Social care support and funding

The request was partially successful.

Dear Oxfordshire County Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request the following information on social care support (as set out in Section 8 of the Care Act 2014) and funding for the purposes of social care support for working age adults with a learning disability in your local authority area.
Where questions refer to ‘learning disability’, please include individuals with ‘learning disability’ as their primary support reason.

7. How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability had the care and support hours allocated in their care package reduced in:
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15
Please include in your answers both those who are part and fully local authority funded. Please include in your answer care and support hour reductions where the reduction relates to a reduction in the care worker ratio (e.g. where 1:1 hours have been changed to shared hours). Please exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

8. How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability had the monetary value of their care package reduced in:
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15
Please include in your answers both those who are part and fully local authority funded. Please exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

9. How many working age adults (aged 18-64) had the care and support hours allocated in their care package reduced in:
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15
Please include in your answers both those who are part and fully local authority funded. Please include in your answer care and support hour reductions where the reduction relates to a reduction in the care worker ratio (e.g. where 1:1 hours have been changed to shared hours). Please exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

10. How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) had the monetary value of their care package reduced in:
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15
Please include in your answers both those who are part and fully local authority funded. Please exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

11. How many complaints about adult social care for people with a learning disability has the council received in the following years?
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15

12. How many complaints about adult social care has the council received in the following years?
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15

13. Has the council made any cuts to the funding of social care services for adults with a learning disability in the following years? If so, for each year please tell us the how much funding has been cut by.
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15

14. How many safeguarding concerns has the council received in the following years about adults with a learning disability?
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15

15. How many safeguarding enquiries (including, but not limited to, Section 42 enquiries) has the council received in the following years about adults with a learning disability?
a. 2018/19
b. 2017/18
c. 2016/17
d. 2015/16
e. 2014/15

Yours faithfully,

Juliet Atkins

Joint Commissioning FOI, Oxfordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Our reference: 16275 FOI


Dear Ms Atkins,


Thank you for your correspondence received on 08 January 2020 in which you
asked for information regarding social care support and funding.



Your request is being considered and you will receive the information
requested as soon as possible and in any event within the next 20 working
days in compliance with the Environmental Information Regulations
2004/Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless an exception applies. This
means that the council will respond to you by 05 February 2020 at the


If appropriate, the information requested can be made available in
alternative formats, including other languages, Braille, large print, and
audiocassette. If you require any of these formats then please let me


Please contact me if you have any have further enquiries about your
request. I would be grateful if you could quote the reference number given
at the top of this email.


Kind regards

Renata Malinowski


Freedom of Information Support Officer

Joint Commissioning and E&E

Email: [1]E&[email address] and
[2][email address]






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Joint Commissioning FOI, Oxfordshire County Council

2 Attachments

Our reference: 16275 FOI


Dear Ms Atkins,


Thank you for your request of 08 January 2020 in which you asked for
information about social care support and funding.  Please find our
response to your questions below in bold:


Please note for question 7 & 9 we have only included services which are
paid on an hourly cost, as many services are paid weekly or daily and
cannot be converted to hours (e.g. direct payments).  Please find attached
a list of all of the services that are paid on an hourly cost, entitled
16275 FOI – Hourly Paid Services.


For questions 7-10 and 14 we only hold this data from 2106/17 as we did
not record this data before we moved to our new database, LAS.


7.How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability had
the care and support hours allocated in their care package reduced in:

a.2018/19 192

b.2017/18 198

c.2016/17 37

d.2015/16 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.

e.2014/15 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.


8.How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability had
the monetary value of their care package reduced in:

a.2018/19 347

b.2017/18 468

c.2016/17 101

d.2015/16 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.

e.2014/15 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.


9.How many working age adults (aged 18-64) had the care and support hours
allocated in their care package reduced in:

a.2018/19 306

b.2017/18 287

c.2016/17 110

d.2015/16 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.

e.2014/15 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.


10.How many working-age adults (aged 18-64) had the monetary value of
their care package reduced in:

a.2018/19 543

b.2017/18 616

c.2016/17 227

d.2015/16 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.

e.2014/15 Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this information.






11.How many complaints about adult social care for people with a learning
disability has the council received in the following years?

a.2018/19 - 33

b.2017/18 - 25

c.2016/17 - 21

d.2015/16 - 29

e.2014/15 – 20



12.How many complaints about adult social care has the council received in
the following years?

a.2018/19 - 165

b.2017/18 - 169

c.2016/17 - 169

d.2015/16 - 187

e.2014/15 - 131



13.       Has the council made any cuts to the funding of social care
services for adults with a learning disability in the following years? If
so, for each year please tell us the how much funding has been cut by.

a.         2018/19

b.         2017/18

c.         2016/17

d.         2015/16

e.         2014/15


Available from the council website (plus 2014/15 attached), the ASC
section of the budget books sets out the incremental change to LD budgets
in each year.  While there have been some efficiencies and service
reviews, we have also added over £2m per annum demographic and other
growth to these budgets – this has outstripped any savings so from the
Council’s perspective, we can say we have not made any “cuts”.  Also,
where future savings are built in these have generally been removed again
or rephased in later years.




The budget books can be found under the titles ‘Service and resource
planning – current budget book’ for 2019/20-2022/23 and ‘Financial plans
for previous years’ for books 2018/19 – 2020/22 to 2015/16 – 2017/18.






14.       How many safeguarding concerns has the council received in the
following years about adults with a learning disability?

a.         2018/19 - 356

b.         2017/18 – 448

c.         2016/17 - 404

d.         2015/16 – Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this

e.        2014/15 – Oxfordshire County Council does not hold this



15.       How many safeguarding enquiries (including, but not limited to,
Section 42 enquiries) has the council received in the following years
about adults with a learning disability?

a.         2018/19 - 161

b.         2017/18 – 181

c.         2016/17 - 175

d.         2015/16 - 252

e.         2014/15 – 244





Internal review

If you are dissatisfied with the service or response to your request, you
can ask for an internal review as follows:


o Contact the Freedom of Information team in Law & Governance:

[2][Oxfordshire County Council request email] 

o Write to the Freedom of Information team at the FREEPOST address:

Freedom of Information Team
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxford OX1 1YA


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint,
you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Website: [3]


Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if
you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.


Yours sincerely,


Karen Fuller

Deputy Director for Adult Services

Oxfordshire County Council

Email:  [4][email address]





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Information Act 2000. [6]




This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. [7]email disclaimer. For information about how
Oxfordshire County Council manages your personal information please see
our [8]Privacy Notice.


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