Sexual offences at the Army Foundation College, Harrogate (follow-up)

David Gee made this Freedom of Information request to North Yorkshire Police Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was refused by North Yorkshire Police.

Dear Carly Busfield

Thank you very much for your full reply to my earlier Freedom of Information request (ref. 494.2023-24, 14 September 2023).

I'd like to ask a follow-up.

A. Do you have any further information about the suspected perpetrators of these offences? Specifically, it would be useful to know any of the following:

- Their ages or, if that information is not available, how many were minors and how many were adults at the time of the reported offences.
- How many suspected perpetrators were on the college's staff at the time, if any.
- Whether any prosecutions have taken place, and if so, what the outcomes were.

B. It would also be useful to know how many of the victims were aged under 18 at the time.

I appreciate that it may be the case that not all this information may be safely released.

For ease of reference, a link to your response to the original request is here:

Thank you again for your attention to this.

David Gee

Civil Disclosure,

Thank you for your disclosure enquiry, please treat this as an acknowledgement of receipt.

Please note, we are currently experiencing some significant delays within the Unit due to a high volume of disclosure requests. Although every effort will be made to ensure a response is provided within statutory deadlines, due to the present circumstances delays may be unavoidable.
We apologise for any inconvenience and will endeavour to process your request as quickly as is practicable, but we ask for your patience and understanding if you do experience a delay.
As the delivery of your rights is important, to assist we have provided a list of frequently asked questions below. If your query can be answered using the information provided, please can you recall your original message so we can prioritise other requests.

• Email address: [email address]
• Telephone number: 01609 643526
• Postal address for Civil Disclosure Unit: Civil Disclosure Unit, Evolve Legal, North Yorkshire Police HQ, Alverton Court, Crosby Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 1BF

• Payments: Cheques payable to North Yorkshire PFCC, or BACS - details provided on request

Frequently Asked Questions

Cafcass/S7 & S37 Requests
No fee. Please state what information is specifically required, the due date and any upcoming hearing dates. If historical data is required, please provide evidence as to why this data is necessary.

Civil Proceedings - Solicitors
Fee £106.80. If you are a solicitor or legal representative requesting information on behalf of your client for civil proceedings, then please state what information is specifically required and the lawful basis.
You will need to include your client’s explicit written consent to receive information on their behalf and you will also need to submit copies of two forms of ID showing your clients name, date of birth and current address (copies and certified copies will be accepted).

Court Orders
Private £106.80
Local Authority £30.44
Additional fees may apply
Please submit a copy of the sealed court order detailing what information is required and when.
There is a fee for Private / Family proceedings. Fees will be invoiced.

PNC Criminal Records Checks / Police Certificates
Home ( Please check their website for fees.
Requests for criminal record data held on the Police National Computer (i.e. convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings). Please make an application to the Criminal Records Office – ACRO.

Freedom of Information Requests
No fee. Prior to submitting an FOI request please check the FOI Disclosure Log: Published items | North Yorkshire Police to see if a similar request has already been published, or review any nationally published information.

Insurance Requests – Thefts / Stolen vehicles
Fee £152.50. If you are an insurance company and are wishing to request Police information such as a crime/incident report in relation to a theft / stolen vehicle then you will need to submit the appropriate Appendix D(b) form signed by your insured: npcc-data-sharing-guidance.pdf ( Forms can be emailed or posted to the above address.

Legal Aid Evidence Requests
No fee. Downloadable form available I'd like to request information about myself for a legal aid application | North Yorkshire Police. Forms are also available at police stations, or can be requested by emailing Civil Disclosure.
Copies of two forms of identification are required; one showing your name and date of birth and a second showing your name and current address before a request becomes valid.

Regulatory Requests
Fee £106.80 for up to 2 hours work. Additional fees may apply. If you are a regulatory body and require information held by North Yorkshire Police in relation to a member of your profession, then you will need to make a written application detailing what specific information is required and the
lawful basis for the request. Please note that we seek representations from the individual and give them 14 days to respond so requests may take up to 4 weeks to process. Invoices will be sent by post with disclosure following consent being given to the fee.

Requests for interview / statement from a Police Officer
Fee £169.90. The officer is not obliged to be interviewed and these are provided at the officer’s discretion. The fee will be invoiced post interview.

Road Traffic Collisions (RTC)
Fees are required. Please contact the Traffic Bureau If you require a copy of the RTC report (£118.30), please email: [email address] or write to Collision Enquiries, Traffic Bureau, Athena House, Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF

Safeguarding concern (urgent)
Vulnerability Assessment Team No Vulnerability Assessment Team email: [email address]
The Vulnerability Assessment Team is available during office hours Monday to Friday.

Subject Access Requests
No fee. If you are seeking access to information about yourself which may be held by the force, then you will need to make a Subject Access request. Request online I'd like to request information about myself | North Yorkshire Police, visit any Police Station or verbally by telephone. Copies of two forms of identification are required; one showing your name and date of birth and a second showing your name and current address before a request becomes valid. Further information is available on the force website.

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Dear North Yorkshire Police,

I understand that you're very busy dealing with requests at the moment. Are you able to offer me a target date for a response?

With thanks,

David Gee

Saunders, Sarah,

Good morning

Thank you for your below email.

Please accept our apologies that we haven't yet responded to your FOI request ref 0669.2023-24. We have received a large number of requests which has caused a delay in response time. We will endeavour to respond as soon as we can.

Kind regards


Sarah Saunders
Collar Number 4868
Administration Assistant (Civil Disclosure)
North Yorkshire Police
Evolve Legal Services

Evolve Legal Services, North Yorkshire Police HQ, Alverton Court, Crosby Road, Northallerton DL6 1BF
DX 68810 Northallerton 2

Civil Disclosure Direct Dial: 01609 643526
[email address]

Dial 101, press option 2 and ask for me by my full name or collar number. If using my collar number please state each number individually.

My usual working hours are Monday 09:00-12:30, Tuesday 9:00-13:00, Wednesday 09:00-12:30, Thursday 9:00-13:00 and Friday 09:00-12:30.

Please Note: North Yorkshire Police Email addresses have now changed and the .PNN has been removed. Please update your records for NYP contacts accordingly.

Committed to the Code of Ethics

Evolve Legal Services is a collaboration delivering professional services on behalf of the Chief Constables and elected Commissioners of Cleveland Police, Durham Constabulary and North Yorkshire Police.


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Busfield, Carly,

2 Attachments

Dear applicant,


Please see attached a reply to your Freedom of Information request.




Carly Busfield

Collar Number 4934

Legal Officer (Civil Disclosure) North Yorkshire Police

Evolve Legal Services


Joint Corporate Legal Services, North Yorkshire Police HQ, Alverton Court,
Crosby Road, Northallerton DL6 1BF

DX 68810 Northallerton 2


Civil Disclosure Direct Dial: 01609 643526




Committed to the Code of Ethics

Evolve Legal Services is a collaboration delivering professional services
on behalf of the Chief Constables and elected Commissioners of Cleveland
Police, Durham Constabulary and North Yorkshire Police.






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