This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Social housing'.
A summary of 
Southwark Council’s lettings policy 
Letting Southwark homes

Southwark HomeSearch
Letting Southwark Homes
Letting Southwark homes 
This booklet is a summary 
Since 2005, most council and housing association 
properties are let through Southwark Homesearch,

of Southwark Council’s 
a scheme to enable you to bid for the home of
lettings policy. 
your choice from those that are available.
Homesearch is Southwark’s choice-based lettings
scheme. It means you can decide where you want to
Its aim is to inform you how
live and to bid for the home of your choice.  
we assess and prioritise
To help find and bid for the right home for you, 
applicants for housing.  
the Homesearch service will
Advertise vacant homes in our Homesearch 
magazine and on our website every week 
Invite all those people whose names are on 
the housing list to bid (apply) for the property 
of their choice 
Offer the property to the highest priority 
applicant who has responded
Please be aware that although we would like to 
offer a home to everyone who wants one, there are
simply not enough council or housing association
homes available. The truth is that most people who
want a new home will have to make their own
housing arrangements.  
To improve your chances of finding and keeping a
home that’s right for you, we recommend that you
look at other housing options, and our booklet
Looking for a home may help. You can also contact
the HomeSearch centre on 020 7525 5950 for 
The Southwark housing list
advice from our housing specialists, or to make an
appointment for a housing options interview.  
Priority categories 
Suitable housing
Equality and diversity policy 
Useful contact information
A fair system
We aim to make sure that people with the greatest
see how many other applicants have placed bids 
housing need get a home first and we try to make
for the property you are interested in.  
the best use of the housing that is available.
You can make one bid every week.
Like most councils we do this by deciding
The bidding hotline is in a range of community
Which reasons count as urgent reasons to move 
languages. The website also offers information in
Bengali, Bosnian/Serbo-Croat, French, Portuguese, 
Which of these are most important 
Punjabi, Spanish, Turkish, Tamil, Urdu, Cantonese, Somali,
and Vietnamese, as well as British Sign Language.  
We keep a list of everyone who has applied to us for
housing. You must be on the housing list before you
If you need help choosing a property and making 
can be re-housed. Your place or order of priority on
a bid, contact 020 7525 4140.
this list will depend on your specific housing need.   
How will the successful applicant be selected?
How do I apply for a property?
Following the closing date for bids, our computer
The housing list stores the details of all the people
produces a list of everyone who has placed a bid for 
applying for housing, and all our properties, on a
each advertised property. The applicant in the highest
computer. This makes the system fairer and easier to 
band and who has been in that band longest, will be
manage. All registered applicants receive a letter telling
offered the property.
them which Homesearch band they have been given
and their qualifying date in this band (see page 6).   
Offers are not made on a first come, first served basis.
The offer depends on your housing need. Read the
When a property becomes empty it is advertised in the
section on Homesearch bands on page 6 to find out
Southwark Homesearch magazine and on our website.     how we work out your housing need. 
You can pick up a copy of Southwark Homesearch
magazine at your area housing office, selected
libraries, one stop shops or the HomeSearch centre.
Please see the address list at the back of this booklet.  
Or check the website (free at public libraries):  
If you see a property that you like, and that suits the
size of your family (see page 8) you can bid for the
property by phoning the Southwark Homesearch
bidding hotline on 0845 270 0655, or you can bid on
the website. You will need to give your Homesearch
registration number, your date of birth, and the
reference number of the property, or type in the
details if you are using the website. You can check to

