SIMD0-20 Applicants, Offers, and Entrants

The request was successful.

Dear The Glasgow School of Art,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request data for each academic year from 2014/15 to the current year (2023/24). For each year, I would like to know SIMD0-20 (Quintile 1) numbers for the following categories:
- Number of applications to undergraduate courses.
- Number of SIMD0-20 applicants to undergraduate courses. I’m aware this may be different from the total number of applications, e.g. if an SIMD0-20 applicant applies to multiple courses at your institution in a given year.
- Number of offers made to SIMD0-20 applicants for undergraduate courses.
- Number of entrants to undergraduate courses.

In each case, please use the SFC’s Early Statistics/Early Access definitions of undergraduate courses and students (

Where possible, please provide the output in excel format.

Yours faithfully,
James W

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information team at Glasgow School
of Art (GSA). Please accept this email as confirmation that your enquiry
has been received. We will aim to respond to you within 3 working days. 

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

Dear James Walkinshaw

Ref: FOI/23/24/5

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 11 October 2023.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, and no later than 7 November 2023, pending any clarification we may need to seek from you.

Kind Regards

Academic Quality Office
Glasgow School of Art | 167 Renfrew Street | Glasgow G3 6RQ

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Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

1 Attachment

Dear James Walkinshaw

Ref: FOI/23/24/5

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 11 October 2023.

The response attached was received from the Academic Registrar.

This concludes our response to your Freedom of Information request.

Your right to seek a review: -

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the Glasgow School of Art has dealt with your request, you have the right to ask us to review our actions and decisions. If you wish to request a review, please contact Mrs Janet Allison, Academic Registrar, [email address] or email: [GSA request email] within 40 working days. Your request must be in a recordable format (letter, email, audio tape, etc.). You will receive a full response to your request for review within 20 working days of its receipt. Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we have handled your request for review, you have a right of appeal to the Commissioner. You can now make an appeal online, using the new Commissioners online appeal service. Please find the direct link to this service at The online appeal service is available 24/7 and offers you real time help and advice about your appeal.

The Commissioner recommends that you appeal online.

Other ways to appeal include:

By email to: [email address]

By post to: Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, KY16 9DS

Kind Regards

Academic Quality Office
Glasgow School of Art  |  167 Renfrew Street  | Glasgow G3 6RQ

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Thank you for the prompt response. I just like to clarify a point requested, perhaps I could've worded it more clearly, but for each year I was wanting SIMD0-20 numbers only "For each year, I would like to know SIMD0-20 (Quintile 1) numbers for the following categories" per original request. Could I clarify that the "Number of applications to undergraduate courses" in the provided excel file is for SIMD0-20 only? It seems a little high compared to the "Numbers of SIMD0-20 applicants to undergraduate course". Just to clarify the first 2 points of the original request:
- The total number of applications received by SIMD0-20 personnel (i.e. there may be multiple applications from one SIMD0-20 applicant).
- The number of SIMD0-20 applicants (i.e. a unique headcount)

Many Thanks
James Walkinshaw

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

1 Attachment

Dear James Walkinshaw

Thank you for your follow up to your Freedom of Information request. The department had taken "Number of applications to undergraduate courses" to mean all applications rather than restricted to SIMD 0-20 so we have attached a revised version, now restricted to that category.

Kind regards,

Academic Quality Office
Glasgow School of Art | 167 Renfrew Street | Glasgow G3 6RQ

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