Short Breaks Services Statement

The request was successful.

Dear East Sussex County Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information in relation to your Short Breaks Services Statement:

1) What evidence do you have that the statement is accessible to families (i.e. unique visitors/ postal reach etc.)?
2) How often do you review the Short breaks statement? When was the last time you revised it and for what reason?
3) How many children have been refused short breaks services because of eligibility criteria in the last twelve months? How many of these had an assessment?
4) How often do you consult families on the content of the short breaks statement? When did this last happen and how many families were involved?
5) What evidence do you have that you deliver short breaks to children and young people as outlined in your statement?
6) How many children do you have records of that you consider to be currently eligible for short breaks?

Yours faithfully,

Emily Tyrrell

Freedom of Information, East Sussex County Council



Dear Ms Tyrell


FOI Request ref:  5895 / Short Breaks Services Statement


Thank you for your request for information about the above. Your request
was received on 28/7/2015 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We always aim to respond as quickly as possible, and in this case will do
so no later than 25/8/2015, which is the 20 working day deadline. The
deadline is counted from the first working day we receive it, not the date
a letter is written / posted or an email sent.

In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know. A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be
required to pay before we proceed in dealing with your request.

Please quote the above reference number in any communication regarding
this request.


Yours sincerely




Jeremy Coleman

Customer Information Officer

East Sussex County Council

Communities Economy and Transport Directorate

W1D, County Hall

St Anne’s Crescent


East Sussex BN7 1UE


Phone: 01273 482913

email: [1][East Sussex County Council request email]   web: [2]

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Dear Ms Tyrell


FOI Request ref:  5895 / Short Breaks Services Statement


Thank you for your request for information about the above, which has been
dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your
request and our response are set out below. Please note that any
information we provide is subject to the copyright and reuse of
information terms and conditions set out at the bottom of this email.




1)         What evidence do you have that the statement is accessible to
families (i.e. unique visitors/ postal reach etc.)?

2)         How often do you review the Short breaks statement? When was
the last time you revised it and for what reason?

3)         How many children have been refused short breaks services
because of eligibility criteria in the last twelve months? How many of
these had an assessment?

4)         How often do you consult families on the content of the short
breaks statement? When did this last happen and how many families were

5)         What evidence do you have that you deliver short breaks to
children and young people as outlined in your statement?

6)         How many children do you have records of that you consider to
be currently eligible for short breaks?




1.    Under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 there is an
exemption from the duty to provide information on request when that
information is reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means.

The information that you have requested is available on the East Sussex
website via the following links:


2.    The Short Breaks Services Statement is set to be updated regularly
or as necessary. This is usually an annual refresh of the statement. The
statement was last updated in 2013/14 to reflect staffing changes, but the
update was delayed in 2014/15 due to a departmental restructure. The
statement is due to be updated and refreshed imminently for the 2015/16
year. A single page summary of the statement is up to date and is
available to view or download. These documents are accompanied on the
website by the Short Breaks Brochure, which is both viewable and
downloadable, and which details all funded short break services available
and any eligibility criteria that may apply. This is updated at the start
of each financial year and is up to date.


3.    There are no children that have been refused access to short breaks
due to eligibility criteria, though if one service is particularly
unsuitable a more suitable service may be signposted.


4.    Families are consulted via the East Sussex County Council Parent and
Carer Council, and the last time the statement was updated was the 2013/14
year (though the summary statement was updated in house in May 2015 to
address out of date information).


5.    In 2014/15 a de-duplicated total of 681 children and young people
with disabilities accessed 106,290 short break hours across East Sussex
Short Breaks funded provisions.


These figures do not include those that benefitted from activities funded
by the ‘Short Breaks Grant Scheme’, the ‘Life More Ordinary’ Grant Scheme,
or short term agency residential care.


*Number of Short Break Hours accessed 2014/15   Individual children
accessing a short break


6.    All children and young people with a disability between the ages of
0 and 19 are eligible to receive short breaks, and many young people up to
the age of 25.  We do not hold an exhaustive list of all children and
young people that are potentially eligible, but the table below shows
those aged 0 to 19, with a Statement of SEN or EHC Plan maintained by East
Sussex, many of whom will be eligible.

Home LA Name East Sussex
Primary need type Total
Moderate Learning Difficulty 373
Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty 50
Severe Learning Difficulty 127
Specific Learning Difficulty 188
Autistic Spectrum Disorder 647
Speech, Language & Communication Needs 610
Hearing Impairment 45
Multi-Sensory Impairment 4
Physical Disability 171
Visual Impairment 29
Social, Emotional & Mental Health 401
Total 2645


* Key to the directly commissioned services in the pie charts above:

ASCHPS: After School Clubs and Holiday Playschemes

Bungalow: One of two residential centres, primarily for medium to long

Acorns: The second of the two residential centres, primarily for overnight
and/or short stays.

Sessional: Outreach sessions run by the Direct Intervention Team

Autism Sussex: Provides clubs and activities for children and young people
on the Autistic Spectrum

SIBS: Supports the siblings of children who have a disability, arranging
activities and social events

Funky Teens: Provides clubs, activities and outings for teens with low to
moderate additional needs

Chailey Heritage Clinical Services: Provides clubs, activities and outings
to those C&YP with CHN.

Buddy Scheme: Gives young disabled people the chance to get out and have
fun with their buddy volunteers.



I hope that this answers your enquiry. If you believe that the County
Council has not complied with the FOI Act in responding to your request,
you may ask for an internal review. If you wish to do so, please set out
the grounds of your appeal in writing to:


Philip Baker, Assistant Chief Executive, East Sussex County Council,
County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex. BN7 1UE.

or by email to him at [2][email address]


Please quote the FOI reference number in any communication regarding this
particular request.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you then
have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted the County Council’s internal review procedure
as described in the previous paragraph. The Commissioner can be contacted
at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Tel: 0303 123 1113.  [3]



Yours sincerely



Amilia Holland

Customer Information Adviser


East Sussex County Council

Communities, Economy and Transport

W1D, County Hall

St Anne’s Crescent


East Sussex BN7 1UE


Phone: 01273 482913
Fax: 01273 481208

email: [4][East Sussex County Council request email]   web: [5]

P    please consider the environment - do you really need to print this




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1. Providing you with documents under the Freedom of Information Act does
not give you an automatic right to re-use those documents in a way that
would infringe copyright – for example by making multiple copies, or by
publishing / issuing copies to the public.

2. Copyright in the information is owned by East Sussex County Council
and/or its contractor(s) unless otherwise stated. Brief extracts of the
material can be reproduced under the “fair dealing” provisions of the
Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 (S.29 and S.30) for the purposes of
research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and
news reporting.

3. We do not give permission for this information to be used for the
purposes of direct marketing.

4. If you wish to use this information then, in accordance with the
Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information 2005, you must
first ask our permission. Such re-use may or may not involve the granting
of a licence and the application of a Fee.




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