Shift payment
Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),
Please outline for each shift a care assistant works from First Choice agency , who you hire, in Altnagelvin or SWAH, how much is First Choice paid by WHSCT?
This will vary depending on day and time, I know that.
There are two shifts per day. 8am-8pm. and 8pm to 8am. (day shift and night shift)
Please outline the total that First Choice is paid for each of the 14 lines below, for each individual shift filled.
1.Monday day
2. Monday night
3 Tue day
4 Tue night
5 Wed day
6Wed night
7 Thur day
8Thur night
9 Fri day
10 Fri night
11 Sat day
12Sat night
13 Sun day
14.Sun night
Yours faithfully,
Joan Corrigan
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Dear Ms Corrigan
We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request. Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email.
You will be aware of the significant pressures on our health and social care services during this time due to the outbreak of CoVid19 (Coronavirus). We are asking our staff to prioritise their duties as front line health and social care workers. We believe other duties within their role such as responding to legislative requirements under FoI and the processing of Subject Access Requests will be significantly delayed due to the need to prioritise professional caring duties and respond to the emergency.
We will ensure your request is logged and kept on file and it is expected that we will respond as we work to recover many services after the outbreak is over.
Kind Regards
Teresa Molloy
Director of Performance & Service Improvement
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Freedom of Information Office
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]
This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.
Dear Ms Corrigan
I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request below which was received by the Western Health and Social Care Trust on 18th May 2020. Please see attached a Trust response to your request.
Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]
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