Your right to appeal
If you are dissatisfied with the way TfL has handled your information request, you can ask us to
conduct an internal review of our decision. The internal review will be conducted by someone who
was not involved in the processing of your original request, in accordance with the complaints
procedure published on our website
Requests for internal review should be addressed to:
Information Access Manager
Floor 7, Windsor House
42-50 Victoria Street
Complaints to the Information Commissioner
If, following the internal review, you remain dissatisfied with the way TfL has handled your request,
then you can take your complaint to:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
A complaint form is available on the Information Commissioner’s Office webs
ite at .
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If you would like to re-use the information supplied with this response please contact TfL using the
details provided in the attached letter. Requests for re-use will be considered in accordance with
the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 and, where the disclosed information is
a dataset, section 11a of the Freedom of Information Act.