisements in shop windows and supermarkets.
If you need help buying furniture, you may be
Many people use
Loot and the property section in
entitled to a community care grant or a budgeting
Southwark News and the
South London Press.
or crisis loan. Contact your local benefit agency
for advice or see www.dwp.gov.uk.
If you have access to the internet, there are some
very good websites showing rooms and properties
for rent. Most libraries offer free use of the internet,
What about a deposit?
and we also provide free internet access for home
seekers in our HomeSearch centre.
Most private landlords require at least four weeks’
rent as a deposit, plus four weeks’ rent in advance.
Here are some site suggestions
But it can be hard to find the extra money to pay a
deposit on a rental flat or house, especially if you are
I www.fish4.co.uk/lettings
on a low income. This is why Southwark Council
I www.houseladder.co.uk
runs a Finders Fee scheme.
I www.moveflat.com
I www.mysouthwark.co.uk
The Finders Fee scheme means we pay a fee
I www.girlings.co.uk (for older people)
to a landlord who is able to offer a property
I www.loot.com
to a tenant claiming housing benefit or who
I www.intolondon.com (renting a room)
is working and on a low income.
“Working with HomeSearch helped us see
how we could be better off in a private flat.
It’s been a great move for us.” Monika
The fee can be for a flat share or for renting
In some cases the amount of benefit you are entitled
a property and is paid by the Council to the
to will be affected by other things. These can include
landlord instead of a deposit from you.
How much your rent is
Payment is made directly to the landlord or
agent on condition that they offer you a 12-month
Whether anyone living with you is expected
tenancy agreement, with an option to renew
to contribute to your rent
the agreement at the end of this period.
Local Housing Allowance gives tenants more choice
The fund for the Finders Fee scheme is limited,
in where they live and it’s fairer too. This is because
however. It’s meant to assist those who are homeless,
with Local Housing Allowance you
or facing homelessness, whether they are single, a
couple or a family. Telephone 020 7525 5950 to see
Will be entitled to the same amount of benefit
if you qualify and arrange a HomeSearch interview
as people in the same circumstances as you
to find out more.
Can find out how much benefit you can get
before you rent a property
How can I pay the rent?
Can decide how much of your benefit you
Rent in the private sector is often more expensive
want to spend on renting a property
than for council and housing association homes.
If you are receiving benefits, or are working and on
Will usually get your benefit paid to you
a low income, you may be entitled to help with
I It is up to you to pay the rent to your landlord
paying the rent, called housing benefit.
Will find out about your benefit more quickly
From April 2008, the government is introducing a
than before
new way of working out new claims for housing
benefit for tenants renting accommodation from a
The following will give you an idea of the maximum
private landlord. It also affects tenants already
Local Housing Allowance payable in Southwark and
getting housing benefit who move into
some parts of neighbouring boroughs.
accommodation rented from a private landlord.
Type of
Approx maximum
This is called Local Housing Allowance.
Local Housing Allowance
With Local Housing Allowance, your benefit is not usually
single room
£95 per week
£411 per month
based on the property you live in. It is usually based on
1 bed
£173 per week
£750 per month
2 bed
£213 per week
£925 per month
Who lives with you
3 bed
£277 per week
£1,200 per month
Which area you live in
4 bed
£380 per week
£1,650 per month
How much money you have coming in
5 bed
£461 per week
£2,000 per month
What savings you have.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Southwark’s housing list
We keep a list of everyone who has applied to us
How do we decide on priority?
for housing. You must be on the housing list before
you can be considered for a council or housing
The law says we must have a fair way of deciding
association property. Your place or order of priority
who has priority for council and housing association
on this list will depend on your own housing need.
properties. Like most councils, we do this by deciding
You can apply to join Southwark’s housing list by
Which reasons count as urgent reasons to move
filling in a housing application form. These are
available from your area housing office, one stop
Which of these are most important
shop or Southwark HomeSearch centre. Addresses
and phone numbers for these locations can be found
We give priority to people with the greatest needs, not
in the useful addresses section of this booklet.
those who have been waiting the longest There are
more details in our booklet
Letting Southwark Homes.
