SLT and Job descriptions
Dear JFS,
Please can you provide the number of SLT members as of September 2020, and their job descriptions. If this number and/or job descriptions have changed during the year, please provide details of this, along with details of where any SLT posts have been advertised this academic year if applicable.
Also can you provide as of 30 May 2021, the number of SLT members and job descriptions that were in place for 1st Sept (although this might actually change before then).
Yours faithfully,
Sam Solomon
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JFS School
The Mall, Kenton
Harrow, HA3 9TE
020 8206 3100
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independent of this message.
Dear Mr Soloman
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 10 June 2021. Your request
was as follows:
Please can you provide the number of SLT members as of September 2020, and
their job descriptions. If this number and/or job descriptions have
changed during the year, please provide details of this, along with
details of where any SLT posts have been advertised this academic year if
Also can you provide as of 30 May 2021, the number of SLT members and job
descriptions that were in place for 1st Sept (although this might actually
change before then).
SLT Members
The SLT Members and job descriptions as of 1 September 2020 were as
Name Title Job Description Left Note
Rachel Fink Headteacher Headteacher 31/5/21
Simon Deputy Curriculum and School
Appleman Headteacher Improvement
Howard Deputy Pastoral
Cohen Headteacher
Daniel Deputy Jewish Life and Learning 30/4/21
Marcus Headteacher
Jamie Director of Director of Operations 30/4/21
Peston Operations
Raynn Bruce Assistant Safeguarding/Wellbeing
Dharmesh Assistant Assessment and Data
Chauhan Headteacher
Anna Joseph Assistant Teaching and Learning Co-Acting
Headteacher Headteacher
from 7/6/21
Oliver Assistant Director of Sixth Form Co-Acting
Walton Headteacher Headteacher
from 7/6/21
The following have joined the SLT to support in an interim capacity:
Name Title Job Description Joined
Sir Michael Wilshaw Interim Executive Principal Interim Executive 1/6/21
Dame Joan McVittie Consultant School Improvement 17/5/21
Cristalina Consultant Safeguarding 13/5/21
Mario Lusardi Consultant Behaviour 10/6/21
The following have joined the school in a permanent capacity:
Name Title Job Description Joined
Richard Boulton Chief Operating Officer Chief Operating Officer 26/4/21
Samantha Chapman Senior Deputy Headteacher PSHCE and Safeguarding 7/6/21
The following have been promoted internally to SLT:
Name Title Job Description Joined
Hinal Bhudia Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning 7/6/21
Simon Rinkoff Assistant Headteacher Jewish Life and Learning 7/6/21
SLT posts have been advertised on TES, Everywhere K, ETeach and with
Academicis recruitment agency as well as internally.
The above tables outline the proposed structure that is likely to be in
place for 1^st September 2021, with the exceptions of Simon Appleman,
Howard Cohen and Dharmesh Chauhan, who are leaving the school at the end
of the summer term 2021 and the addition of Paul Ramsey as Senior Deputy
Headteacher (Curriculum).
This concludes the School’s response to your request. If you are
dissatisfied with this response you can ask us to review our response or
complain to the Information Commissioner ([1] / Information
Commissioner's Office (Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9
Kind regards
Simon Appleman
Deputy Headteacher
JFS School
The Mall, Kenton
Harrow, HA3 9TE
020 8206 3100
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delete the material from any computer. Opinions, conclusions and other
information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by JFS
School unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative
independent of this message.
Dear Mr S Appleman,
Thank you for your reply to my request for information on SLT and Job descriptions. Perhaps I could have phrased my request better. For each individual role that has been filled this year, please can you let me where and when it was advertised. From your information I think it applies to the following roles:
Co-acting headteacher
interim Executive Principal
Consultant School Improvement
Consultant Safeguarding
Consultant Behaviour
Chief Operating Officer
Senior Deputy Headteacher PSHCE and Safeguarding
Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning
Senior Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum).
I realise that 20 working days takes us through to the next academic year. If you are replying with information in the form of a table please can it be attached as a pdf as the formatting on this site can mess up the formatting.
