Sixth form application

The request was partially successful.

Dear Balcarras School, Cheltenham,

Under the freedom of information act please provide the following information requested:

What factors do you consider for each application into your sixth form?
1. What grades are required?
2. Is involvement in extra curricular clubs during secondary school considered and favoured?
3. Is having been a prefect in secondary school considered and does it put you in an advantage to those who haven’t been one?
4. Are any behavioural issues during secondary school considered and used to disadvantage an application even if the student has resolved such issues?
5. What other factors are taken into consideration and influence a request? Please provide both positive and negative.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Richards

nab, Balcarras School, Cheltenham

To Mrs Richards.
Plesae have a look at the school website.
If you click on sixth form and then look at admission and click on "Entry
Requirements and Admission Criteria"
you will find full details of our entry criteria.
We only consider the critera set out in the entry criteria procedure.
We do not allow any other influences to have an affect on the decision.
I hope that clears it all up for you.
Mr Baxter
Head of Sixth Form

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