Social Care Frameworks
Dear Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead,
1) Please can you provide me with the start and end dates for supplier
frameworks or contacts that service the following categories:-
a) Adult Domiciliary Care
b) Adult Residential Care
c) Children Social Care (All Services)
d) Mental Health Services
2) The person responsible for adult social care within the authority with their job title, phone number and email address
3) The current commissioning manager for social care within the authority with their job title, phone number and email address
4) Please provide the Council’s current Market Position Statement for Adult Social Care
Ian Hands
Dear Mr Hands
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your information request - it has been allocated reference FOI67591.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides 20 working days to process requests - this period expires on 27/5/2015.
Martin Tubbs
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Dear Sirs
Further to your Freedom of Information request FOI67591 please find your
questions and our responses below:
1) The start and end dates for supplier frameworks or contacts that
service the following categories:-
a) Adult Domiciliary Care
b) Adult Residential Care
c) Children Social Care (All Services)
d) Mental Health Services
2) The person responsible for adult social care within the authority with
their job title, phone number and email address
3) The current commissioning manager for social care within the authority
with their job title, phone number and email address
4) Please provide the Council’s current Market Position Statement for
Adult Social Care
Please see attached and also link below
If you are unhappy with the information we have provided in response to
your request please write to:
Information Management Team Manager
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Town Hall, St Ives Road
or send an e-mail to [email address]
We are proud to be one of the leading authorities in England for
consistently responding to information requests within the 20 working days
set down by statute. Information about our performance and summaries of
requests received can be found on our website:
We are keen to hear about your experience with the Information Management
Team here at the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead and look forward to
receiving any comments you have about the way your information request was
Please send any feedback to the Information Management Team Manager either
by e-mail [email address] or in writing to the address above.
Yours sincerely
David Davies
Information Management Officer
Legal Department
Corporate Directorate
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Town Hall, St.Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
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