The request was successful.

Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,

A report to the City of London Corporation's Port Health and Environmental Services Committee that sat on 26 June 2019
included a report entitled Signor Favale’s Marriage Portion Charity – Risk Register 2019. The report was on behalf of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain and the report author identified as Jenny Pitcairn, Chamberlain’s Department.

Paragraph 5 of the report states:
5. Risk 4 – Insufficient Beneficiaries – the impact has been reassessed as Major
(4), increasing the overall risk rating to red. The Charity Commission under its
Revitalising Trusts Programme has identified the Trust as an ineffective
charitable trust, defined as one which has spent less than 30% of its income over
the past 5 years, and has indicated that if Trustees fail to take action they will
look at regulatory options to ensure compliance with charity law.

I Require:
1. Copies of correspondence (including but not limited to letters, emails and faxes) between the Commission and the Corporation referring or relating to the Charity being identified as an "ineffective charitable trust" and indicating that the Commission would "look at regulatory options".
2. Summary details of how many charities were contacted by the Commission in 2019 in regard of appearing ineffective, inactive or dormant.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Bill Ellson

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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Dear Bill Ellison

Please find attached the Commission's response to your request for
Yours sincerely

Data Protection and Information Rights Team
Charity Commission
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