Shared Care Records under the new ICS / ICB System
Dear West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership,
I'm writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to ask that you please disclose to me details of the shared care records created under your ICB (I'm aware that as this is a transitional process, that in some instances trusts or CCGs have been copied into this Email, as it's not entirely clear the status of establishment of all, hence my reason for doing so.
My questions:
1. how many of the ICS/ICBs are created already, and operational / is yours
2. How many / has yours created shared care records?
3. Who were the systems that these records sit on created by, as in which third party software provider (for instance, Graphnet)
4. Who creates the Shared Care Records themselves, ie GPs, Hospitals, Social Care Providers (if so, please name them for your area).
5. Who, outside of the NHS has access to them? For instance; DwP, Immigration, Local Councils, GPs, the local Police, Social Care, or private health providers (if so, this last question is in two parts - firstly a confirmation or denial that this is or is not the case - then a list of the private providers you work with please).
6. How do people opt out of this if they want to?
7. How have people been told they can opt out, as in, by Email, Phone, leaflet in local GP surgery. and what % of people that your ICB (or relevant body) covered have been informed directly about this restructuring or their records, and to stress, how have they been most importantly - please list any and all initiatives for this.
8. How many opt outs have their been?
9. Is awareness for the ShCRs being done at any point on a national level, or as stated above, purely through brochures inside local clinics - please explain any national drive there is to inform people of this new set of decisions, and what the response has been to it (ie both the methods people have responded by, and amount of people who have responded)
Yours faithfully,
Max Colbert
The Citizens
Dear Max
Thank you for your request for information regarding Shared Care Records
under the new ICS / ICB System.
Your request was received Tuesday 14^th June 2022 and will be processed
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we
will let you know. A fees notice will be issued to you, which you will be
required to pay, before we proceed to deal with your request.
Please note, from 1 April 2017 we became NHS North Cumbria Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG). We will advise if you need to send your request
to NHS Morecambe Bay CCG, which now has responsibility for commissioning
in South Cumbria.
If you have any queries regarding this email, please contact
[1][email address] or telephone the CCG Reception on 01768 245486.
Please remember to quote reference number CF3098 in any future
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group
Our shared Values
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