Southwark HomeSearch
Letting Southwark Homes
The Southwark housing list  
Who can go on our housing list? 
This could apply if you are homeless or if you need a
special type of housing, such as a sheltered scheme.
Only those people over age 16 are eligible to go on
Read the explanations below to find out more.
our housing list. You cannot be registered more than
once (for example, on your application and on
someone else’s).   
Medical assessment
We cannot re-house asylum seekers and some other
If you live somewhere that is affecting your health 
people with limits on their immigration status. Also
or the health of someone in your family, you will
you may not normally join our housing list if you
need to fill in a medical assessment form. This may
entitle you to higher priority on the housing list. 
Have been evicted for owing rent, either by us 
It is possible however that following a medical
or a housing association (this also applies to 
assessment, some applicants may not be awarded
I money you owe for hostels, hotels and so on)
any priority on medical grounds. You can get a form
from your area housing office, one stop shop, the
Have been found guilty of assaulting or 
HomeSearch centre or telephone 020 7525 4140.
threatening our staff or local councillors
Caring responsibilities 
The application form 
If you look after someone who is ill or disabled, and
In applying, you will have to provide us with
you need to live closer to that person, you will need
documents to prove your identity and your family’s
to fill in a medical assessment form. You may be
identity and to prove you live at the address you give 
entitled to a higher priority for re-housing, or, if you
us. We may visit you at home to check that the details
need to live with the person you are looking after,
on your form are accurate and that we have all the
you or they may be entitled to an extra bedroom. 
information we need.  
If you are homeless, we will assess your needs in line
The aim of the council’s lettings policy is to
with the law.  
Make the best use of the housing we have, and 
Harassment or personal protection
Make sure we give priority to the people who 
need it most
Sometimes tenants who are at risk in their own
home can be moved to a higher priority level. For
Most people only have to fill in an application form.
example, if you are facing harassment, or if you need
However, you may need to have more detailed
police protection this may apply to you. 
assessment before we can decide how great your
housing needs are.  
You must give your area housing office detailed
information before a panel can consider your case.
Sheltered housing
If you do not reply to this letter, we will take you off
the housing list.  
If you want to apply for sheltered housing, contact
our sheltered services on 020 7525 4231 or 
You must let us know if anything changes, particularly
020 7525 4180. They will send you a sheltered
if you move, or you may lose out.
questionnaire. You should return the completed
questionnaire, together with a completed housing
list application form (if you are not already
Being suspended from the list
registered). Once you are assessed, you will be
assigned a Band according to your needs and you
You may be registered on the list but we may not be
will be offered support to bid for the property of
able to consider you for an offer of accommodation
your choice. Generally sheltered accommodation is
because your application is subject to a suspension.
for people aged 60 or over. However, we are able to
This will apply if
consider some applicants over 55.  
You owe rent to us or to a housing association.  
I You will be suspended until you pay the rent you 
Adapted housing 
I owe. This also applies if you are a homeless 
I person in temporary accommodation.
If you or a member of your household uses a
wheelchair within your home and needs
If you have made a homelessness application 
accommodation that is adapted for this purpose,
there will be a temporary suspension whilst we 
please contact our medical assessment service on
check your new circumstances  
020 7525 4201. They will determine whether you
need an assessment by our occupational therapists.
You gave up a tenancy with us. You will be 
If so they will arrange for a referral.    
I suspended for one year from the date you left.
You are 16 or 17 years old. We can help only a few  
What happens next?
I 16 and 17 year olds and they are normally referred
I by the social services department or have been
We will process your application for the housing list
I assessed as homeless by the homelessness service.  
and put all your details on our computer system. 
We will send you a letter confirming your details and
You are a council tenant using your right to buy 
explaining the level of priority you have for a council
home or transfer.  
We are waiting for more information to support 
your application (for example, proof of identity)
If at any time after that you want to check your
application, you can simply contact the HomeSearch
You are a homeowner. We do not offer 
centre on 020 7525 4140.
I homeowners housing except under exceptional 
I circumstances. Contact the HomeSearch centre 
Every year we will send you a letter asking if you still
I for advice on 020 7525 4140.
want to be on the housing list. We will ask you to
confirm whether your details are still correct.  

Southwark HomeSearch
Letting Southwark Homes
Homesearch bands
Immigration status
People who are on the housing list are placed in
band one, two, three, or four, depending on how

You will not qualify to go on the housing list if you
we assess your housing needs.  
Are restricted by certain immigration controls
Band one is the highest priority and band four the
lowest. Within each band you will be put in order of
Do not regularly live in the United Kingdom  
priority according to your qualifying date.     
or the European Union, or
This means that those who have waited longest in
Are asked to leave the United Kingdom by 
each band will be considered first.  
the Government 
This is a complicated area and we are unable to
provide all of the details here. These rules do not
apply if you are already a council tenant.  
If you do not qualify to go on the housing list, or
you are suspended from it, we will explain this to
you in writing. You have the right to ask for a
senior staff member to review the decision.  
Band one 
Band three 
Who is in band one?
Who is in band three?
Underoccupiers – tenants of larger properties 
Homeless people who have no home of their 
who want a smaller one (who qualify through 
own, who have not made themselves homeless 
I ‘Small is Beautiful’ our under-occupation initiative)
on purpose, and who are also vulnerable, such 
as the elderly, families with children or people
Families put forward by the social 
with mental or physical health problems. These 
services department 
I people should also have a link with Southwark. 
Council tenants who need to move so that 
People who live in overcrowded housing, 
new homes can be built or old ones can be 
who are short of at least one bedroom 
improved or repaired 
People whose serious illness or disability is 
Tenants affected by fire or flood
made worse by their current home and who 
need to move to improve their medical 
Those to whom we have a legal duty, called a  
condition (medical priority)
statutory obligation, because of overcrowding 
or a court order 
Council tenants whose relationship has broken 
down (you will need to qualify under the terms  
I of your tenancy agreement)
Band two
If you lack kitchen/bathroom facilities or an 
inside toilet
Who is in band two?
If you lack permanent electricity or a hot 
water supply 
People whose serious illness or disability is 
made much worse by their current home and 
whose need to move is assessed as being vital.  
I This is known as urgent medical priority
Band four 
People put forward by the single homeless 
nominations and allocations group (SHNAG)  
Who is in band four?
Young people leaving care put forward by 
All those remaining who do not fall into one 
the social services department
of the three bands above
People who need to be moved for their personal
protection or to stop them from being harassed 
Usually your band will only change if you have a major
change in your circumstances. For example, you may
People who have more than one priority 
have a medical problem that has got much worse.
reason to move, such as being overcrowded 
and being a medical priority. This is known  
If you do have any major changes in your circumstances,
I as multiple need
contact the HomeSearch centre on 020 7525 4140.

