We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Laura Hughes please sign in and let everyone know.

Social Care Workers

We're waiting for Laura Hughes to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Council,
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/18 to 31/3/19? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/18 to 31/3/19? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/19 to 31/3/20? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/19 to 31/3/20? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/20 to 31/3/21? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/20 to 31/3/21? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/21 to 31/3/22? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/21 to 31/3/22? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/22 to 31/3/23? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services
ii)How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/22 to 31/3/23?? Broken down, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services

2. What was the total spend by your organisation on temporary/ locum qualified (agency) social workers during the financial years 1/4/19 to 31/3/23? Broken down by financial year, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services

3. How many vacant positions were filled through locum temporary/ locum qualified (agency) social workers during the financial years 1/4/18 to 31/3/23? Broken down by financial year. Broken down by financial year, specifically:
Children’s Social Services
Adults’ Social Services

If it is not possible to fulfil this request for any reason, please provide advice and assistance as to how I can refine my request. If you can identify any other ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
Please provide the most up-to-date information as of the date this request is fulfilled in electronic (soft copy) form via email to me at [email address]
Yours Faithfully,
Laura Hughes

Feedback-Data, Breckland District Council



Please see our response to your FOI.


0, we do not hold the information requested, we are not responsisble for
Social Services- please contact NCC


If you are not satisfied with our response, you may request an internal
review within forty working days.


Kind regards


FOI Team

Breckland Council

Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE






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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Laura Hughes please sign in and let everyone know.