Please be aware that not everyone can join the housing
list. You should be able to go on the list if you
Southwark Homesearch –
Are over 16
bidding (applying) for a home
Are not restricted by immigration controls
Once you are on the housing list, you can use
Southwark Homesearch, our lettings service, to bid
Have not been evicted for rent arrears or anti-
for a home from those that become available. The
social behaviour by a council or housing association
scheme gives you choice and means you decide
where you want to live rather than the council
deciding for you. To help you do this we
What happens next?
Advertise most vacancies every week in our
You can then telephone 020 7525 4140 to make an
special magazine, Southwark Homesearch,
appointment to see one of our HomeSearch advisors.
and on our website
The advisor will process your application for the
housing list and put all your details onto our
Invite you to bid (apply) for the property
computer system. In addition, a HomeSearch advisor
of your choice. You can do this by phoning
can help you complete the form if you need it and
I our HomeSearch bidding hotline on
can arrange for an interpreter to translate your copy.
I 0845 270 0655 or via our website on
You will be asked to provide proof of identification
I www.southwarkhomesearch.org.uk. You can
and address(es) for all members of your household. I also text your bid – see the magazine for details.
We will send you a letter confirming your details and
You can only bid for a property that has the right
explaining the level of priority you have for a council
number of bedrooms for you. Our booklet
home or transfer. Depending on your level of need
Southwark Homes explains what this means. Briefly,
you will be placed in band one, two, three, or four.
it all depends on the number adults and children in
You can find out more about how this works in our
your household.
Letting Southwark Homes.
“Homesearch magazine is a great idea. It gives us more choice
over where we want to live. But it's still a long process, and
we have to be realistic about our prospects.” Olivia and Stanley
At the close of bidding, the bidder who has the
Will I ever make a successful bid?
highest priority is offered the property.
Unfortunately, many people who bid for properties
If that bidder is you, and you refuse the offer of the
will not be offered anything. This will depend on
property, in most cases you will be free to bid again
and no penalty will apply. Our booklet
Letting Southwark
Your level of priority
Homes explains about exceptions to this rule.
How many empty homes are suitable for you
Where can I pick up a copy of the
Which properties you bid for
Southwark Homesearch magazine?
Even those with a high priority often have to wait a
Southwark Homesearch magazine is available free of
long time, particularly if the type of property they
charge from the HomeSearch centre, area housing
need is in very short supply (such as larger properties
offices, one stop shops and some libraries. You will
and ground floor flats). Homesearch magazine and
find a list of addresses at the back of this booklet.
website will help you to judge how to make more
The magazine will also keep you informed of other
realistic bids by reporting the outcome of all previous
housing options, such as affordable home ownership
bids made, including
schemes or moving out of London.
Band and registration date of the successful
For more information telephone 020 7525 4140.
applicants, and
Total number of bids received for properties
From time to time we will also publish average
waiting times, and this will help you decide whether
it makes more sense to look at other housing
options. Contact our HomeSearch centre for
advice on 020 7525 5950.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Home ownership
There is now an exciting range of schemes to help
Open market HomeBuy
people access affordable home ownership. This
includes new build HomeBuy (formally known as
This enables eligible applicants to purchase a home
shared ownership) and other schemes where
of their own choice on the open market with the
additional loans are offered, subsidised by the
help of a government equity loan. All applicants will
government. Further details about most of these
be given the choice of three alternative loans of
can be found at www.housingoptions.co.uk
17.5%, 25% and 32.5% of the purchase price.
by telephoning 0800 056 5209
17.5% loan – You are free to raise your mortgage
I with any high street lender and you can receive
New build HomeBuy
I a government equity loan of 17.5% of the
I purchase price.
This is
25% loan – You raise a mortgage from an
A part-buy, part-rent scheme
I approved lender and you receive a loan of 12.5%
I of the purchase price, which is free for five years.
A way to buy what you can afford now so you
I You are also awarded an additional 12.5% of the
don’t overstretch yourself financially, and
I purchase price from your HomeBuy agent and
I there are no monthly repayments on this.
