Smoking and vaping product seizures

Forest of Dean District Council did not have the information requested.

Hi there,

I hope this finds you well - I’m getting in touch with an FOI request as I would like to receive information on the following questions for your local authority area, spanning the past 5 years in total up to the latest available data.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to request the following information:

- How many units of e-cigarettes/vaping devices/e-liquid goods were seized?
- How many units of cigarette packs were seized?
- The number of identified cases of illegal vaping products being in possession of, stocked, or sold by businesses
- How many fines or penalties have been issued for being in possession of, stocking, or selling illegal vapes?
- What was the value in £ pound sterling of each fine issued by your local authority?

Please present this data annually for each of the below periods:

1st January 2023 > 1st November 2023
1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022
1st January 2021 > 31st Dec 2021
1st January 2020 > 31st Dec 2020
1st January 2019 > 31st Dec 2019

If you could send the information over in a CSV or XLSX format, that would be ideal.

Please note: if you are unable to retrieve 5 years of data for the above-requested information within the available FOI cost limit, please reduce the number of years to the last 3 years, or as far back as possible, to the latest available date.

Thanks for your time,

Ella, Forest of Dean District Council

Thank you for your request for information. This mailbox does not record new requests.
Please use the link to submit your request:

Your request/s will being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and will be answered within twenty working days from the date of receipt. This timescale may be extended under certain circumstances. If this happens you will be notified of this and the estimated date of response.
Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.

The content of this email and any related emails do not constitute a legally binding agreement and we do not accept service of court proceedings or any other formal notices by email unless specifically agreed by us in writing.

Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.

DoNotReply FOI,

1 Attachment

Dear Ella,

Further to your request, this information is held by Gloucestershire
County Council and not Forest of Dean District Council.

Please redirect your FOI request to Gloucestershire County Council at
[1][email address].

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team

Forest of Dean District Council


Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of
Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham
Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.

The content of this email and any related emails do not constitute a
legally binding agreement and we do not accept service of court
proceedings or any other formal notices by email unless specifically
agreed by us in writing.

Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and
received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest
of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for
business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under
the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.


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1. mailto:[email address]