Yours sincerely,
sam solomon
Dear Mr Solomon
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 12 July 2021. Your request
was as follows:
Dear Mr S Appleman,
Thank you for your reply to my request for information on SLT and Job
descriptions. Perhaps I could have phrased my request better. For each
individual role that has been filled this year, please can you let me
where and when it was advertised. From your information I think it applies
to the following roles:
Co-acting headteacher
interim Executive Principal
Consultant School Improvement
Consultant Safeguarding
Consultant Behaviour
Chief Operating Officer
Senior Deputy Headteacher PSHCE and Safeguarding
Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning
Senior Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum).
I realise that 20 working days takes us through to the next academic
year. If you are replying with information in the form of a table please
can it be attached as a pdf as the formatting on this site can mess up the
Yours sincerely,
Sam Solomon
I can confirm that the school holds the information you have requested and
it is set out as below:
TES ETeach Everywhere K Academicis Internal Other
Co-Acting Headteacher X
Interim Executive X
Consultant School X
Consultant Safeguarding X
Consultant Behaviour X
Chief Operating Officer X X X X X
Senior Deputy X X X X X
(PSHCE and Safeguarding)
Assistant Headteacher X X X X X
Teaching and Learning
Senior Deputy X X X X X
This concludes the School’s response to your request. If you are
dissatisfied with this response you can ask us to review our response or
complain to the Information Commissioner ([1] / Information
Commissioner's Office (Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9
Kind regards
Richard Boulton
Chief Operating Officer
JFS School
The Mall, Kenton
Harrow, HA3 9TE
[3][email address]
020 8206 3100 – Main Reception
020 8206 3240 – Direct
07801 921218 – Mobile
Privileged or confidential information may be contained in this message.
If you are not the addressee indicated (or responsible for delivery of the
message to such person), you should not copy or deliver this message to
anyone. If you receive this e-mail in error, please contact the sender and
delete the material from any computer. Opinions, conclusions and other
information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by JFS
School unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative
independent of this message.
Dear Mr R Boulton,
Thank you for your reply. However, the formatting means it is impossible to interpret the information due to the formatting (as you can see below). Please can it be resent as a pdf so I can work out the required info. I would also be grateful if you could add the dates that these posts were advertised as per my request
Yours sincerely,
sam solomon
I can confirm that the school holds the information you have requested and
it is set out as below:
TES ETeach Everywhere K Academicis Internal Other
Co-Acting Headteacher X
Interim Executive X
Consultant School X
Consultant Safeguarding X
Consultant Behaviour X
Chief Operating Officer X X X X X
Senior Deputy X X X X X
(PSHCE and Safeguarding)
Assistant Headteacher X X X X X
Teaching and Learning
Senior Deputy X X X X X
This concludes the School’s response to your request. If you are
dissatisfied with this response you can ask us to review our response or
complain to the Information Commissioner ([1] / Information
Commissioner's Office (Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9
Kind regards
Richard Boulton
Dear Mr R Boulton,
I would be grateful if you could send the information you sent below in an appropriate format so I can interpret it, along with the dates the posts were advertised as per the original request.
Yours sincerely,
sam solomon
Dear Mr R Boulton,
Thank you for your reply. However, the formatting means it is impossible to interpret the information due to the formatting (as you can see below). Please can it be resent as a pdf so I can work out the required info. I would also be grateful if you could add the dates that these posts were advertised as per my request
Yours sincerely,
sam solomon
I can confirm that the school holds the information you have requested and
it is set out as below:
TES ETeach Everywhere K Academicis Internal Other
Co-Acting Headteacher X
Interim Executive X
Consultant School X
Consultant Safeguarding X
Consultant Behaviour X
Chief Operating Officer X X X X X
Senior Deputy X X X X X
(PSHCE and Safeguarding)
Assistant Headteacher X X X X X
Teaching and Learning
Senior Deputy X X X X X
This concludes the School’s response to your request. If you are
dissatisfied with this response you can ask us to review our response or
complain to the Information Commissioner ([1] / Information
Commissioner's Office (Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9
Kind regards
Richard Boulton
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