A way to buy either a newly built home or
occasionally a newly refurbished home
32.5% loan – This loan is used alongside your
I mortgage and is interest free for the first five
Who can buy?
I years. You will need to raise a mortgage on
I 67.5% of the purchase price of a home.
Anyone who cannot afford to buy a suitable home
on the open market can apply. However, priority will
Find out more about open market HomeBuy by
be given to council and housing association tenants
logging onto www.housingoptions.co.uk or
who move out of their rented homes if they get a
telephoning 0845 230 8099.
new build HomeBuy home, and to eligible key
workers who meet the key worker rules.
First Time Buyers Initiative (FTBI)
Applications are also welcomed from
What is the FTBI?
First time buyers
People living with parents or relatives
FTBI makes more affordable homes available to first
People living in private accommodation
time buyers priced out of the housing market. It
People who need to move for work reasons, and
offers government assistance (minimum of £25,001)
Homeless people living in temporary
on a designated FTBI development. This enables the
first time buyer to take out an affordable mortgage
on which they make repayments. For the first three
Find out more about this scheme by logging onto
years, there is nothing to pay on the amount
www.housingoptions.co.uk or telephoning
contributed by the government.
0845 230 8099.
“A range of schemes are making it more possible than ever
before for people like us, with our relatively small savings,
to finally own our own home.” Jess and Jimmy
Who can apply?
Home purchase grant scheme
Anyone who cannot afford to buy a suitable home
Southwark Council can provide financial assistance
and is a first time buyer can apply. Around 50% of
to a small number of tenants who want to buy a
the homes will be made available to key workers
private property and who will in doing so vacate their
such as nurses, teachers and police officers.
council homes. Home purchase grants are aimed at
those tenants currently occupying larger council
Find out more about this scheme by logging onto
accommodation – three, four and five bedroom
www.housingoptions.co.uk or telephoning
homes. Successful applicants can receive a grant of
0845 230 8099.
between £20,000 and £36,000 depending on the
size and type of the council home they are vacating.
London-wide Initiative (LWI)
If you are interested in this scheme, please contact
Southwark’s Home Ownership Unit at 113 Lorrimore
The LWI is a government-backed scheme for key
Road, London SE17 3NA or telephone 020 7525 7431
workers. Under the initiative, a range of 15
for more information. Remember, there is a limited
development sites across London have been
budget for this scheme.
purchased to deliver new one, two and three
bedroom homes. The government shares the costs
and benefits of home ownership with purchasers in
Social HomeBuy
order to make these homes more affordable.
Through Social HomeBuy existing council tenants
Key features of the LWI scheme
have the opportunity to purchase the property they
live in, on shared-ownership terms. Qualifying
Buyers must be employed in a key worker
tenants can buy as little as 25% of their current
occupation as defined by the government.
home and pay rent on the remaining share. As
with the Right to Buy, a discount is available on the
Buyers must be able to afford around 50% of
purchase price, currently up to a maximum of
the full purchase price of the home and have
£16,000. The scheme involves applicants being
a maximum household income of £60,000.
means-tested to ensure the affordability of the
proposed purchase.
Buyers are responsible for any mortgage
repayments relating to their stake in the property.
If you are interested in this scheme, please
contact Southwark’s Home Ownership Unit
Government will assist with around 50%
at 113 Lorrimore Road, London SE17 3NA or
of the full purchase price and no rent or
telephone 020 7525 7431 for more information.
interest is paid by the purchaser on the
government-retained stake.
Find out more about this scheme by logging onto
www.housingoptions.co.uk or telephoning
0845 230 8099.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
“Buying my own home wasn't easy,
but with help I got from my family,
I got there in the end.” Toby
Buying your own home on the open market
The lender will tell you how much they are prepared
to lend you to buy a home and how much of a lump
While the cost of buying a home in London is high,
sum deposit you will be expected to pay. This is
some areas are less expensive than others. Property
based on your income and that of anyone buying
in areas further south, on the outskirts of London
with you (partner, relatives, friends etc).
