Situation of Polling Station notices for 2017 parliamentary election

The request was successful.

Dear Sunderland City Council,

As you probably remember, there was a parliamentary election on 8 June 2017.

Please can you provide a copy of the "Situation of Polling Stations" notices published by the returning officer for that election? I can't find copies on your website.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Michael Tandy

Solicitor - Freedom of Information, Sunderland City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Tandy,


Re: Your request for information concerning


Situation of Polling Stations


The Council aims to provide available information promptly and in any
event within 20 working days, unless, exceptionally, there is a need to
consider whether the information is exempt from disclosure.


We will contact you again soon in connection with your request.


Please quote the reference below if you contact the Council regarding this


Customer Request Number:  17 11 68





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Lindsay Dixon, Sunderland City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Tandy,


With reference to your freedom of information request regarding the
Parliamentary Election on 8 June 2017.  Attached are the situation of
polling stations for the following constituencies; Houghton and Sunderland
South, Sunderland Central and Washington and Sunderland West.


I hope this is satisfactory.  If, however, you are dissatisfied with our
response to your request for information, you can ask for the decision to
be reviewed in reply to this letter.  The review will be removed from the
Directorate and coordinated by the Council’s Information Governance
Officer.   A request for review should be directed, by email to
[1][Sunderland City Council request email], by post or by hand addressed to;
Information Governance Officer, Governance Services, Civic Centre, PO Box
100, Sunderland SR2 7DN.


You are of course entitled to apply to the Information Commissioner at any
time, although the Commissioner will not usually investigate until the
public authority’s internal review procedure has been concluded.





Lindsay Dixon AEA (Dip). 

Head of Electoral Services


Corporate Services Directorate

Sunderland City Council

Civic Centre




Telephone: 0191 561 1142

Email: [2][email address]



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Dear Lindsay Dixon,

That's great - Thanks for your help!

Yours sincerely,

Michael Tandy