Social Care Systems And Subject Access Requests

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Michael O'Riley

Dear Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

1. Who is the supplier of your current Adults social care case management system?

2. Do you have any plans to replace this system in the next 3 years?

3. Who is the supplier of your current Adults social care finance system?

4. Do you have any plans to replace this system in the next 3 years?

5. Who is the supplier of your current Children's social care case management system?

6. Do you have any plans to replace this system in the next 3 years?

7. Who is the supplier of your current Children's social care finance system?

8. Do you have any plans to replace this system in the next 3 years?

9. Who is the supplier of your current Education system?

10. Do you have any plans to replace this system in the next 3 years?

11. Do you have a backlog of Children's social care Subject Access Requests?

12. If so, approximately how many and what is the estimated date that this backlog will be cleared?

13. Do you use eLearning tools to support the use of your Children's and / or Adults Social Care case management systems?

14. If so, please specify. If not, do you have any plans to procure such tools in the next three years?

Yours faithfully,

Michael O'Riley

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Michael O'Riley


Request for Information RFI-6495-23 Re: Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests


Thank you for your request for information relating to Social Care Systems
And Subject Access Requests which was received on 11 May 2023.


In accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the council will respond to your request within 20 working days, saying
whether we have the information that you want, and if there will be any


If, for any reason, we cannot provide you with the information, we will
tell you why.

If we need to clarify your request, we will contact you again.


In the meantime, if you need to contact me about your request, please do
so quoting the above reference number.


Yours sincerely,


Fakhara Qanwal

Assistant Assurance Officer

Walsall Council 

0800 0856018



[2]Walsall Council, Proud of our past, our present and for our future 


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confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly
stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and
the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and
not necessarily those of Walsall Council unless explicitly stated. Emails
sent or received from Walsall Council may the subject of a request under
data protection, freedom of information or environmental information
legislation and therefore could be disclosed to third parties. We strongly
advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated
third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an
enquiry related to your confidentiality or data protection, please visit
the council data protection pages on our website




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Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Riley,


Request for Information RFI-6495-23 Re: Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests


Further to your request for information Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests , received on 11 May 2023, I am writing to ask for some
further clarification of some aspects of your request.


In order for us to process your request as fully as possible could you
please provide the following information:


Unfortunately questions 3, 4, 7 and 8 are not specifically clear what is
being asked for – is this the financial information recorded in the care
system (i.e. the system that records the individual cost of care packages
for each adult / child – , or is it the council’s corporate financial
system (that is used to make payments to the care providers, and indeed
all council providers).

The Freedom of information Act 2000 allows the council 20 working days in
which to respond to requests.  However, this “clock” stops should we need
to seek clarification in order to locate or identify relevant


As such, your request is now on hold until we receive the clarification

If you wish to proceed with this request please send your clarification to
us, quoting the above reference number.


Please note that if we have not received your clarification within 15
working days we will close your request.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Yours sincerely


Fahmida Maknun

Assurance Officer

Walsall Council 

0800 0856018



[2]Walsall Council, Proud of our past, our present and for our future 


Disclaimer: The information in this message should be regarded as
confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly
stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and
the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and
not necessarily those of Walsall Council unless explicitly stated. Emails
sent or received from Walsall Council may the subject of a request under
data protection, freedom of information or environmental information
legislation and therefore could be disclosed to third parties. We strongly
advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated
third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an
enquiry related to your confidentiality or data protection, please visit
the council data protection pages on our website




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Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Riley, 

Request for Information RFI-6495-23 Re: Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests


Further to your request for information Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests , received on 11 May 2023, I am writing to ask for some
further clarification of some aspects of your request.

The Council seeked clarification on questions 3,4, 7 and 8 on 24th May
2023. For questions 3,4,7 and 8  it was not specifically clear what is
being asked for – is this the financial information recorded in the care
system (i.e. the system that records the individual cost of care packages
for each adult / child – , or is it the council’s corporate financial
system (that is used to make payments to the care providers, and indeed
all council providers).