(like Surrey and Kent), tend to be more reasonably
priced than central London. To get an idea of costs,
Other costs
check with local estate agents and look at free
property papers. You can also search on the internet
Apart from the deposit, other costs include
for estate agents in other areas and compare prices.
Solicitor’s fees
Most people who buy their own home need a
mortgage. Usually banks and building societies will
Lender’s valuation fee
lend up to 90% or 95% of the value of the property.
It is worth shopping around to see who can offer
Structural survey fee
the best deal, as some mortgage lenders offer fixed
interest rates or low start mortgage rates. Apart
Arrangement fee to the mortgage lender
from banks and building societies, you could also try
financial advisers or estate agents for free advice.
Stamp duty
If you want to buy a flat on a new development, the
builder may offer lending facilities (Check out the
Building insurance which is payable from
Evening Standard or
Metro on Fridays for
when you exchange contracts
advertisements about new developments).
Removal costs
Always get advice, which is often free, before
making your decision.
Other ideas for council and housing association tenants
Swap your home!
Small is beautiful
If you are a council or housing association tenant
Is your home too big for your family? Have your
and want to move home, then why not consider
children grown up and moved away? Perhaps the stairs
swapping with another tenant?
are getting difficult or you would like cheaper heating
bills? Whatever the reason, we may be able to help you
You can advertise your current home in a range
move to a smaller and easier to manage home.
of ways
If you are a council or housing association tenant
In newsagents/supermarkets
and have more bedrooms than you need, then we
are really keen to try and help you move to the home
In your local housing office
of your choice. To make it easier for you, we may be
able to offer you help with your removal expenses as
Take out a free advert in Loot – and pay for
well as a redecoration allowance. You can receive
additional adverts if you want. Check with Loot
£750 for each spare bedroom you are giving up
on 0871 222 5000 for the latest special deals.
when you move, and £750 to £1,750 decoration
allowance depending on the size of property you
You can advertise in a local newspaper in the
are moving to.
area you want to move to. The newspaper will
probably charge for this.
Who can move through this scheme?
Try www.houseexchange.org.uk
– a website for
You could be given Band 1 priority on the council’s
council and housing association tenants.
housing list if your current home has
Several other websites also offer mutual
Two bedrooms and you only need one
exchange services. Log onto www.google.co.uk
and type in “home swap” for example, to bring
Three bedrooms and you only need one
up a list. Some may charge a registration fee.
or two bedrooms
If you are a Southwark council tenant and
Four or more bedrooms and you want to
want to remain in Southwark, you can
move to a home with fewer
advertise for exchange in the Southwark
Homesearch magazine and on the website
How do I apply?
I www.southwarkhomesearch.org.uk
. Just pick
up and complete a mutual exchange form I
For more information, contact your local housing
from your local area housing office, the
office, one stop shop or the Southwark HomeSearch
HomeSearch centre or telephone 020 7525 5950
centre on 020 7525 5950 and ask for a
Small is
and return it to us.
Beautiful booklet.
Once you find a suitable exchange partner, you both
then inform your respective landlords to approve the
swap and arrange a date for the move.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Moving away from Southwark
Are you interested in making a fresh start
Girlings Retirement Option
by moving outside London?
Help for over 55s
The Changing Places scheme may be able to help you
If you are over 55 you may be able to apply for a
find accommodation beyond the greater London
privately rented retirement apartment. These are let
area. So if you are looking for a new home in a
on assured tenancies to offer you the security of
new area, we are waiting to hear from you.
tenure and the peace of mind.
Who can apply?
Whether you are currently a council, housing
association or private tenant, or indeed staying
Southwark council tenants currently on
with family or friends, Girlings may have the answer
the transfer list
for you. The properties are one and two bedroom
apartments and have been designed and built to a
Applicants whose homeless application to
high standard specifically for retirement. They are
be re-housed into permanent accommodation
scattered throughout Britain and are usually close
has been accepted by the council
to local facilities. If you qualify for help with rent
payments, then housing benefit might be able to
If you are flexible about the type of property and
help you with this.
area you would consider, it will increase your chances
of success! And if you are offered a property, we may
To find out more about the Girlings retirement
be able to pay for your travel expenses and assist
option, call direct on the freephone number
with relocation costs after you have moved.
