We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are TJ Jordan please sign in and let everyone know.

Shared heating system maintenance

We're waiting for TJ Jordan to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make a freedom of information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please could you answer the following questions.

1. How many times have the council arranged for a shared central heating system (i.e. one that heats multiple houses, such as on an estate) to undergo maintenance since September 2021? Please split this figure into the following periods: September 2021-August 2022 (inclusive), September 2022-August 2023, September 2023-present.

2. For each of these occasions, please provide a start date and end date. For works that have not yet finished, please provide a planned end date or estimated length of project where this is noted. Please provide this information in an Excel format.

I would like to remind you of your legal responsibility to respond within 20 days.

Yours faithfully,

TJ Jordan

Freedom Of Information (NELC), North East Lincolnshire Council

Dear Sir / Madam

Thank you for your information request, reference NELC/30386/2324 which

1. How many times have the council arranged for a shared central heating
system (i.e. one that heats multiple houses, such as on an estate) to
undergo maintenance since September 2021? Please split this figure into
the following periods: September 2021-August 2022 (inclusive), September
2022-August 2023, September 2023-present.


2. For each of these occasions, please provide a start date and end date.
For works that have not yet finished, please provide a planned end date or
estimated length of project where this is noted. Please provide this
information in an Excel format.

Under section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act I can confirm that North
East Lincolnshire Council does not hold the information you have

North East Lincolnshire Council does not hold this information as our
social housing stock was transferred through a Large Scale Voluntary
Transfer (LSVT) to a new registered provider of housing, Shoreline Housing
Partnership Ltd (now Lincolnshire Housing Partnership) on the 21^st March
2005. If you would like to contact the Lincolnshire Housing Partnership
you can do so by email at:  [1][email address].

For further information about the Lincolnshire Housing Partnership please
visit their website at [2]https://www.lincolnshirehp.com/contact-us/.


If you believe that your request for information has not been handled in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to
request an internal review by the Council. If you wish to request an
internal review, please write to us detailing the reasons why. Please be
clear about which elements of the Council’s response or handling of the
request you are unhappy with, and would like the Council to address during
the internal review process.  If following this you are still dissatisfied
you may contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.


Yours sincerely


North East Lincolnshire Council



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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are TJ Jordan please sign in and let everyone know.