Requests similar to 'SLT Salaries'

Various Freedom of Information requests
Response by JFS to sam solomon on .

Partially successful

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
SLT and Job descriptions
Response by JFS to sam solomon on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Headteacher recruitment costs, number on roll
Response by JFS to Sasha Gold on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Headteacher salary Information
Response by JFS to Rebecca Cohen on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Health hut and PSHE expenditure
Response by JFS to James on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Headteacher Salary
Response by JFS to Millie Evans on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Minutes of Governors' meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Minutes of Governors' meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Minutes of Governors' meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Head Boy and Head Girl team
Response by JFS to Dominik Schade on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Minutes of Governors' meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Governors' minutes and Ofsted
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .

Partially successful

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Bullying complaints (2)
Response by JFS to Yohannes Lowe on .

Long overdue

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Governors Meetings
Response by JFS to A M Fox on .

Handled by postal mail

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Ofsted Inspection
Response by JFS to sam solomon on .


Dear Mr Solomon, Please see attached the requested material. Regards Richard Richard Boulton Chief Operating Officer JFS School The Mall, Kento...
Governing Body Minutes & Governance Review
Response by JFS to A M Fox on .


Dear Mr Fox, Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”). I refer to your request for information dated 18 October 2021. You...
Minutes of Governing body meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Dear Mr Roberts Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) I refer to your request for information dated 5 October 2016....
Non-Catholic students
Response by St Gregory's Catholic Science College, Harrow to Jelena on .

Awaiting classification

FAO E Nicolaescu The information you requested is on page 16 of the attached document published by Brent Local Authority. Kind Regards Matthew Lant...
Response by JFS to James on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Minutes of governing body meetings
Response by JFS to Julian Taylor on .


Dear Lyn   Please forward the email, below, with attachment, to [1][FOI #228950 email] and then return to me once actioned.   Many thanks   Gil...
Agency spend for supply teachers
Response by JFS to Kelsey on .

Long overdue

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Employment Status of Executive Headteacher
Response by JFS to Karl Smith on .

Partially successful

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...
Donations, Funding and Governors' Meeting Minutes
Response by JFS to Karl Smith on .

Partially successful

Thank you for contacting JFS.   We have received your email and we will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days, although this...