0800 525 1841 or the low cost number 08457 585 356.
You can also apply via their website www.girlings.co.uk
As the scheme is voluntary, you will still be able to
which provides details on each of their developments
bid for a home within Southwark whilst you are
and their current vacancies.
waiting for a permanent move out of London. So
why not find out more about a fresh start for you
and your family?
How to apply
Simply pick up a
Changing Places booklet from
your local housing office, one stop shop or the
HomeSearch centre and complete the short form.
Our changing places team are happy to talk to you
about the scheme on 020 7525 4184.
“Moving out of London was a huge decision
for us. Now that we're here though, we
never look back.” Chris and Jean
Seaside and Country Homes scheme
Are you over 60 and want to move to move to a
coastal or country area?
If you are a council tenant and over 60 and want to
move out of London, there are properties available
through the Seaside and Country Homes scheme that
could be right for you. The tenant of the household
must be over 60 to qualify for this scheme.
The properties are located throughout coastal and
country areas such as Cornwall in the South West,
Norfolk on the east coast and in Lincolnshire. One
and two bedroom flats and two bedroom bungalows
are included in the scheme.
Norfolk and Suffolk have shorter waiting times than high
demand areas such as Kent, Sussex, Essex or Dorset.
Contact the HomeSearch centre on 020 7525 5950
for further information.
Southwark HomeSearch
Looking for a home
Equality and diversity in Southwark
The diversity of our community is one of our
Our aims will be to
most valued assets.
Improve the quality of life by improving access
Strong communities will thrive and prosper if
to services and by reducing gaps in health,
individuals and groups are treated fairly, with
employment, education attainment and
respect, and given access to rights and services.
community safety – particularly with those
Our aim is to create an environment where this is
I most affected
possible and to put equality and diversity at the
heart of everything we do.
Improve social cohesion by promoting positive
relationships and a sense of community and
We will promote equality and diversity by
belonging – by reducing fear and tensions –
I particularly around race issues and by promoting
Building values of mutual respect where
I a vision in which individuals, groups and
individuals have a sense of belonging and are
I communities are properly valued
encouraged to participate and gain full access
to services to which they are entitled
Promote citizenship rights and responsibilities
I We will do this by ensuring that the council does
Recognising that some individuals and certain
I all it should in providing real leadership and
communities are particularly disadvantaged
I compliance with its duties and by encouraging its
and will require extra recognition and support
I partners, particularly in the public sector to do
to deal with their disadvantages
I likewise. We will also do this by acting to protect
I the rights of individuals and groups by ensuring
I that abuse, mistreatment or discrimination is
I recognised and properly dealt with.
Promote a workforce which understands and is
committed to achieving these goals and retains
retains the confidence of our local communities
To deliver this vision we have created a single
coherent framework to address all equality and
diversity issues and have developed a corporate
equalities action plan in order to communicate our
intentions and to drive change.
Our policies and plans will be reviewed regularly in
order to target effort and resources where it is
most needed.
