Single Status Grading
Dear Gwynedd Council,
Please could I request a copy of the latest job description and single status job evaluation grading & salary for the post of Children's Services Policy Officer
Yours faithfully,
Glenn Ashbrooke
Dear Glenn Ashbrooke,
Freedom of Information (ref T741)
Please could I request a copy of the latest job description and
single status job evaluation grading & salary for the post of
Children's Services Policy Officer
Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act
Your request has been passed to me to process and I can confirm that it
has been logged under the reference number T741.
The Council may take up to 20 working days, from the date of receipt, to
respond to your request. You should therefore receive the information you
have requested, subject to the application of any exemptions permitted
under the Act, by 23/05/2013.
If you require further information please contact me by phone on 01286
679102 or by emailing [1][Gwynedd Council request email] by quoting the reference
number above.
Yours sincerely,
Gwawr Owen
Mae'r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw atodiad iddo yn gyfrinachol ac fe'i bwriedir ar gyfer
y sawl a enwir arno yn unig. Gall gynnwys gwybodaeth freintiedig. Os yw wedi
eich cyrraedd trwy gamgymeriad ni ellwch ei gopio, ei ddosbarthu na'i ddangos i
unrhyw un arall a dylech gysylltu â'r anfonwr ar unwaith.
Mae unrhyw gynnwys nad yw'n ymwneud â busnes swyddogol y corff sy'n anfon yr
e-bost yn bersonol i'r awdur.
Arbedwch bapur, ynni ac arian - Peidiwch argraffu'r neges yma oni bai ei bod yn
hollol angenrheidiol.
Save paper, energy and money - Do not print this message unless it is absolutely
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Dear Glenn Ashbrooke,
Please could I request a copy of the latest job description and single
status job evaluation grading & salary for the post of Children's Services
Policy Officer.
Thank you for your recent request. Please see the attached document for a
copy of the job description.
The salary scale for this post is £26,276-£28,636.
You will note that the information provided in response to your request is
in Welsh.
The requirements of subsection 11(1)(a) of the Act are satisfied by
providing a copy of the information. There is no requirement in the
Freedom of Information Act to translate the information.
However, the Council’s policy on translation is as follows:
“…. in accordance with the Council’s language policy, and to comply with
the spirit of the Act, the Council is committed to translating the
requested information. It will inform applicants that it will not
necessarily be able to provide the translation within 20 working days and
will be able to charge applicants in accordance with conditions set out in
the fees policy.”
Our fees policy is as follows:
“4. Translation
The Council will charge for translating documents as follows:
1. Where the number of words is in excess of 400
2. Where the request is for a translation into a
language other than English or Welsh
The fee will be calculated on the basis of the reasonable costs of the
translation, which may include the costs incurred in engaging freelance
translators. “
Therefore, if you require the material in question to be translated, could
you please let us know so that we may make the necessary arrangements.
Please note that where information is subject to copyright belonging to
the Council, you will need to obtain the permission of the Council to
re-use it for purposes other than private study or non-commercial
research. The Council may charge for re-use. Where third party copyright
material is disclosed, you must obtain permission to re-use from the
copyright holders concerned.
If you are unhappy with the way the Council has handled your request, you
may ask for an internal review. Please contact me if you require an
internal review of your case. An internal review will be conducted by the
Monitoring Officer or Head of Service and we will aim to respond within 20
working days. However, if we are unable to complete the review by this
date, we will advise you accordingly.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. Please see below for the contact details:
Information Commissioner’s Office
2^nd Floor
Churchill House
Churchill Way
Telephone: 02920 678400
Email: [1][email address]
Fax: 02920 678399
Yours sincerely,
Glesni Williams
Uwch Swyddog Cefnogol a Gwybodaeth/Senior Support and Information Officer
Gwasanaeth Cefnogol/Support Service
Cyngor Gwynedd/Gwynedd Council
01286 679701 (2701)
Mae'r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw atodiad iddo yn gyfrinachol ac fe'i bwriedir ar gyfer
y sawl a enwir arno yn unig. Gall gynnwys gwybodaeth freintiedig. Os yw wedi
eich cyrraedd trwy gamgymeriad ni ellwch ei gopio, ei ddosbarthu na'i ddangos i
unrhyw un arall a dylech gysylltu â'r anfonwr ar unwaith.
Mae unrhyw gynnwys nad yw'n ymwneud â busnes swyddogol y corff sy'n anfon yr
e-bost yn bersonol i'r awdur.
Arbedwch bapur, ynni ac arian - Peidiwch argraffu'r neges yma oni bai ei bod yn
hollol angenrheidiol.
Save paper, energy and money - Do not print this message unless it is absolutely
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