SLM Contract for Swimming Pools and other Leisure Facilities

The request was successful.

Richard Taylor

Cambridge City Council's list of FOI requests shows that a partially redacted copy of the current contract between the City Council and SLM for running leisure facilities was released on the 2nd of June 2009.

Could you please send me a copy of the document released.

Many thanks,


Richard Taylor


Cambridge City Council FOI, Cambridge City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Taylor

Please find attached a copy of the contract with SLM as supplied to
the FOI request on 2 June 2009.

Some of the information requested was withheld because an exemption
applied and details are as follows:

Sections 7.2, 7.3, 8 and 9 of the contract were redacted under
section 43(2), Commercial Interests because disclosure of this
information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests
of SLM Limited. In making this decision Cambridge City Council
contacted SLM who requested that the details of the management fee
as set out in the contract should be redacted, as they were
commercially sensitive information. This exemption is subject to a
public interest test and the decision was made that the public
interest lay in withholding the information as disclosure of
information specific to a commercial arrangement could negatively
impact the commercial interests of the company concerned. The then
Council’s monitoring officer Antoinette Jackson decided the public
interest test.

If you are not happy with the information enclosed or are not happy
with the way in which your request has been dealt with please
contact the Monitoring Officer, Simon Pugh. You may also contact
the Information Commissioner if you are still not happy with the
way it has been dealt with. The Information Commissioner’s address
is Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF


Eleanor Dent Freedom of Information Officer

Francis Irving left an annotation ()

Blog post about trying to inspect the SLM contract in person under the Audit Commission Act 1998:

Francis Irving left an annotation ()

Blog post by Richard referring to this request:

Richard Taylor left an annotation ()

I have discovered the information released in response to this request was just a tiny fraction of the whole (five volume!) contract between Cambridge City Council and SLM.

During the open period for the council's 2009/10 accounts I asked to inspect the contract. I have written an article on what I found at:


Richard Taylor