Useful addresses
Housing offices
If you need housing advice or are
Borough and Bankside area
Blue Anchor library
worried about becoming
housing office
Market Place
homeless, arrange a housing
Library Street
Southwark Park Road SE16 3QW
options interview by contacting:
Borough SE1 ORG
Brandon library
HomeSearch Centre
Part of Borough & Bankside area
Maddock Way
25 Bournemouth Road
housing office
Cooks Road SE17 3NH
Tabard Gardens
SE15 4UJ
169 Long Lane SE1 4PN
Camberwell library
17-21 Church Street SE5 8TR
Tel: 020 7525 5950
Camberwell area housing office
Harris Street
Dulwich library
Camberwell SE5 7RX
368 Lordship Lane SE22 8NB
Southwark Homesearch
East Street library
magazine pick-up points
Dulwich area housing office
168-170 Old Kent Road SE1 5TY
including housing offices:
41-43 East Dulwich Road
SE22 9BY
Grove Vale library
Bermondsey One Stop Shop
25-27 Grove Vale SE22 8EQ
17 Spa Road
Kingswood sub-office
London SE16 3QW
39-40 Kinsey House
John Harvard library
Seeley Drive SE21 8QR
211 Borough High Street
Peckham One Stop Shop
Borough SE1 1JA
Ground Floor
Nunhead and Peckham Rye area
Peckham Library
housing office
Newington library
122 Peckham Hill Street
27 Bournemouth Road
155-157 Walworth Road SE17 1RS
Peckham SE15 5JR
Peckham SE15 4UJ
Nunhead library
Walworth One Stop Shop
Rotherhithe area housing office
Gordon Road SE15 3RW
Wansey Street, off Walworth Road
155-159 Abbeyfield Road
SE17 1RY
Rotherhithe SE16 2LS
Peckham library
122 Peckham Hill Street SE15 5JR
Southwark Town Hall
Aylesbury sub-office
Peckham Road SE5 8UB
Rotherhithe library
Thurlow Street SE17 1NS
Albion Street
Rotherhithe SE16 7HY
Leathermarket JMB
26 Leathermarket Street SE1 0RG
This booklet is for people who are looking for a home to rent or buy. It will tell you
about your possible housing options and who to contact for more help and advice.
If you would like a copy of the booklet in large print, Braille or translated into
another language, please contact us at the HomeSearch centre (address inside).
Ce dépliant est pour les gens qui cherchent un logement à louer ou à acheter. Il vous parlera des options
que vous pourrez avoir et qui contacter pour obtenir de l’aide et des conseils. Si vous désirez obtenir
une copie de ce dépliant en gros caractères, en Braille ou dans une autre langue, veuillez nous contacter
au Home Search centre (adresse à l’intérieur).
Buug-yarahan waxa loogu talogalay dadka raadinaya inay ijaartaan ama gataan guri. Wuxu kaaga
warami doonaa ikhtiyaarada kuu furan ee guryaha iyo cidda aad kala xidhiidhayso gargaar iyo talo
dheeraad ah. Haddii aad jeceshahay inaad bug-yarahan ka hesho nuqul ku qoran far waaweyn, farta
indhoolaha ee “Braille” ama mid luqad kale loo tarjumay, fadlan nagala soo xidhiidh HomeSearch
Centre (cinwaanka gudaha).
Este folleto es para aquellas personas que buscan alquilar o comprar una vivienda. Le indicará a usted
sus posibles opciones y a quién contactar para obtener más ayuda y consejos. Si usted deseara una
copia del folleto en letras grandes, Braille o traducida a otro idioma, por favor contáctenos en el Centro
de Búsqueda de Vivienda (dirección adentro).
索取大字體,盲文,或翻譯成其他語文的版本,請聯絡找屋中心(HomeSearch Centre)(地址附內)
Bu broşür ev kiralamak veya satın almak isteyen insanlar içindir. O size, ev konularında mümkün olan
seçeneklerinizi ve daha fazla yardım ve tavsiye için kiminle kontak kurmanız gerektiğini söyleyecektir.
Eğer bu broşürün büyük harflerle yazılmış, görme özürlüler alfabesinde yazılmış veya bir başka dile
çevrilmiş kopyasını isterseniz, lütfen Home Search Centre (adres içindedir) ile bağlantı kurunuz.
Cuốn sách nhỏ này dành cho những người đang tìm thuê hoặc mua nhà ở. Nó sẽ cho bạn biết những
khả năng lựa chọn nhà ở có thể và những ai bạn cần liên lạc để biết thêm thông tin tư vấn, giúp đỡ.
Nếu bạn muốn có một bản copy của cuốn sách này với cỡ chữ to hơn, in chữ nổi hoặc được dịch sang
ngôn ngữ bạn muốn, xin hãy liên lạc với chúng tôi tại Trung tâm tìm kiếm nhà ở (địa chỉ ở bên trong).
Publication date: April 2008 Looking for a home/30509