Sexual abuse / assaults on pupils since 2011.

The request was successful.

Dear Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees,

Following on from another request, I would like to know how many, if any, cases of sexual abuse or assault have occurred on pupils since 2011 please.

I would also like to know what happened to the perpetrator of said crime.

What help did you offer to any victim of said crime?

Please give me all information available, and I'm not looking exclusively at teaching staff on pupils, but also pupil on pupil, or anything involving a pupil.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

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Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

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Dear Sharon McHale,

Thank you for the reply. I would have thought that you would keep a separate record of any pupils who had been sexually abused or assaulted within the school.

I've looked at your behaviour policies listed on your website and part of it states :-

Physical Intervention will be undertaken strictly in line with Trust guidelines and recognised professional
practice e.g. Team Teach. Only those staff who meet training regulation standards will be allowed to
participate in physical intervention with students.
• All physical interventions will be recorded and held centrally. Incident books will be held in the
main office of each academy and staff will be expected to complete records in the office on the
day of the incident.
• Physical interventions will be analysed monthly at an academy level and termly analysis reported
to HELT.
• As far as reasonably possible, internal exclusion will be used for those infringements of the
discipline system that cannot be dealt with by lessor sanctions.
• Exclusion from an academy will take place only in accordance with Trust policy and procedure.
Exclusion should be used only where lesser sanctions have proved ineffective or the seriousness
of the individual incident warrants it.

Do sexual abuse or assaults not count as something you would record and hold centrally in such incident books?

Would they not be covered by exclusions, if it was a case of pupil on pupil assault? Do you not have a list of pupils that have been excluded for serious matters, or this internal exclusion?

If a member of staff sexually abused or assaulted another member of staff or a pupil, would you not record that somewhere and take appropriate action?

If someone was abused or assaulted, I would have thought you would have no alternative but to follow Stockton Safeguarding Children Board procedures and inform The Children’s Hub/First Contact
or police of their concern. Is this not correct? Do you not keep a record of this?

Does the designated safeguarding lead not keep records on this information?

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

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Dear Mr Smith


Please find attached a reply to your last email.



Sharon McHale

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Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (company No. 08608287) and
exempt charity Registered in England and Wales at Abbey Hill Academy,
Ketton Road, Stockton-On-Tees, TS19 8BU ************

Dear Sharon McHale,

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the delay in my response.

I did expect my original request to only cover sexual abuse or assaults at school. Obviously I'm not interested in any of these events that happened outside of school, unless the police were involved, I don't expect you;d have any information on this. I could have maybe been a little more clear.

I'm asking explicitly for sexual abuse or any assaults that have occurred at school, on school premises, during the school opening hours, involving anyone in the school. This involves attacks on pupils by other pupils, pupils by staff, staff by pupils, or staff by staff, from 2011 to the present day, and what actions were taken against the perpetrator of the crime.

I trust this clarifies my original request, but if not, please feel free to get back to me. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith

Please find attached a response to your request.


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