Furthermore, the Council require clarification on question 13, what do you
mean about eLearning tools to support case management systems- can you
provide a clearer explanation for this or an example to help us answer the

The Freedom of information Act 2000 allows the council 20 working days in
which to respond to requests.  However, this “clock” stops should we need
to seek clarification in order to locate or identify relevant


As such, your request is now on hold until we receive the clarification

If you wish to proceed with this request please send your clarification
to us, quoting the above reference number.


Please note that if we have not received your clarification within 15
working days we will close your request.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Yours sincerely


Fahmida Maknun

Assurance Officer

Walsall Council 

0800 0856018



[2]Walsall Council, Proud of our past, our present and for our future 


Disclaimer: The information in this message should be regarded as
confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly
stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and
the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and
not necessarily those of Walsall Council unless explicitly stated. Emails
sent or received from Walsall Council may the subject of a request under
data protection, freedom of information or environmental information
legislation and therefore could be disclosed to third parties. We strongly
advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated
third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an
enquiry related to your confidentiality or data protection, please visit
the council data protection pages on our website



From: [Walsall Council request email]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 2:45 PM
To: [FOI #979834 email]
Subject: RFI-6495-23-Clarification required


Dear Mr O'Riley,


Request for Information RFI-6495-23 Re: Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests


Further to your request for information Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests , received on 11 May 2023, I am writing to ask for some
further clarification of some aspects of your request.


In order for us to process your request as fully as possible could you
please provide the following information:


Unfortunately questions 3, 4, 7 and 8 are not specifically clear what is
being asked for – is this the financial information recorded in the care
system (i.e. the system that records the individual cost of care packages
for each adult / child – , or is it the council’s corporate financial
system (that is used to make payments to the care providers, and indeed
all council providers).

The Freedom of information Act 2000 allows the council 20 working days in
which to respond to requests.  However, this “clock” stops should we need
to seek clarification in order to locate or identify relevant


As such, your request is now on hold until we receive the clarification

If you wish to proceed with this request please send your clarification to
us, quoting the above reference number.


Please note that if we have not received your clarification within 15
working days we will close your request.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Yours sincerely


Fahmida Maknun

Assurance Officer

Walsall Council 

0800 0856018



[4]Walsall Council, Proud of our past, our present and for our future 


Disclaimer: The information in this message should be regarded as
confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly
stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and
the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and
not necessarily those of Walsall Council unless explicitly stated. Emails
sent or received from Walsall Council may the subject of a request under
data protection, freedom of information or environmental information
legislation and therefore could be disclosed to third parties. We strongly
advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated
third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an
enquiry related to your confidentiality or data protection, please visit
the council data protection pages on our website




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Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Riley


Request for Information RFI-6495-23 Re: Social Care Systems And Subject
Access Requests


I am writing to you further to our email to you dated 24 May 2023, where
we sought additional information to allow us to process your request for
information. I requested further clarification on 6 June 2023.


Unfortunately to date we have not received the required
information/clarification to allow us to proceed with this request.


As we previously advised where we do not receive required
information/clarification within 15 working days requests for information
will be closed.


I can therefore confirm that your request for information has now been

Should you wish to proceed with this, please contact us to confirm this,
including the previously requested information/clarification and we will
be happy to proceed with your request.


If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us and we
will be more than happy to advise.



Yours sincerely,


Fahmida Maknun

Assurance Officer

Walsall Council 

0800 0856018



[2]Walsall Council, Proud of our past, our present and for our future 


Disclaimer: The information in this message should be regarded as
confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly
stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and
the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and
not necessarily those of Walsall Council unless explicitly stated. Emails
sent or received from Walsall Council may the subject of a request under
data protection, freedom of information or environmental information
legislation and therefore could be disclosed to third parties. We strongly
advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated
third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an
enquiry related to your confidentiality or data protection, please visit
the council data protection pages on our website




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