Skate Park/Wheel Sport Facility in Rosewood Way green space planning information

The request was successful.

Dear West End Parish Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with a copy of the following:

All documentation held by the council relating to the proposed skate park in the Rosewood Way green space, including but not limited to:
- Consultations eg public surveys and discussions with residents of West End, the police and other authorities, local businesses, prospective skaters and cyclists and other stakeholders. Please provide the questions asked, responses, analysis of results and the demographics of the responders.
- Technical surveys and research eg Acoustical Impact Analysis for the current proposed location next to the Bowls Club, the resulting environmental statement, etc.
- Research, other than anecdotal, into the current use at all hours of the green space and the council’s assessment of the positive and negative impact a skate park will have on the community.
- Research into alternative locations in West End and sizes of skate facilities, plus the technical and benefits analysis documents and minutes of meetings which led to the council's decision on the location.
- Records of the council’s dealings with prospective developers and contractors re the construction and ongoing management and maintenance of the skate park for its useful life including quotations, meeting minutes plus current and planned activities being conducted by any 3rd parties.

I understand that under the Act I am entitled to a response within 20 working days of your receipt of this request.

If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all non-exempt material. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to charge excessive fees.

I would prefer to receive the information electronically.

If you require any clarification, I expect you to contact me to provide advice and assistance if you find any aspect of this FOI request problematic.

Please acknowledge receipt of this request, and I look forward to receiving the information in the near future.

Yours faithfully,
Johan Schoeman

West End Parish Council

Johan Schoeman

I can confirm receipt of your request below.

Mrs S Price
Parish Clerk/RFO

West End Parish Council, The Sports Pavilion, Benner Lane, West End, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9JP
Tel: 01276 855361

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. West End Parish Council email privacy policy can be found here.
If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system.

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West End Parish Council

Dear Mr Schoeman


Thank you for your information request which was received on 21/01/2019. The summary of your request was: Skate Park/Wheel Sport Facility in Rosewood Way green space planning information.

Your request is being handled under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and you will receive a response within the 20 working day limit allowed for these requests.
The Council has a right to make a charge on all requests, to cover the cost of disbursements, including photocopying and postage (should this be necessary), and a list of our charges are available on our website:

If you have any queries about this e-mail, please contact me.

Further information about your rights is also available from the
Information Commissioner at:-
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane


Mrs S Price
Parish Clerk/RFO

West End Parish Council, The Sports Pavilion, Benner Lane, West End, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9JP
Tel: 01276 855361

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. West End Parish Council email privacy policy can be found here.
If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system.

show quoted sections

West End Parish Council

Dear Mr Schoeman


Thank you for your information request which was received on 21/01/2019. 
The summary of your request was: Skate Park/Wheel Sport Facility in
Rosewood Way green space planning information.

Your request is being handled under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 and you will receive a response within the 20
working day limit allowed for these requests.

The Council has a right to make a charge on all requests, to cover
the cost of disbursements, including photocopying and postage (should this
be necessary), and a list of 
our charges are available on our
website: [1]

If you have any queries about this e-mail, please contact me.

Further information about your rights is also available from the 
Information Commissioner at:- 
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF 


Mrs S. Price

Parish Clerk/RFO




West End Parish Council, The Sports Pavilion, Benner Lane, West End,
Woking, Surrey, GU24 9JP


Tel: 01276 855361




This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed.  West End Parish Council email privacy policy can be found

If you have received this email in error please notify the sender
immediately by e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system.




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West End Parish Council

9 Attachments

Mr Schoeman


Further to your Freedom of Information request regarding all documentation
held by the council relating to the proposed skate park in the Rosewood
Way green space, please see response below:


·        Consultations

o public surveys and discussions with residents of West End

September 2017 Newsletter delivered to every household in West End, giving
a link to a survey, hard copy survey in the office; notices regarding
survey on parish notice boards; newsletter published in the parish
magazine September 2017; available online

February 2018 newsletter delivered to every household in West End showing
results of the survey; published in the parish magazine March 2018; survey
results available on

June 2018 – Stand at the Village Fete showing both newsletters and
requesting further input from residents 

July 2018 –Community Infrastructure Goals published in the parish magazine
and available online

Nov 2018 – How will CIL be spent? available online
and on noticeboards

Dec 2018 – Councillors leaflet drop to residents in Gardenia Drive,
Camellia Court, part Kerria Way, part Rosewood Way, Prunus Close,
Oakridge, Fenscombe Court and part Guildford Road advising of event on
8^th Jan 19 to display the proposed Skate Park

o the police


o other authorities

Refer to website
minutes 10.05.16 and 27.07.16

o local businesses

Attached letter ‘Letter to Bowls Club 28.11.18.  Subsequently invited to
attend the initial meeting re design of facility on Monday 17th December
at 4.30pm at The Sports Pavilion.  Attended by Cllr G Alleway, Cllr A.
Page, Cllr. J Medhurst, Mrs S. Price,  2 members from the Bowls Club & 3
skaters and one parent of a skater.

o prospective skaters and cyclists and other stakeholders.

Attendance at the initial meeting re design of facility on Monday 17th
December at 4.30pm at The Sports Pavilion.  Attended by Cllr G Alleway,
Cllr A. Page, Cllr. J Medhurst, Mrs S. Price, 2 members from the Bowls
Club & 3 skaters and one parent of a skater.

o provide the questions asked

See attached – Survey Monkey _120825858

o responses

See attached – Survey Results and website

o analysis of results

See attached – Survey Results

o demographics of the responders

See attached – Survey Results


·        Technical surveys and research

o Acoustical Impact Analysis for the current proposed location next to
the Bowls Club, the resulting environmental statement, etc.

Only provided on previous location


·        Research, other than anecdotal, into

o current use at all hours of the green space


o the council’s assessment of the positive and negative impact a skate
park will have on the community

See attached West End Parish Council Skate Park Tender

o Research into alternative locations in West End and sizes of skate


o the technical and benefits analysis documents

See attached Analysis and Options Assessment

See attached West End Parish Council Skate Park Tender

See Appendix 1 Maverick Tender Response Letter

o minutes of meetings which led to the council's decision on the

Refer to website
minutes 12/06/18


·        Records of

o the council’s dealings with prospective developers and contractors re
the construction and ongoing management and maintenance of the skate
park for its useful life including

i. quotations

See attached Invitation to Tender


See attached Invitation to Tender Appendix A

See attached West End Parish Council Skate Park Tender

See attached Appendix 7 Maintenance & Guarantee Statement

Concrete Specification and method statement exempt from FOI requests

ii. meeting minutes

See website
minutes 13/11/18

iii. current and planned activities being conducted by any 3rd parties





Mrs S Price

Parish Clerk/RFO




West End Parish Council, The Sports Pavilion, Benner Lane, West End,
Woking, Surrey, GU24 9JP


Tel: 01276 855361




This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed.  West End Parish Council email privacy policy can be found

If you have received this email in error please notify the sender
immediately by e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system.




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