Sexual Assault Statistics

The request was successful.

Dear Imperial College London,

I would like to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. I would like to request the following information:

> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017, in total.
> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017 that resulted in disciplinary action.
> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017, broken down by year.
> The number of sexual harassment complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017.
> The number of sexual assault complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017.
> The number of rape complaints dealt with by the College between 2010–2017.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Ericson

IMPFOI, Imperial College London

Dear Mr Ericson,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your request below, made under the Freedom of Information Act. The College aims to respond to your request within twenty working days of receipt of your request.

We will contact you again in due course.

Kind regards,

Bryony Greenfield

Dear Ms Greenfield,

I would like to follow up on this FOI request, which is now overdue.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Ericson

IMPFOI, Imperial College London

Dear Mr Ericson,

Thank you for your email.

We are still working on your FOI request. We will send you a response as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Bryony Greenfield

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IMPFOI, Imperial College London

Dear Mr Ericson,


Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request.


Please find below the College’s response to your questions:


> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt
with by the College between 2010–2017, in total.


Between 2010 and 2017 there were 11 sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape
complaints dealt with by the College. This includes allegations made
against students and staff.


Please note that with regards to complaints made against students,  the
College only holds records dating back to 2013 (although records of cases
that proceeded to a disciplinary hearing have been kept for the full
period requested). It is therefore possible that between 2010 and 2013
there may have been additional complaints made to the College, but which
did not proceed to a disciplinary hearing; the College no longer has
records of any such complaints.



> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt
with by the College between 2010–2017 that resulted in disciplinary


Between 2010 and 2017 there were 7 sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape
complaints dealt with by the College that resulted in disciplinary action,
i.e. they proceeded to a disciplinary hearing.  This includes allegations
made against students and staff.


> The number of sexual harassment/sexual assault/rape complaints dealt
with by the College between 2010–2017, broken down by year.


We are unable to provide the figures broken down by year as, due to the
small numbers involved, individuals may otherwise be identifiable from the
data provided. This information is therefore exempt from disclosure under
Section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act, which states that "any
information to which a request for information relates is also exempt
information if - (a) it constitutes personal data."


> The number of sexual harassment complaints dealt with by the College
between 2010–2017.


We are unable to provide the number of sexual harassment complaints as in
doing so the number of sexual assault complaints would also be
identifiable. As the number of sexual assault complaints falls into the
category of ‘five or fewer’, providing the exact figure may lead to
individuals being identifiable from the data provided. This information is
therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 40 (2) of the Freedom of
Information Act, which states that "any information to which a request for
information relates is also exempt information if - (a) it constitutes
personal data."


> The number of sexual assault complaints dealt with by the College
between 2010–2017.


‘Five or fewer’. As explained above, we are unable to provide the exact
figure as, due to the small numbers involved, individuals may otherwise be
identifiable from the data provided. This information is therefore exempt
from disclosure under Section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act,
which states that "any information to which a request for information
relates is also exempt information if - (a) it constitutes personal data."


> The number of rape complaints dealt with by the College between




I am obliged, under the Freedom of Information Act, to inform you of our
complaints procedures in case you are unhappy about the way in which your
request has been dealt with. If you wish to complain about this response,
you should contact the College Secretary at the address below.


The College Secretary

Imperial College London

Exhibition Road



E-mail: [1][email address]                   


If you are unhappy about the way in which the College Secretary handles
your complaint then you may have recourse to the official regulator for
the Freedom of Information Act who is:


The Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






Kind regards,


Bryony Greenfield




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