Signposting to Mermaids charity
Dear Nottinghamshire County Council,
1. Please supply information in relation to materials that signpost to the charity Mermaids. This should include information provided to: parents, students, school pupils, teachers and governing bodies including individual governors and any governor's associations.
2. Please advise how many children have been referred to this charity.
3. Please advise if any financial support donation or purchases of materials have been made to this charity.
4. Please confirm if your Safeguarding officers are aware of recent reports that this charity is under investigation by the Charities Commission.
5. Please confirm if your Safeguarding officers are aware of recent media reports that a trustee of this charity has recently resigned due to links with MAP / Pedophile support groups.
Yours faithfully,
Georgia Hayden
Dear Georgia Hayden
We acknowledge receipt of your email to Nottinghamshire County Council:
Charity Mermaids
If you have submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), your request
will be considered and you will receive our response within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days.
The reference number for your email is FOI/1481.
Should you have any further inquiries concerning this matter, please reply
to this email leaving the subject line unchanged.
Yours sincerely
Complaints and Information
Chief Executive's Department
Nottinghamshire County Council
Tel: (0115) 977 2788
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Dear Requester
Thank you for your request for information relating to Charity Mermaids.
You asked:
1. Please supply information in relation to materials that signpost to the
charity Mermaids. This should include information provided to: parents,
students, school pupils, teachers and governing bodies including
individual governors and any governor's associations.
2. Please advise how many children have been referred to this charity.
3. Please advise if any financial support donation or purchases of
materials have been made to this charity.
4. Please confirm if your Safeguarding officers are aware of recent
reports that this charity is under investigation by the Charities
5. Please confirm if your Safeguarding officers are aware of recent media
reports that a trustee of this charity has recently resigned due to links
with MAP / Pedophile support groups.
We are now able to provide the following information:
To the best of our knowledge, none of our teams or services signpost to
the Mermaids charity.
It is not in the scope of our teams to "refer on" to national
organisations, preferring to signpost to local support groups here in
Notts rather than national organisations.
Nor are we in a position to be able to make donations to charities.
To the best of our knowledge Safeguarding Leads and relevant staff
delivering training are alert to the concerns that some groups have raised
about the charity. We tend not to rush to judgement before allegations or
investigations have been concluded, and we listen first to DfE guidance
and advice.
We trust this now satisfies your request and that you find this
information to be helpful, however if you are unhappy with the way in
which your request has been handled, then please email us at
[Nottinghamshire County Council request email] quoting the reference FOI/1481 and we will be happy to
review your request
Yours sincerely
Rachel Edge
Complaints, Information and Mediation Officer
Complaints and Information Team
Chief Executives Department
Nottinghamshire County Council
The Council is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring all
personal information is kept confidential and safe. For more details see
our general and service specific privacy notices at:
Nottinghamshire County Council is committed to protecting your privacy and
ensuring all personal information is kept confidential and safe – for more
details see [2]
Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Disclaimer.
Emails and any attachments from Nottinghamshire County Council are
confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
sender immediately by replying to the email, and then delete it without
making copies or using it in any other way. Senders and recipients of
email should be aware that, under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the
Freedom of Information Act 2000, the contents may have to be disclosed in
response to a request.
Although any attachments to the message will have been checked for viruses
before transmission, you are urged to carry out your own virus check
before opening attachments, since the County Council accepts no
responsibility for loss or damage caused by software viruses.
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