Shed/Garage Fires
Dear Sir or Madam,
Under Freedom of Information, I would be grateful if you could provide the following data split by each year for January to December 2019 and January to December 2020.
Number of residential fires involving sheds/garages attended in the above years, broken down by each year.
Number of residential fires involving home offices or other similar structures, if categorised differently to 'sheds/garages', broken down by each year.
Thanks for your help.
Yours faithfully,
C D Johnson
Dear C D Johnson
Thank you for your request.
This will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and we
will respond as soon as we are able. Please note, given the current
situation with the Coronavirus, this may be outside of the normal,
expected timeframe for a FOI response (20 working days).
Thank you for your patience,
with kind regards
Michelle Essiet
Information Access
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 0208555 1200
Dear C D Johnson
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, received on 06/05/2021,
in relation to residential shed and garage fires by each year for January
to December 2019 and January to December 2020. I apologise for the delay
in providing the information you were seeking.
In response, the LFB data team have provided a list of fires attended in
2019 and 2020 for property types related to garages, sheds and home
offices. The first table shows incidents which occurred in non-residential
buildings which are classed as private, this is where the structure is
separate from the house. The second are dwelling/other residential fires
which started in either a garage or office.
Property Class Property Type 2019 2020
Non residential Private garage 83 86
Non residential Private Garden Shed 180 224
Non residential Private greenhouse 1 2
Non residential Private Summer house 15 20
Property Class Location Fires Started 2019 2020
Dwelling/other residential Garage 47 43
Dwelling/other residential Office 2 2
I hope you find this information of use. We have dealt with your request
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For more information about this
process please see the guidance we publish about making a request [1]on
our website.
Kind regards,
Michelle Essiet
Information Access
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 0208555 1200
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