Shared care for adult ADHD
Dear NHS South West London Integrated Care Board,
I’m requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I would like information on shared care agreements in general practice within your area, and therefore would be grateful if you would answer the following questions:
1. Have you issued any guidance to GP practices regarding signing shared care agreements for the prescribing of medication for adult ADHD?
2. Has your organisation implemented any formal (or informal) policy changes regarding GPs signing shared care agreements for the prescribing of medication adult ADHD?
3. Do you have any documented guidelines or protocols in place that outline the approach GPs should take regarding signing shared care agreements for the prescribing of medication for adult ADHD?
4. Can you provide any records indicating discussions, decisions, or considerations related to the provision of medication for adult ADHD?
5. Can you provide correspondence, meeting minutes, or any other relevant documentation discussing the provision of medication for adults with ADHD?
6. Have there been any complaints or concerns raised by healthcare professionals, staff, or patients regarding the limited provision of care for adults with ADHD?
Yours faithfully,
James Brown
Dear Mr Brown,
RE: Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to formally acknowledge your request for information regarding Shared care for adult ADHD, which will be processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm your request was received on 03 September 2023 by NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (ICB). The reference for your request is shown below.
FOI.23.SWL522 NHS South West London ICB
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the information you have requested is held by the ICB and if so, whether it can be released in accordance with the legislation.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request, please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
[NHS South West London Integrated Care Board request email] |
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Dear Mr Brown
Please find attached response to FOI request reference FOI.23.SWL522, on
behalf of NHS South West London ICB.
Kind regards
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
[1][NHS South West London Integrated Care Board request email]
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Dear NHS South West London Integrated Care Board,
Thank you for your response.
I would be greater for further clarification on the following questions, to which you answered "The ICB does not hold this information":
4. Can you provide any records indicating discussions, decisions, or considerations
related to the provision of medication for adult ADHD?
5. Can you provide correspondence, meeting minutes, or any other relevant
documentation discussing the provision of medication for adults with ADHD?
Can you please clarify, are you indicating that there were no meetings that no meetings or correspondence has taken place on the issues raised in the original FOI, or that you do not routinely store minutes from meetings or email correspondence? Please clarify what "not holding this information means".
Yours faithfully,
James Brown
Dear Mr Brown
Please find attached response to request reference FOI.23.SWL522, on
behalf of NHS South West London ICB.
Kind regards
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
[1][NHS South West London Integrated Care Board request email]
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