Shooter licenses badger cull 2018

The request was successful.

Dear Natural England,

Please provide for 2018, for all cull zones in England the numbers of:

Shooters licensed for cage trapping in each cull zone
Shooters licensed for free shooting in each cull zone
Shooters licensed for both cage and free shooting in each cull zone

Also please confirm if any more licences are due to be issued and in which zones.

Yours faithfully,

H Featherbe

Specialist Licensing, Natural England

Dear Helen Featherbe,

Access to information request – Acknowledgement – Request No RFI 4370

Thank you for your request for information below, which we received on 13th September 2018. We are dealing with your request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Your request is being considered and we will send out our response within the legal deadline of 20 working days which is 11th October 2018. If for any reason, we are unable to meet the deadline we will keep you fully informed of the reasons for this.

Kind regards,

Specialist Licensing Team

Specialist Licensing Team
Natural England
BM 6283, London, WC1N 3XX
Voicemail Service: 0300 060 0550

Email: [email address]

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Specialist Licensing, Natural England

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Featherbe


Please see attached response to your request for information reference RFI




Specialist Licensing

Natural England

BM 6283, London, WC1N 3XX

Voicemail service: 0330 060 0550

Email: [1][email address]




We are here to secure a healthy natural environment for people to enjoy,
where wildlife is protected and England’s traditional landscapes are
safeguarded for future generations.


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