Southwark HomeSearch
Letting Southwark Homes
Suitable housing
We have rules about the size of property we are
Refusing an offer
able to offer because there are so many people
looking for a home.

If you make a successful bid for a property but decide
to refuse the offer, then in most cases you will be
free to bid again and no penalty will apply. However,
Working out the size of home to suit you
if you refuse a total of 10 offers following successful
and/or your family
bids, your application will be suspended from the
bidding process for six months.         
We look at the number of people in your family and
how old they are
Direct offers
Couples are entitled to one bedroom 
Sometimes we will make an offer of accommodation
Single adults are entitled to one bedroom 
directly to someone who is on the housing list. The
I (for us an adult is someone who is 16 or over) 
circumstances in which we will do this include: 
Two children of the same sex are usually 
Housing adapted for people with disabilities
expected to share a bedroom
National Witness Protection Scheme moves 
A boy and girl under 10 are expected to share 
a bedroom  
Some tenants who are being rehoused as part 
of a regeneration scheme 
Children are only expected to share a double 
bedroom, one that is 10 square metres or larger 
Tenants who are moving temporarily to allow 
extensive repair works to be carried out to 
One bedroom for any other child aged under 16 
their home 
Homeless applicants depending on the 
Housing associations 
availability of temporary accommodation for 
homeless households
The council owns and manages most of the properties
it advertise and offers. 
Tenants who need to move urgently on grounds 
of personal protection/harassment and who 
Some are owned by housing associations that provide
have been provided with temporary 
homes for rent in a similar way to that of the council.
accommodation by the council  
Most of a housing association’s new tenants are
people who have applied to the council for housing.
Exceptional circumstances which fall outside 
Not many housing associations have their own
the normal provisions of our lettings policy
waiting lists.  
Refusing a direct offer 
There is more information about what happens if
you refuse a direct offer and the appeals process in
In some circumstances, applicants who refuse a
our leaflet Offers and Refusals, which we send out
direct offer that we think is suitable, will not be
with every direct offer we make.  
offered housing again. This depends on the category
of need of the applicant. It does not apply to people
with disabilities.     
A refusal is considered unreasonable if the 
This policy was developed in consultation with 
property offered
local people, tenants, residents, public and 
voluntary organisations, other landlords, and 
Is the correct size for the household’s needs 
local community groups.  
as per council policy 
Takes into account any medical recommendations
In some cases, applicants who have been made a
direct offer can appeal against a decision of
unreasonable refusal.  
Where there appears to be grounds for an appeal,
the appeal will be heard by an appeals panel whose
decision will be final.  

