Smart energy meters installed in public buildings
Dear Wychavon District Council,
I am writing to make an open government request for information which I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you provide the data for the below points, as of the 20th December 2022 (or the closest available date available in data):
1. How many public buildings in your council had working smart energy meters installed on the premises?
- Please provide the data split by property type
- If available, please provide the date/year the smart energy meters were installed
- If available, please provide any available data on when smart energy meters are planned to be installed on the premises which don't already have them
Yours faithfully,
Emma Bertie
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) request.
We will endeavour to respond within the 20 working days statutory time
limit however; during the current unprecedented situation it may not
always be possible.
Please bear with us at this time and avoid chasing a response unless the
matter is urgent or the 20 working days timescale has passed.
Dear Emma Bertie,
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) request to
Wychavon District Council.
Please find below the information that you have requested.
Wychavon District Council currently have the following public buildings
installed with smart meters.
Evesham Public Hall – smart meter fitted on 27.04.15
Droitwich Leisure Centre – installation date unknown
Evesham Leisure Centre – installation date unknown
Pershore Leisure Centre – installation date unknown
There are currently no plans in place to install smart energy meters to
premises which don’t already have them – we await guidance and advice from
the energy providers regarding this.
I trust this answer’s your enquiry.
If you have any concerns about the way your request has been dealt with,
please contact Meesha Patel, Director of Legal and Governance at Wychavon
District Council to request an internal review in the first instance
([1][email address])
If following the review you remain unhappy with the way in which your
request has been dealt with you have the right to refer the matter to the
Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner can be contacted
at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Phone: 0303 123 1113 Website:
Samantha Dawson
Legal Officer
Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council
The Council House
Avenue Road
WR14 3AF
Working Days: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 3pm
Email: [3][email address]
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