Southwark HomeSearch
Letting Southwark Homes
Equality and diversity in Southwark 
The diversity of our community is one of our 
Our aims will be to
most valued assets.
Improve the quality of life by improving access 
Strong communities will thrive and prosper if
to services and by reducing gaps in health, 
individuals and groups are treated fairly, with
employment, education attainment and 
respect, and given access to rights and services.  
community safety – particularly with those 
Our aim is to create an environment where this is
I most affected
possible and to put equality and diversity at the
heart of everything we do.
Improve social cohesion by promoting positive 
relationships and a sense of community and 
We will promote equality and diversity by
belonging – by reducing fear and tensions –
I particularly around race issues and by promoting 
Building values of mutual respect where 
I a vision in which individuals, groups and 
individuals have a sense of belonging and are 
I communities are properly valued
encouraged to participate and gain full access 
to services to which they are entitled
Promote citizenship rights and responsibilities 
I We will do this by ensuring that the council does 
Recognising that some individuals and certain 
I all it should in providing real leadership and 
communities are particularly disadvantaged 
I compliance with its duties and by encouraging its 
and will require extra recognition and support 
I partners, particularly in the public sector to do 
to deal with their disadvantages
I likewise. We will also do this by acting to protect 
I the rights of individuals and groups by ensuring 
I that abuse, mistreatment or discrimination is 
I recognised and properly dealt with.
Promote a workforce which understands and is 
committed to achieving these goals and retains 
retains the confidence of our local communities
To deliver this vision we have created a single
coherent framework to address all equality and
diversity issues and have developed a corporate
equalities action plan in order to communicate our
intentions and to drive change.  
Our policies and plans will be reviewed regularly 
in order to target effort and resources where it 
is most needed.
Useful addresses 
Housing offices
If you need housing advice or are
Borough and Bankside area
Blue Anchor library
worried about becoming
housing office
Market Place 
homeless, arrange a housing
Library Street
Southwark Park Road SE16 3QW
options interview by contacting:
Borough SE1 ORG
Brandon library 
HomeSearch Centre 
Part of Borough & Bankside area
Maddock Way 
25 Bournemouth Road 
housing office 
Cooks Road  SE17 3NH  
Tabard Gardens 
SE15 4UJ 
169 Long Lane SE1 4PN
Camberwell library
17-21 Church Street SE5 8TR 
Tel: 020 7525 5950 
Camberwell area housing office 
Harris Street
Dulwich library 
Camberwell SE5 7RX
368 Lordship Lane SE22 8NB
Southwark Homesearch 
East Street library 
magazine pick-up points 
Dulwich area housing office 
168-170 Old Kent Road SE1 5TY 
including housing offices:
41-43 East Dulwich Road 
SE22 9BY 
Grove Vale library 
Bermondsey One Stop Shop
25-27 Grove Vale SE22 8EQ 
17 Spa Road  
Kingswood sub-office
London SE16 3QW
39-40 Kinsey House
John Harvard library 
Seeley Drive SE21 8QR 
211 Borough High Street 
Peckham One Stop Shop
Borough SE1 1JA 
Ground Floor
Nunhead and Peckham Rye area
Peckham Library 
housing office
Newington library 
122 Peckham Hill Street
27 Bournemouth Road 
155-157 Walworth Road SE17 1RS 
Peckham SE15 5JR 
Peckham SE15 4UJ
Nunhead library 
Walworth One Stop Shop
Rotherhithe area housing office
Gordon Road SE15 3RW
Wansey Street, off Walworth Road 
155-159 Abbeyfield Road 
SE17 1RY 
Rotherhithe  SE16 2LS
Peckham library 
122 Peckham Hill Street SE15 5JR
Southwark Town Hall
Aylesbury sub-office 
Peckham Road SE5 8UB
Rotherhithe library
Thurlow Street SE17 1NS 
Albion Street 
Rotherhithe SE16 7HY
Leathermarket JMB
26 Leathermarket Street SE1 0RG

This booklet gives you information about how 
Southwark Council lets properties to tenants. 
If you would like a copy of the booklet in large print, Braille or translated into
another language, please contact us at the HomeSearch centre (address inside).
Ce livret vous informe sur la manière dont le Conseil de Southwark propose des biens destinés à des
locataires. Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie de ce livret imprimée en gros caractères, en Braille ou

traduite dans une autre langue, veuillez nous contacter au HomeSearch Centre (adresse à l’intérieur). 
Buug-yarahan wuxu macluumaad kaa siinayaa siday Guddiga Southwark Council guryaha u siiyaan
dadka. Haddii aad jeceshahay inaad bug-yarahan ka hesho nuqul ku qoran far waaweyn, farta
indhoolaha ee “Braille” ama mid luqad kale loo tarjumay, fadlan nagala soo xidhiidh HomeSearch
Centre (cinwaanka gudaha).
Este folleto le informará cómo alquila el Municipio de Southwark propiedades a inquilinos. Si usted
deseara una copia del folleto en letras grandes, Braille o traducida a otro idioma, por favor 
contáctenos en el Centro de Búsqueda de Vivienda (dirección adentro).
請聯絡找屋中心(HomeSearch centre)(地址附內)
Bu broşür Soutwark Belediyesi'nin kiracılarına konutları ne şekilde kiraladığına ilişkin bilgi vermektedir.
Bu broşürün büyük puntolarl veya Bray Alfabesiyle yazılmış bir kopyasını veya başka bir dile çevrilmesini
isterseniz, lütfen HomeSearch Centre'da (Ev Arama Merkezi-Adresi Broşürün çerisinde Belirtilmiştir)
bizimle kontak kurunuz.
Cuốn sách nhỏ này cho bạn biết Hội động Quận Southwark tiến hành cho thuê nhà tới những người đi
thuê như thế nào. Nếu bạn muốn có một bản copy của cuốn sách này với cỡ chữ to hơn, in chữ nổi
hoặc được dịch sang ngôn ngữ bạn muốn, xin hãy liên lạc với chúng tôi tại Trung tâm tìm kiếm nhà ở
(địa chỉ ở bên trong).
Publication date: May 2008  Letting Southwark homes/30522